View Full Version : Burning Smell

04-26-2004, 08:04 PM
So i'm kinda confused but i went to go get a oil change and an engine flush at wal-mart..... But the other day after i got home i stepped out the car and i smelled a burning smell..... Any one know whats going on??:dunno:

04-26-2004, 08:09 PM
what kind of burning smell? 1st guess would obviously be coolant or oil that may have found its way onto the engine block or something.
burning coolant smells sweet
burning oil smells like, well, burning oil? i guess. generally blue in color

04-26-2004, 08:20 PM
It won't be coolant i was thinking it would be burning oil..... but what could have wal mart done to have possibly casued that? becasue i didn't smell it before:dunno:

EK 2.0
04-26-2004, 08:23 PM
Originally posted by Frostiex
It won't be coolant i was thinking it would be burning oil..... but what could have wal mart done to have possibly casued that? becasue i didn't smell it before:dunno:

it might have spilled...they are kinda known for slack-ass work...Take your car and wash the engine bay, if the smell still persists after that take it to a mechanic, and keep an eye on your oil and fluid levels in the meantime...

04-26-2004, 08:36 PM
Oil change and coolant flush at Wal-Mart?! AHAHAHAHAHA:rofl:

Could they have gotten any oil on the exhaust?? That could probably do it.

04-26-2004, 10:20 PM
Let the motor get to operating temp and pop the hood. See where the smoke is coming from. It most likely was just oil that leaked onto the manifold, etc. But you just want to be sure it isn't a rag or something else that is burning. That happens plenty of times after getting an oil change! If it is only oil, it'll burn off very quickly.

04-26-2004, 10:40 PM
Originally posted by hendosa
Oil change and coolant flush at Wal-Mart?! AHAHAHAHAHA:rofl:

I take my car for oil changes there all the time during the winter. I've actually found their service to be very good.

On my celica, the filter is screwed on inverted so it spills when you take it off no matter what. Obviously this makes a bit of a burning smell for a while. I don't know what the deal is with your burning smell but my guess is that it is just some oil that got spilled onto the exhaust manifold.

04-26-2004, 11:40 PM
Originally posted by davidI
I take my car for oil changes there all the time during the winter. I've actually found their service to be very good.
I'm sorry man, it was just the idea of Wal-Mart doing oil changes AHAHAHAHA it still gets me going, I am guessing they are better than CT at least?