View Full Version : Opinions on DVD-Rom?

D'z Nutz
10-13-2002, 01:24 AM
I'm thinking about getting a DVD-Rom and I was wondering what people's opinions are about them. I'm able to get an LG 16x DVD-Rom for a pretty decent price. What kind of software is available for viewing DVD's? Is the quality generally good?

10-13-2002, 01:26 AM
I bought a Sony DVD Drive, lasted 3 movies...I have PowerDVD software...and it worked great for those 3 movies...:banghead:

10-13-2002, 01:29 AM
I've got powerdvd too. its pretty nice.

10-13-2002, 01:43 AM
Ok, DVD-ROM drives are ok, but if you are like me and spend all fucking day at my computer or someone elses, you dont wanna watch a movie on it at the end of the day....
The quality is really good, but it depends on your video card, I would reccomend something with 64MB or higher and a pretty decent referesh rate...

As for programs, the most popular are:
Asustek DVD
and if you have an ATI video card like me. ATI DVD.

Now a DVD-ROM drive will read regular CD data at a 3x whatever speed you are getting, so if you are looking at a 16x DVD ROM drive it will read CD's at 48x