View Full Version : The Official L337-English Translation Resource

04-30-2004, 08:01 PM
this is so we can under stand nismodrifter ans zorro's posts

Rules of L337/English translation

1) Most L337 words are generally normal words, but with symbols, or combinations of symbols, used to replace letters. (See below, L337 Alphabet)

2) Whenever describing an action of somebody, always put a / and a general indicator of the person performing said act before the action. Then all words in the sentece must be in the present tense. (For example; /Me runs to get coffee, BRB.) This rule is mostly used when telling somebody what you are about to do.

3) Many L337 words are just odd abriviations of English words. (For example; the word L337 is an odd abriviation of the word Elite, chosen as the Name of the language as it was the first L337 word.)

4) Most other rules, such as sentence and paragraph structure are the same as English.

5) Slang also influences the choice of words and how long one sentence is. (e.g. "h3ll0, |\/|y n4m3 i5 3r1ck" is not l33t... "y0, mi3 n4m3 s| eRiCk", is something closer to l33t)

6) There are no upper case or lower case letters in the L337 language.

7) L337 Light and Hardore L337 are used in different situations, depending on respect for the person being spoken to or fluency in either version. If using L337 Light to talk to someone of whome you respect greatly, it's always polite to apologize before hand, as L337 Light is reserved for friends, acquaintences, strangers, and family, people unknown or known well. Hardcore L337 is used when talking to someone of higher authority or respect, or to make oneself look important (This is frowned upon though).

8) While writing with L337 Light and excalamation is needed, it's the same sssymbol as the I, so when reading, if there's an ! at the end of a sentence, it is an exclamation.

9) Proper names are always spelled out in English letters, with capitals at the beginning, but handles and knicknames are always spelled out in L337, following L337 rules.

Other rules may be found while learning to speak, or speaking L337, just remember them and always use them, they may not be obvious to the non-fluent speaker though.

The L337 Alphabet

English Letter- L337 Substitute (Most people tend to speak with easier to understand letters, L337 Light, these are not as pure as Hardcore, but both are acceptable. L337 Light letters can be found to the right of the Hardcore letters.)

Hardcore L337 L337 Light

A- @ ___________ A- @
B- |3 ___________ B- B
C- ( ___________ C- C
D- |) ___________ D- D
E- 3 ___________ E- 3
F- |[ ___________ F- F
G- 6 ___________ G- 6
H- |{ ___________ H- H
I- | ___________ I- !
J- _| ___________ J- J
K- |< ___________ K- K
L- |_ ___________ L- 1
M- |V| ___________ M- M
N- |\| ___________ N- N
O- 0 ___________ O- 0
P- |o ___________ P- P
Q- 0, ___________ Q- Q
R- |)\ ___________ R- R
S- 5 ___________ S- 5
T- 7 ___________ T- 7
U- |_| ___________ U- U
V- \/ ___________ V- V
W- |/\| ___________ W- W
X- \/ ___________
/\ ___________ X- X
Y- \/ ___________
| ___________ Y- Y
Z- -\_ ___________ Z- 2

A Sample Conversation In L337 Light

Joey- H3Y, BUD!
Bill- H3Y, D0 ! KN0W U?
Joey- N0, ! JUS7 W@N7 D1R3CT!0N5 70 7H3 M@Y0R'5 0FF1C3. C0U1D U H31P M3?
Bill- 5UR3, D0WN 7H@7 57R337 @ND @R0UND 7H@7 C0RN3R, !7'5 R!6H7 7H3R3, U
C@N'7 M!55 !7.
jOEY- 7H@NX M@N!

Take your time and study the above conversation, when you can read it easily, move on to the next conversation.

A Sample Conversation In Hardcore L337

Clerk- |V| @ \/ | |{ 3 |_| |o |_|, 5 | |)\?
Joey- \/ 3 5, |_| ( @ |\|, | ' |\/| |_ 0 0 |< | |\| 6 |[ 0 |)\
7 |{ 3 |\/| @ \/ 0 |)\.
Clerk- | ' |\/| 5 0 |)\ |)\ \/, |{ 3' 5 |\| 0 7 | |\|
|)\ | 6 |{ 7 |\| 0 |/\|.

Joey- 0 |<, 7 |{ @ |\| \/.

Take your time and study the above conversation, when you can read it easily, you've surpassed the fluency of this writer.

L337 may be hard to learn as a second language, but as a first, it would probably be very easy, writing L337 is the hardest part. No matter, keep with it and you will be among thousands of people who speak and understand L337 as a second language.

Download the 133t translator (http://www.cscentral.com/features/l33t/l33t_v12.zip)

04-30-2004, 08:15 PM
holy... the second converstation makes no sense

04-30-2004, 11:32 PM
Originally posted by SinisterProbeGt

7)Hardcore L337 is used when talking to someone of higher authority or respect, or to make oneself look important (This is frowned upon though).

Time to bust out the L337 when using written correspondence with my boss.. i can't believe how seriously some fags take this shit :rolleyes: