View Full Version : looking into a rado

05-11-2004, 03:09 PM
What is your guys opinions on corrados? i've never owned a vw and am looking into selling my integra for one. my friend has a gti and says it is a solid engine, vw has had the same engine for about 10 years now havnt they? just wondering your guys opinions

05-11-2004, 03:53 PM
depends which corrado. the g60 has a bulletproof engine but the charger could have issues unless well maintained. the vr6 is a pretty safe bet and a bit quicker stock, but being a VW, parts arn't that cheap.

There are more knowledgable folks on them than me though.

ole dsm
05-11-2004, 09:34 PM
a few years ago i owned a passat g60
and all i've got to say is stay away from a g60! unless u got money to burn ! and ur best buddies with someone very familiar w/a g charger.
the charger is so odd ball that many mechanic's knew nothing about them or how they worked . u don't even want to know how hard and expensive they are to find parts for.
as well u can get more power out of the g60 but u are limited by the digifart system(junk) it can't keep up with the fuelling beyond 12-15psi or somthing?

the vr6 from what i remember had some issuses with cooling ,but thats the extent of my knowledge on vr6's

idealy i would buy a rado w/ blowen g60 and turbo it! or swap a 1.8T.

05-11-2004, 10:34 PM
Ok I was going to get a G60 Corrado, but decided against it because I heard that they are not very good mechanically. Mostly just the charger, but then theres the sunroof, spoiler, power windows.... etc that go wrong. Ive heard very good things from the VR6, only problem is the timing chains break sometimes. Also, it is cheaper to mod a G60 compared to a VR6. So if you're a teenager who buys mods from paycheque to paycheque, I would say go G60. The VR6 would be more reliable, harder to get HP out of tho. Personally, I would go with the G60, but I like project cars

05-11-2004, 10:42 PM
See I would go the opposite way........The G60 has huge issues with the supercharger system. The VR6 is a good car and shouldn't give you any real troubles. I personally dont like the car due to the way it drives but just personal opinion. Dunno about the timing chains breaking......timing chains are a much better system than the timing belt (chain is just noisier) but I dont know if this particular one is weak. And again on the contrary, i wouldn't buy the G60 if your going from paycheck to paycheck because you are bound to find things that break! 21st century auto has a real nice and clean one up there right now.

Roaring G60
05-11-2004, 11:10 PM
Originally posted by Euro_Trash
they are not very good mechanically. Mostly just the charger, but then theres the sunroof, spoiler, power windows.... etc that go wrong.
My experiance with my 91, g60 has lead to these conclusions

See these things are related to the chassis not the motor and therefore can be found in all three engine variants of the rado(not talking about the charger).

On the charger side of things, i have found then to be reliable as anything, however they do require maintance. Which can be costly, however with a little guidance from someone. You too can learn to do this maintance, Providing you have a little mechanical knowledge. I have uterly abused my charger and it's not worse for wear.( think-severly underdriven)

Digi 1 is not as bad as digi 2,and now there are guys smashing out code for these that have redefined digi 1 proformance!!! Also if you choose to run more than 1 bar of boost on stock internals ecu mods are available as well to allow anything up to 3 bar. It is true that they are under fueled (fuel pump) and under injectored , but is anything when you increase boost/hp???

As far as the block and internals go, as HJR indicated they are pretty much bullet proof, however if it a high milege block the rod bearing probably need refreshing. not a big deal

If you want a more detailed run down of corrado's pm me

05-11-2004, 11:21 PM
Well Rado's are reliable cars if you maintain them well. Like any other cars if you treat a corrado like a race car then expect to rebuild it and replace parts like a race car, treat a corrado like a normal daily driver and it'll be fine. I too are looking at a rado but you gotta be careful on which one to choose. The 21st century one is a nice one but it's a little pricey, but last I checked, the car isnt there anymore. But rado's are decently fast and are great handling cars, plus you get the added bonus that they're quite rare.

05-12-2004, 02:28 AM
From everyone I have talked to, a Corrado is always going to be a project car. Its going to be expensive and you are going to have to do a lot of maintenance and possibly some restoration if its not mint already. Its not about reliability, its about performance and that cult feeling.

05-12-2004, 08:54 AM
I Own a "G60" and there are plenty of options available now as far as the chargers go.There the bbm Lysholm Charger,Eaton Superchargers,Ported and Rebuild G lader Chargers,Rotex,and Vortec.Theres also Plenty of turbo arangments that are available as well.Most of the induction stuff can be found on vortex and for very good price.

When i purchased my corrado i chose the g60 rather than the VR6 Based on repair cost and tunebility.The reliability on the g60 is good if well taken care of.Regular oil changes, turbo timer and changing the clog belt will increase the life span greatly.

There's Something very addictive about the sound of a supercharger.