View Full Version : Crowfoot Tonight?

10-19-2002, 01:27 AM
Did anyone have the pleasure of being in Crowfoot tonight? I went to pick up my girl after she finished work and got quite entertained.... Millions of kids.... Got flashed a few times by high school girls :rolleyes: had people run out in front of my car and try to get in.... :dunno:
The place was a fuckin zoo! I have never seen so many high schoolers in one place at one time.

But the most "interesting" part came when I was leaving to get a Timmys Iced Cap... I drove by the Petland to see a body in the corner sorta laying against the wall... No one else was around it. I pocketed my digital camera and got out of the car for a closer look. Snapped a few from a distance and moved closer. When I was about 50 feet away I could see it was a kid (highschooler probably)... I heard some sirens and I didnt want to hang around as a guy with a digital camera wearing a hoodie and all black clothes is not really the thing that cops overlook. So I retreated back to my car. The cops get out and walk over to the body. The one is wearing gloves and bends down and checks the persons pulse and backs up right away. They stand there with their backs to the body like 5 meters away, and talk on their radios. I am sitting in my car like 100 feet away and snapping pictures with the flash off of course like crazy. 15 mins pass and the officers dont move, they just hold up the perimeter, and sorta move people out of the area. Then an ambulance comes with no sirens, only lights. The paramedics seem to be taking their time as well. The approach the body, and the cops clear everyone from the scene. Still taking pictures at this point. The paramedics look at the body for like 2 mins and then put it on a stretcher and leave. The cops survey the area with flashlights for like 5 mins and then leave.

I heard from a few kids it was either a drug/alcohol overdose or maybe he was beaten up pretty bad...

I showed my parents the pictures when I got home and they deleted the memory card :banghead: :dunno:

Does anyone else know what went on? Or what happened. Kinda freaked me out. But in a way it seemed like I was just stuck in an episode of CSI.... I dunno.... It was messed.....

Thanks for letting me vent.... Weird night....


10-19-2002, 01:37 AM
damn, i'd sau wait for the news, if it is really serious, go to the cops and tell them what you saw.

why were there tonnes of kids?

10-19-2002, 01:40 AM
wow, that sounds like a pretty freaking crazy night.........

10-19-2002, 01:40 AM
Well I have nothing to tell the cops dude, they got there like literally 1 min after I got there and nothing else came between me and the person....
And I was about 50 feet away so I couldnt have tampered with evidence....
They got there RIGHT after me and secured the scene. If its an O'd or anything other than like murder chances are it WONT be on the news....

10-19-2002, 01:41 AM
i'd say keep an eye on the news in case.

so what was going on down there that attracted thousands of highschool kids?

10-19-2002, 01:53 AM
hmm...high school aged kids are getting way more hardcore these later years, just the past year at grandin, a few weeks before summer so much gang shit was going on, kids from bishop obyrne picking shit and stuff, sayin all these people gonna get cut up and shit, fights on school for about 2 days nonstop, mothers coming and slapping students for threatening their kids...wouldnt be surprise if its some of the same POS kids involved

10-19-2002, 01:56 AM
high school drama is gay :thumbsdow

glad i'm out of high school, i'm in chinook colledge. :bigpimp:

10-19-2002, 01:57 AM
Glad to know I wasn't the only one who saw all this bull shit in crowfoot tonight, I was heading to Schanks when I saw these teenagers everywhere, as it turns out (from what i heard, when i asked what was goin on) This kid was drunk and high and got punched in the nose and knocked out...

Stupid violence, stupid place for people to be running around doing nothing....

10-19-2002, 01:58 AM
High school is focked up.....
Like I am in Crowfoot a lot cus I used to work at the CompuDumb there and my gf still works in the area....
Tonight was pretty much the worst I have seen it around 8:45-9:00

10-19-2002, 02:02 AM
I agree it was hard to drive cause there was people walking, running, fighting, fucking, drinking, everywhere i looked

10-19-2002, 02:03 AM
DAMN HIGH SCHOOL KIDS!..wait thats me.
damn musta been scary dude.

10-19-2002, 02:05 AM
Originally posted by BigShow
I agree it was hard to drive cause there was people fucking, everywhere i looked
OK this was the one thing I didnt see.... :):poosie:

10-19-2002, 02:05 AM
ugh. its bad for me too, i live right by crescent. you couldn't count how many times EVERYONE tries to race you.

picture this.

center street and 12th ave north bound. 2 lanes that cut into 1. if you are in the left lane, people will ALWAYS try to cut around you in the right lane that is blocked by cars 100 feet up. so when they try and out run you and cut you off, and you don't let them, they get all pissy.

10-19-2002, 02:12 AM
Originally posted by finboy
ugh. its bad for me too, i live right by crescent. you couldn't count how many times EVERYONE tries to race you.

picture this.

center street and 12th ave north bound. 2 lanes that cut into 1. if you are in the left lane, people will ALWAYS try to cut around you in the right lane that is blocked by cars 100 feet up. so when they try and out run you and cut you off, and you don't let them, they get all pissy.

that's one thing i dont wanna picture...

10-19-2002, 02:17 AM
worst part is, have you ever seen crescents parking lot? ugh.

10-19-2002, 01:23 PM
I live in edgemont and have never seen anything like that, but I hardly go to crowfoot except in the afternoons sometimes for gas.

Crazy...I never get flashed? :banghead: haha

10-19-2002, 01:24 PM
Why did your parents delete your memory card?

10-19-2002, 01:44 PM
yeah crowfoot area was pretty crazy friday nights. drove by there last friday i see a lot kids standing around... acting like they were hardcore.. its pretty funny.

10-19-2002, 02:27 PM
i missed it
i was at crowfoot around 12:15 in morning

10-19-2002, 05:37 PM
You got a picture of the unconcious kid but not the flashers???

10-19-2002, 06:24 PM
Parents didnt want "morbid" pictures... Felt it was unappropriate and disrespectful to the persons family...

And the flashers... Well that happened while I was driving ;)

10-19-2002, 06:50 PM

10-19-2002, 08:53 PM
my brother was mentionning something to me today. i think has to do with what happened. i'll ask him when he gets home.

i hope that kid was alrite! kids can do a lot to fcuk up their lives, its really sad to see potentially good people throw their lives away

10-20-2002, 12:16 AM
Originally posted by RSeXy
my brother was mentionning something to me today. i think has to do with what happened. i'll ask him when he gets home.

i hope that kid was alrite! kids can do a lot to fcuk up their lives, its really sad to see potentially good people throw their lives away
PM me and let me know what he says, if it cant be said here that is....