View Full Version : you tell me what you like....

05-25-2004, 09:18 AM
hey just trying to get some feed back on my flyer designs here.
i'll post up the ones I have just tell me what ones you like and why..

Umm Lets go $50.00 bar tab for the best feedback.:thumbsup:
#2 http://www3.telus.net/sinisterprobegt/JudgeMent-Night.gif
and the last one.

05-25-2004, 09:45 AM
#1 would probably get the most attention, the rain with the electricity coming out of the guy's hands is definately eye catching but #3 and #6 give you more of an idea of what's really going on at the event (incase people don't read).

My vote goes to #3 but maybe find a better way to space/size out all the different words, they are a little confusing and they all jump out at you at once, but the main design and picture works really well :thumbsup:

**EDIT: If it's possible, turn the green in #3 to red, psychologically, your brain sees the color red first, thus drawing more immediate attention to your flyer.

05-25-2004, 09:50 AM
i'd say #3, but maybe in blue?

05-25-2004, 10:22 AM
I'd say 3 and 6 look most like flyers.

05-25-2004, 10:27 AM
Personally I'll never read those flyers, especially if they are very busy and whacked out...

A simple flyer with pertinent info and a crisp design/layout would promt me to read it before any of the other ones. Basically, Judgement Night qualifies for my vote...

05-25-2004, 10:37 AM
I agree with Zorro, keep it clean and simple

05-25-2004, 10:50 AM
3 looks the best, its fairly simple and it got the point a cross, I liked 7 it was simple and the graphics grabbed my attention. I liked 4 for the fact that it was simple. I didn’t like 5 to much it seemed a little boring to me. 6 was good as well, it would serve good as a hand out, small simple and to the point. I thought that 2 didn’t have enough information that went with it, and flyer 1 I also liked but I wouldn’t choose it to advertise a show. The best one I thought was number 3.

05-25-2004, 08:03 PM
I like the last one the best. It's simple enough that it's easy to read and not all clutered with crap, but yet eye catching enough to grab people's attention. Plus the colour scheme makes it look like something interesting and rowdey is going down.

My pick goes to #7 :thumbsup:

05-25-2004, 08:54 PM
One is cool looking but I'm voting for 3:thumbsup:

05-25-2004, 08:59 PM
here's my 2 cents!

i think the first one is just too bright. it looks good, but overall, there is just too much white. plus with all the text around the border, it makes it harder to read, because it diverts your attention every time you look away.

i like #2, but it is just too plain. you need to have a bit more than fire to get peoples attention (mabye if the flyer spontaneously combusted, it would work!). plus with all the writing in flames, it makes it hard to read. but i like it because it reminds me of the calgary flames.

#3 isn't bad, but personally as a guy, another guy that looks like a 'tard (no offence, first impression) and a record player just doesn't catch my attention enough. i would take one look at it and throw it away. but that's just me though.

#4 is just too red, and it doesn't show enough information. is this for a bar or a wierd s&m thing? nothing else needs to be said there.

#5 isn't bad, it is pretty plain and it shows everything that you need it to. i think it is almost too plain. but it ranks up there as well with me.

now, for #6, the very first time that i looked at it, the first thought that popped into my mind was radio shack. another stupid flyer with them trying to rip you off. beside that, it looks good, it gives you all the information, and it shows what the main theme is. 6.2 is even better, with an easier reading format, and more pictures for the illiterate people (yay phor fonix! :banghead: ).

#7 is my favorite, because not only does it give you all the information, but it also leaves curiosity in the readers mind. it tells everything that it needs to, and it looks great. if i were you, that would be my pick.

but looking at them generally, i like them all. i think that you are very talented, and i think that you have some great ideas. keep up the good work! :thumbsup:

05-25-2004, 09:05 PM
#1 is eye catching, and gives some details about the event without being cluttered. It grabs your attentions with cool effects, and then you can see at a glance the important info.

Whenever I get these, I always like the simpler, eye catching desings, rather than the ones that have a bunch of writing. I can tell immediately if its something I am interested in or not.

#7 is also good, and the balck and white may save you priniting costs? Though it doesn't have the date of the event on it, that is likely easily remedied. Would adding a splash of colour for the writing add more "pop" to #7?

05-25-2004, 10:36 PM
#5 was the only one that I actually remembered anything about the event. The picture wasn't too prominent, the text was nice and big, and had excellent contrast.

The problem with #3, 6, 7 was that the picture was too prominent (full color, sharp, positioned in the center). The text is small and crammed in where it would fit. This leads the eye simply to the picture, and it's too easy to not look at anything else.

05-26-2004, 01:36 PM
#7 looks the coolest I think. Just the 3d graphics on it look awesome.

05-28-2004, 08:59 AM
Here is another one its actually 2 a front side and a back side.

05-29-2004, 02:30 AM
I still say #3 turned red and letters rearanged :thumbsup:

06-01-2004, 10:38 AM
I say 3, quick and to the point, + Alot of the other ones are too much for just a flyer. IMO:thumbsup:

06-02-2004, 12:20 PM
Originally posted by SinisterProbeGt
hey just trying to get some feed back on my flyer designs here.
i'll post up the ones I have just tell me what ones you like and why..
Umm Lets go $50.00 bar tab for the best feedback.:thumbsup:

Originally posted by GorG
Winner $25.00 Gift Cert for The Venue This friday

Originally posted by infamous
Winner $50.00 Gift Cert for The Venue This friday

Thanks to all who played along I will be doing these every so often so look out for it.

The reason I picked these 2 responses was for content they explained why and what reason the liked or disliked each flyer.
Thanks guys you P.M awaits

06-02-2004, 08:59 PM
Go for number three man, it's the only one that made me feel as if I wasn't walking into my death chamber.:dunno:

06-02-2004, 09:07 PM
these flyers have already been used just getting some design tips.
I realise that our flyers seem quite dark and "sinister" looking but thats the point i want to put somthing out there that make our stuff differant than all the other music flyers out there.
I think our stuff has curb appeal and somthing you want to pick up just to find out what it is.

am i wrong on this idea?