View Full Version : Man.. I'm pretty mad..

10-20-2002, 01:17 AM
I know it's my fault for not having an alarm (can't afford one) and buying a nice deck and forgetting to take off the face plate.

I went to Sunridge Spectrum tonight to watch The Ring. I come outside to see that my car has been broken into. Everything in it gone.

Well there isn't much, my Sony deck got jacked, My Premiere deck got stolen. Fuck, I hate this shit but in the end I should have known better.

10-20-2002, 01:30 AM
what the hells goin on? I went to go see a movie last night and my car got broken into and my deck and amp were taken

10-20-2002, 01:32 AM
Man.. it really sucks.. they forced up my trunk really hard.. so now it doesn't even stay up anymore..

10-20-2002, 04:01 AM
what kind of decks?? :D wait...i just got an idea...does anyone have a civic coupe or sedan with a decent deck?? if you do, you should go to a movie, and i will hide in the trunk. if and when the thieves try to take your shit i will bash them with an aluminum baseball bat and call the cops. and we can catch these fuckers...i think it would work...

10-20-2002, 04:19 AM
u know what..since i never have anything to do..im gonna pick up some car audio stickers...lay some of my subs in the back of my jimmy..and just stand around and wait till someone trys to jack em..then i could knock the fuck outta them and call the cops...and ill feel good about it too:D :D :guns:

10-20-2002, 04:22 AM
we should have vehicles at every single theatre in the city on the same night..that way we can catch as many as possible..because after we catch the first ones the word will get around and i bet that the number of them going on will go down...

10-20-2002, 09:00 AM
Originally posted by defekt1

I went to Sunridge Spectrum tonight to watch The Ring. I come outside to see that my car has been broken into. Everything in it gone.

That sux ass.

I've got friends who got their ICE ripped off while watching a movie at Sunridge. Some of them even had alarms in their cars. That cinema is notorious for crap like this.

10-20-2002, 09:07 AM
It was the Pioneer Premiere deck with the little videos on the screen? Don't know if that helps.. it's not the model that plays mp3 though its the one below that mnodel..

Yeah.. it was gay... I was having such a good dayuntil then

10-20-2002, 10:12 AM
Do the police know anything about this? Cause this isn't stopping, and I think it might be the same people going around and breaking in.

10-20-2002, 11:27 AM
Holy Fck!!! Break ins are brutal right now!!!!!!

10-20-2002, 11:41 AM
you know wat, we can probably do that. get a civic as a bait, sit in theater parking lot for like an hour at night, and someone use a camcorder to wait for the theive the show up..

10-20-2002, 11:55 AM
Where did you guys park? Close to the theater where visible by others walking by? Or somewhere far away?

Are your decks detachable?

What goes around comes around, sorry to hear about what happened guys

Do you drive hatchbacks where your amp and subs can be visibly seen?

I'm under the impression that thieves targets cars that can be easily ripped off......

10-20-2002, 12:25 PM
Man, this really sucks! That's why I don't waste my time on car audio!! Too much of a hassle!! On my other two cars, I spent quite a bit, but after hearing all of this shit, I'm glad I didn't buy anything for my car! Shit, man, sorry to hear about that man!

10-20-2002, 12:28 PM
Originally posted by max_boost
I'm under the impression that thieves targets cars that can be easily ripped off......

not only that but it's cars that look like they're done up, even the slightest little bit of advertisement like one sticker or even a spoiler may imply that there is some sort of car audio in there. It sucks cuz for the guys like me that do up their cars on the outside, but have no car audio on the inside, those thieves are gonna be pretty disappointed!

10-20-2002, 12:29 PM
I don't really spend a whole lot on car audio either I guess. I have a pretty good deck and the sub and amp are good enough for me. It really sucks hearing about all the break ins lately. Seems to happen most often at C-Train stations and movie theatres.

I guess I should start taking my face plate off, generally I just leave it on.

10-20-2002, 12:40 PM
my deck was under the seat, subs were covered by a black carpet, and they still had the nerve to break in to my car! I wanna go back to canyon meadows with another civic and throw a nice deck in there and sit and wait with 6 people sittin in other cars just watching, call the cops and "detain" them, with the necessary force

10-20-2002, 12:43 PM

10-20-2002, 12:44 PM
Originally posted by LUDELVR
It sucks cuz for the guys like me that do up their cars on the outside, but have no car audio on the inside, those thieves are gonna be pretty disappointed! :werd: :werd: :werd:

10-20-2002, 01:06 PM
yeah my deck had a detachable face plate.. and I always take it out wherever I go with me.. and for some reason I just left it there when I went into the theatre .. at spectrum sunrdige spectrum... and then when I got out it was gone. .my other sony deck was gone too.... they took my black light... and my pipes!.. they didn't take my sony headphoens or anything..

I don't have any stickers or anything on my car ask Leo.. its just a stock crx and the only thing that you could consider a mod is the intake that Leo helped me out with... I don't have subs or anything.. just the 2 decks..

Man it licks but yeah nothing much you can do about it now right.. I mean its over and done with no point on keeping sulking about it.. I'll just go buy another deck or something or I'll stay deckless for awhile until I can get an alarm or whatever...

i'll take a picture later and show you guys how they got in.. bastards

10-20-2002, 01:14 PM
I don't think they would have targeted your car if you had your face detached......better luck next time, its too bad.....
thieves can go to hell!:guns:

10-20-2002, 01:15 PM
we should go there on like tuesday night or some shit...we can catch these little fuckers and make them pay....

D'z Nutz
10-20-2002, 01:20 PM
Originally posted by max_boost
I don't think they would have targeted your car if you had your face detached......better luck next time, its too bad.....
thieves can go to hell!:guns:

Not necessarily true. My friend had her car broken into and she had her face plate detached. They still took the deck, even though there wasn't a face. :(

D'z Nutz
10-20-2002, 01:22 PM
Originally posted by infamous
we should go there on like tuesday night or some shit...we can catch these little fuckers and make them pay....

Damn, sounds like you guys are pretty serious about this! You guys should bring a digital camera to catch them in the act and it makes for nice evidence :)

10-20-2002, 01:30 PM
well to be honest, i want to because i am sick of little fucks who think that they are hot shit stealing everyones stuff that doesn't belong to them....it annoys me because i am in the age group of kids that most likely does it....and i hate to see fellow members/friends have their shit stolen! argh :banghead: i swear if i ever catch those little fucks i am so going to :guns: them

10-20-2002, 01:35 PM
use Leo's lude as bait:P since there is nothign in it anyway :P and the rest of u guys, one holding a camcorder/digital camera, the others holding a baseball bat.. ! and let the game begin!
Headline on the news ( Drivers taking the law into their own hands... )

10-20-2002, 01:37 PM
yeah...but we have to have more people there..everyone who got a deck stolen or their car broken into should be there....then we won't need to call the cops...guaranteed he couldn't break into a car with broken hands and broken fingers.... :D

10-20-2002, 02:13 PM
Originally posted by kaput
I think that'd a a fun way to spend a friday or saturday night, provided we get to beat the shit outta someone and send them to jail of course. Otherwise it's a waste of time. Though it seems the odds are on our side lately...

im game.

lets do er up.

i hate theives

really ticks me off people use there hard working money to do up there cars and then some white trash theives go and steal it.

just isnt right and they deserve a lesson.

lets show up to these theives

Dope Dealer
10-20-2002, 02:56 PM
We need masks! :nut:

10-20-2002, 03:03 PM

perfect time too.

its halloween and every where is selling masks.

10-20-2002, 05:02 PM
Originally posted by MistaBrent

perfect time too.

its halloween and every where is selling masks.

Oh I got my costume already!! I"m in!!! but I need to bring my brother because my costume just wouldn't be the same with the other half! But the other problem, he's not really the fighting type!!

10-20-2002, 05:04 PM
Originally posted by Stratus_Power
use Leo's lude as bait:P since there is nothign in it anyway :P and the rest of u guys, one holding a camcorder/digital camera, the others holding a baseball bat.. ! and let the game begin!
Headline on the news ( Drivers taking the law into their own hands... )

hahaha, fuck that man! I'm not using my car for bait! Even though I don't have stereo stuff, I still don't want to worry about fixing anything that they break!!:rofl: Fuck, but I would love to beat the fuck outta the guys who would try and break into our cars!!

10-20-2002, 05:06 PM
the best bait car would be a honda

seems like thats whats being targetted.

we would just wait like 2 min away so they didnt know we were watching or anything.

and we could nab whoever the heck it is when there taking a deck out or something.

have like 10 -20 people

damn that would be great and i am 100% up for it.

fuck theives !

10-20-2002, 05:11 PM

I'm down for the civic as bait. But lets not talk about it on here as the thieves could be reading this.

PM me if anybody wants to do this. I will bring down some big guys.

10-20-2002, 05:15 PM
Originally posted by LUDELVR

hahaha, fuck that man! I'm not using my car for bait! Even though I don't have stereo stuff, I still don't want to worry about fixing anything that they break!!:rofl: Fuck, but I would love to beat the fuck outta the guys who would try and break into our cars!!

now what can possibly break? that you haven't already broken?!? hahah :rofl: :rofl:

Dope Dealer
10-20-2002, 05:39 PM
Originally posted by crxboi

now what can possibly break? that you haven't already broken?!? hahah :rofl: :rofl:

HAHAHA! Too funny. :thumbsup:

10-20-2002, 05:49 PM
haha sounds good, except one thing.

one holding a camcorder/digital camera, the others holding a baseball bat.. ! and let the game begin!

HAHAHA, yeah, lets beat the living crap out of people and catch it on tape!!!!

How about not?

You either call the cops, or you beat the crap out of them, one or the other.

I'm always up for a good fight, it's been awhile.

I think it wouldn't be a bad idea to try to get something done though, we should leave even leave the doors unlocked and go to that one theater whatever it's called, audio stickers all up on the windows, and teach some people a lesson.

10-20-2002, 05:49 PM
yo van, dude everything okay man?
fucking!! little cockroaches. how was the movie anyways?

hey next time we'll use my van as bait or something we'll hide in the back fuck then we fuck them up.

10-20-2002, 05:57 PM
you guys don't really need a bait car...just wait around till you see someone breaking into somebody's car!

Just make sure they didn't lock their keys in the car (like I did this morning :banghead: ) before you beat them up hahaha

10-20-2002, 06:04 PM
then while your keeping an eye on that mystery car people might think you wanna break in...:rofl:

10-20-2002, 06:14 PM
get a bait civic.. put a empty can as an exhaust..then put a sign saying " nice audio here" witha nice neon green arrow.. oh yeh

10-20-2002, 06:16 PM
so when is this "beat the thieves" meet happening??? :guns: sounds like fun!

10-20-2002, 06:56 PM
Yeah, I'm mad.. I'm down with this... I want to see those dudes behind bars or hit by a bar or something!... pm me the necessary details.. blah!

10-20-2002, 07:14 PM
just be happy you still got the bannana's !!!!:D

Dope Dealer
10-20-2002, 07:14 PM
If anything is going to happen, PM me details and I will be there, given I can make it.

10-20-2002, 07:27 PM
van just ICQ me if anything is gonna happen i'll be glad to help you.

10-20-2002, 07:38 PM
Hmph.. Do you think it might be someone in the forums who's breakin in? Cause there's no way that so many people from this forum could've had their cars broken into in 1 week.

10-20-2002, 07:39 PM
Originally posted by [GaGe]
Hmph.. Do you think it might be someone in the forums who's breakin in? Cause there's no way that so many people from this forum could've had their cars broken into in 1 week.

you never know...they could be jumping on the wagon to go along with this as well. but it could also be underground rats who are pro theifs.

10-20-2002, 07:42 PM
Originally posted by lammer
but it could also be underground rats who are pro theifs.

Dude, i'm not THAT young.

10-20-2002, 07:45 PM
best thing is to park somewhere visible...

10-20-2002, 07:48 PM
Originally posted by [GaGe]

Dude, i'm not THAT young.

i don't get it?:dunno: im not saying it was you.
im saying their could be some chop shop out there doing this for profit.

10-20-2002, 08:06 PM
Originally posted by Hakkola
haha sounds good, except one thing.
HAHAHA, yeah, lets beat the living crap out of people and catch it on tape!!!!
How about not?
You either call the cops, or you beat the crap out of them, one or the other.

That's why they invented editing features on camcorders!!!!!! hahahah:rofl: :thumbsup:

Originally posted by crxboi

now what can possibly break? that you haven't already broken?!? hahah :rofl: :rofl:

As for you, hahahahahahaha!!!!!!! Fag! But just to set the record straight, everything that I've done is still in good working order and has never broken down...... yet hahah, so my track record is pretty much clean! haha (knock on wood) hahaha

10-20-2002, 08:13 PM
alright let the pm'ing begin!

10-20-2002, 08:16 PM
i doubt its anyone on this forum

simply because no one from this forum new that those guys were going to the movies lol !!!!

10-20-2002, 08:35 PM
who knows if its someone on this forum???
but one thing i hate....is when there are fags who buy their shit stolen and then get pissed off when it gets ripped off from them. by buying stolen people support this stuff....the only way to stop it is to not have a market for people to sell stolen stuff

shit man....i am not putting anything in my car anymore.
this is too much ...i will jus keep my sub in my house or something....at least until i get a good alarm system

10-20-2002, 09:38 PM
Oh good god... they stole my cell phone ear phone thing too.. and my green pillow.. WTF

10-20-2002, 09:41 PM
are we trying to bring back the beyond.ca vigilante crew?

10-20-2002, 09:54 PM
if you guys do this, i would not recomend doing this in the parking lot, have several people there, and then see where they go, there is so much of our stolen property out there that we need to get back, call the cops and let them know where they are. If things keep happening, then yes, people will start taking the law in to their own hands (do we not all rember watching the fast and the furious.. kinda reminds me of this just a little).. untill then, keep your stuff as low key as possible, and if you dont want it stolen, take it out.

GTS Jeff
10-20-2002, 09:58 PM
1. dont fly into a parking lot with your music on shaking the neighborhood.

2. dont expect your shit to be safe when ure in the NE.

10-20-2002, 10:02 PM
Originally posted by Jeff TYPE R
[B]1. dont fly into a parking lot with your music on shaking the neighborhood.

jeff actually pointed out a great idea both ways...we need someones bait car with some loud music...:dunno:

10-20-2002, 10:08 PM
No you guys should wait till you see them breaking in, then sneak up and pretend to be breaking into the car next to them. Then make some conversation. It would be a good icebreaker.

10-20-2002, 10:13 PM
Originally posted by szw
No you guys should wait till you see them breaking in, then sneak up and pretend to be breaking into the car next to them. Then make some conversation. It would be a good icebreaker.

yeah ok.. they would like probably want to fight or run away like little chicken shits..

and JEFF.. I know..... I know... I know....

Dope Dealer
10-20-2002, 10:18 PM
Originally posted by Jeff TYPE R
2. dont expect your shit to be safe when ure in the NE.


So true too. Lived there for about 10 or so years. Ack!

10-20-2002, 10:20 PM
Originally posted by szw
No you guys should wait till you see them breaking in, then sneak up and pretend to be breaking into the car next to them. Then make some conversation. It would be a good icebreaker.
HA HA HA....
Us: Nice Jimmy
them: Thats a nice jimmy too, where did you get it?
us: my moms closet.. its actually just a coat hanger, you?
them: jacked some kid for it
us: Oh really cuas all kids have a jimmy to break into cars? so why you taking that car?
them: I want the nice shiny H badge on the front, but i dont know how to get it off, so ill take the sterio and burn the car instead...
us: Thats mature

10-20-2002, 10:23 PM

I just want my stuff back, that's all. I also want everyone else that got their shit stolen to get it back too.

GTS Jeff
10-20-2002, 10:30 PM

10-20-2002, 10:39 PM
I rather just kick them until they have internal bleeding. That's just me though.

10-20-2002, 10:48 PM
No matter how many thieves you catch, there will be a new generation...:dunno: and another....and another....

Just protect your shit... These days alarms lights atract thieves
like flies... There is nothing much you can do...

Remember to take your face plate w/ you, if you put it in your glove box...they will break that and take it....:rolleyes:

Bolt your subs down, and hide the amp and bolt it too...
Thieves are nervous when they jack shit... they need to do it fast
make it hard for them...

If anybody has a civic, integra, prelude..etc... all they do is pull the window back and put there arm in "un-lock"...1min late all your stuff is gone..:burnout:

Vw's they put the screw driver under the lock, turn to the right and lift "Un-lock"..... You guy's w/ VW's can get a special kit which prevents this from happening..

GM's/Fords ..Domestic.....they break around the lock cylinder then turn.."un-lock"....

"If there is a will there is a way" your fucked either way... Sometimes it's better if you just leave your doors open w/ your shit all packed up and ready togo....less damage..:dunno:

If you catch a thieve there will be another one around the corner..

Buy a cheap alarm..they at least scare a few thieves away....But think about it unless you hear your own alarm nobody cares...
When you are in a parking lot and hear someones alarm you don't give a shit...It could be a load exhaust, or someones bass booming that set it off....:dunno:

GET INSURANCE....It's only a few hundred more per year...
Shit happens's and nobody seems to know untill it happens to them..

But sorry to hear about everyone's incounters.....
It pisses me off too...:banghead:

10-20-2002, 10:52 PM
LaughingTiger, yeah good what you said. I know, 1 more month I would've gotten my Compustar alarm, 1 month. Then this shit happens. Again, the one night I forget to take off my faceplate this dumb shit happens.

Yeah, I'll take a picture if you guys want of how they got in. It's basically what Laughing Tiger said.. they peel off the molding thing whre the window and the door frame is and push the window down or something like that...

I'm glad my whole car wasn't stolen.. also glad they didn't smash the window or anyhting..

10-20-2002, 11:36 PM
Man the NE is sick man... I remember going to sunridge mall a while back and 3 punks came from the lrt station, got under a beater tempo and started it up... Only problem they had was they couldn't jimmy the locks... :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: they hotwired the car but couldn't manage to get in...

Man its scary with all the recent thefts :thumbsdow :banghead:

10-21-2002, 12:32 AM
Man, I think it is time to change my car to a 76 rusted beatle, at least this way, I know I won't have my car jacked by some freakin idiot who is just too poorly educated by the society.

but seriously, I think the police should do something about it, especially to the cars that get jacked, :guns: and cars that get hit and run (becaue I had some experience where ppl dent my car in the parking lot, and the police just can't find anyone who is responsible)

10-21-2002, 12:56 AM
Originally posted by RiceCake
... Only problem they had was they couldn't jimmy the locks... :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: they hotwired the car but couldn't manage to get in...

haha, i locked the Keys in my Tempo once, COULD NOT get in, i was like WTF, its a Tempo! the doors should just pop open!:banghead:

10-21-2002, 02:19 AM
Originally posted by infamous
what kind of decks?? :D wait...i just got an idea...does anyone have a civic coupe or sedan with a decent deck?? if you do, you should go to a movie, and i will hide in the trunk. if and when the thieves try to take your shit i will bash them with an aluminum baseball bat and call the cops. and we can catch these fuckers...i think it would work...

you seem to be forgetting you will be in the trunk ... kind enclosed and when they do open it up you're trapped but something along those lines would be cool :D

10-21-2002, 07:05 AM
I actually have a good plan that might work that doesn't involve violence or anything that is physically harming to anyone.

As infamous suggested, we get a bunch of people at each theatre because we never know which one will be hit.

We drive/walk around the parking lot and find a car that is most likely to get hit by these thieves.

Park somewhere thats a sure distance but still close enough that if we get a camcorder we can videotape them stealing stuff from the car and breaking into it.

What we need to do is make sure we videotape their FACES because then its easier for the Police to find out who they are and find out where they are.

This way no one gets hurt, nobody is fighting, no one gets an ass kicking, its legal and we cannot get charged for it and those damned thieves finally get caught!

Tell me what you think.

10-21-2002, 08:58 AM
Yeah my deck was stolen out of my car at chinook c-train a few weeks ago. Complete stock civic, even has some car cancer on it (rust) face plate was detatched and I hide it generally under the seat or in the glovebox...they found it and took that with them. Smart guys too, they had a tool to cut around the custom dash kit and everything. Sorry to hear about your luck man, this really sucks


10-21-2002, 09:06 AM
Here's a tip to keep your rims from getting stolen. Don't leave the lock nut key in the car, especially in the glovebox for Civics, since Civics have no lock.
I was reading about a guy who lost his rims cuz some theives wire hanger opened his car using the power lock switch and took the key out of his glovebox.