View Full Version : Trade Fido Phone for Telus Camera Phone?

05-30-2004, 11:57 AM
Heard the add on the radio, and they said you could trade your current Fido Phone for a Telus Camera phone for free and keep the same plan, but with a contract. Are there any hidden complications? My g/f has Fido, and needs a new phone, but also still has things like billing by the minute etc she wants to keep.

Any thoughts/reccomendations???

05-30-2004, 11:59 AM
Now I don't know about the contracts, but here are my thoughts... Fido's network... vs. Telus network..... not even a second thought in my head..:dunno:

Telus for sure man, network is waaaaaaay bigger... better reception for sure.

05-30-2004, 12:10 PM
Boo to Telus! :thumbsdow

05-30-2004, 12:29 PM
Originally posted by kiwi
Boo to Telus! :thumbsdow

Haaha, booooooooo to Fido!

05-30-2004, 12:38 PM
Originally posted by kiwi
Boo to Telus! :thumbsdow

:werd: :werd:

05-30-2004, 12:42 PM
She want's to keep billing by the minute? Fido is billing by the second right now and Telus is billing by the minute but if they say you can keep the same plan there should be problem. The worst part of this is you sign a 3 year contract. That is pretty damn long if you ask me.

05-30-2004, 02:10 PM
My Mistake, meant billing by the second.....
Her only other choice is to pay 150 or so for a new phone, and the phone would be worse then the camera one. Any other downsides besides the contract?

05-30-2004, 02:19 PM
Calgary is the next location for City fido... i personally would never switch to telus

05-30-2004, 03:08 PM
Telus is attempting to take over Fido right now. I'm not sure on the status of the bid so I wouldn't hold my breathe too long waiting for City Fido to come to Calgary.

As for the Fido Trade-In plan it all depends on which plan that you're girlfriend has. Some plans cannot be transferred over to the Telus network.
The way it works is that your MTM (month-to-month) price is the 3 year contract price for a non fido trade in customer. This means
For example:
This is the regular price of the LG 4600:
-for each additional year that you sign onto Telus for you get an additional $50 off.

For a Fido Trade In the price of the LG looks like this:

To the people saying that Telus sucks.. it has nearly 30Xs the reception that Fido does in Alberta alone. There isn't even Fido in places like Lethbridge, so you'd be gaining the extra coverage on the same plan that you have.

There's quite a few new phones on the network so it'd be worth your while to trade over with your existing plan onto a better network (unless you travel world wide).
The one huge benefit of Fido is that they have cheap plans... so if you can transfer your cheap plan over to a better network it only makes sense.

05-30-2004, 03:25 PM
I just switched to fido, I was paying $150+ per month , and now I pay $48, and I still have my telus plan dormant so that when I leave calgary I will still get the coverage, so I have 2 plans and still pay less. fido coverage is equal to telus within calgary I find. and far nicer support staff.I hope city fido comes to calgary, 45 for UNLIMITED local calls at all times would be killer.:thumbsup:

05-30-2004, 04:16 PM
damn telus, i tried a V60c and after 1 minute got a headache... back in the drawer it goes! Not one telus phone doesnt give me a headache!!! booo telus!

05-30-2004, 07:09 PM

05-31-2004, 12:00 AM
As a dealer I've done numerous Fido conversions. Telus is really aggresively seeking Fido customers by giving them HUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE discounts on phones that they normally would not get if they were simply a new customer signing up. When you can get a camera phone with a value of $549.99 for free and all you have to do is sign up on a three year contract and keep your per second billing plan......why not?!

A dumbass came into my store though to do the conversion and didn't have an active Fido phone....didn't understand why he wasn't eligible for the conversion.....people are stupid sometimes.

05-31-2004, 10:16 AM
I hate being tied down by a contract... & for THREE years too! No thanks! :guns:

06-01-2004, 02:18 AM
you don't have to sign on for three years
if u take a look at the pricings i gave above, those are an EXAMPLE of what the prices are...
the vary with the price of each phone
you can go MTM and just opt to pay 150 (more or less depending what phone)

06-03-2004, 06:54 PM
i might do this conversion ! i think it would be great but can i go in myself or would i have to bring in my mom too?

06-03-2004, 07:02 PM
It depends who the phone is under (FIDO and Telus).

The Fido phone would need to be deactivated by the person who owns it. You are supposed to start the FIDO conversion to Telus in the same name that the Fido phone was in but depending on the salesperson they can just start it in ur name. And you need to be 18 with some credit - the credit check can come back and you can have up to a $400 deposit that is waived...

06-03-2004, 07:26 PM
I used to always have some lady from telus call me and try to have me trade in my fido phone for any telus phone of my choice. There is no way I would ever bite Telus sucks

06-03-2004, 09:17 PM
right now my fido phone is under my moms name but my mom is goin to go in with me to do it. does it matter which phone it is from fido? cause ive been using my nokia 3390 for about 4 or 5 years.

06-03-2004, 11:13 PM
oh yeAG can you keep the same number>?

06-03-2004, 11:25 PM
Originally posted by GQBalla
oh yeAG can you keep the same number>?

Good question. I had the same one so I called telus.

Nope you get a new number. Thats why I im still with fido also. If I got to keep the same number I would have switched definetly. Im still thinking about it.

06-03-2004, 11:30 PM
so i get a new number? im still ok with that what bout the people i have saved in my phone? like in my phone book? can they somehow transfer that stuff over? or would i have to do it all again my self?

06-04-2004, 01:18 AM
nope.. there are some aftermarket programs being made for the transfer of phone numbers but it all depends on what phone... so it's not even worth the amount of money to track it down and buy it just to transfer between phones and figure out the software.. faster to write it down
yes u will get a new number, however, telus can try to pick a phone number with the same last digits if u want

as long as the phone is active it shouldn't really matter who it goes under assuming the salesperson u deal w/ will let it slide.

06-04-2004, 02:10 AM
My g/f and i are both on fido and we absolutely LOVE the unlimited Fido-to-Fido feature that they have. Anyone know if Telus will continue with that (ie. Telus-to-Telus)? Or at least with just my g/f and i? We often can't stand the cut phone calls Fido places on us like the cut-off after 2 hours (confirmed by a Fido salesman), and the static we often hear on both ends, especially at night times. If they kept that, I'd definitely consider switching. Though I'm all for GSM though... Hmmm...

06-04-2004, 08:15 AM
For reception telus is hard to beat, but they are CROOKS. I will only go back to telus when there is no one else left. I had a contract with telus where I was billed by the second, but only like 250 minutes free. I was using about 350, so I get a call, and they tell me I will save by going to the 500 minute plan. What they didn't tell me is that they switched teh billing from by the second to by the minute....my monthly bill went up by $80/month!!!

I switched to Bells small business plan, and I am back to reasonable bills.

Fido coverage IN the city is exceptional. The phones are cheap, and no contract. I wanna know how many of you guys that signed 3 year contracts in the past ended up having to buy NEW phones at full price after about a year or year and a half? I only know 1 or 2 people whose phones last 3 years! Sure, free phone sounds good now, wait 18 months when you have to pay $350!

For now, I would FOR SURE support the carriers that are billing by the second. Why support the crooks that are charging you for what you don't use. This is the only way the rest of the industry will get the message. Just like the old Sony phones with clearnet.... excellent plans, excellent service, then Telus swallows them up and we have one less good choice...


06-04-2004, 08:40 AM
switching to TELUS can only improve your service, the network is the biggest in Canada, and our American partners include Verizon. Fido and Rogers has the weakest and smallest coverage in all of North America, even Bell is awesome but pays Telus for their network coverage in western Canada. If you are a fido subscriber and Telus is letting you keep your rate plan, you can NOT beat that! Plus Telus recieved #1 customer service in North America for the 6th straight year.
If you are a die hard FIDO client, no to worry, I doubt FIDO will be around for too much longer!!


06-04-2004, 02:03 PM
Originally posted by Def_3

If you are a die hard FIDO client, no to worry, I doubt FIDO will be around for too much longer!!


I don't know 'bout that... Seems like Rogers will probably die out sooner than Fido. Sure Rogers has out of town coverage, but Telus is by far already better than Rogers' coverage. And their prices are nearly identical except for the fact that they only have 2 year contracts... Woo...big deal, one more year for better coverage - I'd go for Telus any day with that in mind!

Of course, I'm happy with my Fido. Unlimited Fido-to-Fido, NO CONTRACT (well, 3 months, but that's already gone by in a blink of an eye), plenty of minutes, GSM phones, what more can I say? Sure there's no out of town coverage, but MOST people who buy Fido phones already know that, and went under the Fido network because they know that the few times they go out of town won't justify the need for contracts and an extra $10+ / month for their bills. Besides, ever since I've switched to Fido, I noticed my reception within the city has actually been BETTER than when I was with Rogers!! :nut:

But if you look at my post like 3 up from this one, I do find the cut in calls kinda annoying at times. But WAY better than when I was with Rogers for the past 5 years or so. Oh yeah, did I mention, Rogers screwed me over when they told me 'bout this EXCEPTIONAL plan that they had, and wanted to REWARD me with it 'cause I was such a loyal customer for the past several years... Well, what they didn't tell me was that accepting this plan would result in extending my contract by another 2 YEARS!!! :banghead: Because of that, I'm now with Fido, and still have a Rogers phone which my mom uses whenever she finishes the time from her own Rogers phone. And speaking of which, I STILL get more time than her, using only ONE phone. Oh, and the bill's like a third of the price of those two phones too!!

Sorry, felt like ranting for a bit... Can you tell I'm disgruntled with Rogers? Anyway, back to the point, if Telus really can keep EVERYTHING that Fido has, and I mean every little point, then yay for Telus! Could Telus perhaps take over Rogers instead though?! :D

06-04-2004, 02:50 PM
Moving away from per second billing was the stupidest thing TELUS could have done. I got a cell phone back in the Clearnet days, and it was their plans that I liked, not TELUS. Now they've dropped everything that was clearnet except for their fuckin retared commercials. Now I use about 3-400 min a month, and my bill only went up a couple bucks, however it's the princple of it.
Telus has the best coverage in Aalberta for sure, that is my number 1 priority, I dont care about phones if the service blows. Good and reliable, but for those of you that are phone whores and have to have all the bells and whistles...yeah, you're likely gonna be disappointed.

06-05-2004, 09:06 AM
Originally posted by Ben
Moving away from per second billing was the stupidest thing TELUS could have done. I got a cell phone back in the Clearnet days, and it was their plans that I liked, not TELUS. Now they've dropped everything that was clearnet except for their fuckin retared commercials. Now I use about 3-400 min a month, and my bill only went up a couple bucks, however it's the princple of it.
Telus has the best coverage in Aalberta for sure, that is my number 1 priority, I dont care about phones if the service blows. Good and reliable, but for those of you that are phone whores and have to have all the bells and whistles...yeah, you're likely gonna be disappointed.

you have to look at it at a business standpoint, per second billing meant thousands of client calling in on a daily basis disputeing billing issue, wether its over 10 minutes of billed usage or 2 seconds, it just doesnt make sense economically to have to deal with that. Also on all the new rate plans you get a substantial additional amount of minutes to make up for the lost per-second billing :thumbsup:

06-15-2004, 12:51 AM
so if Fido is being bought out by Telus and Telus will eventually cancel all Fido plans/contracts...does that mean if Fido users hold out to the bitter end they'll get one sweet ass deal???

06-15-2004, 12:43 PM
what will most likely happen, is if you dont change your plan once telus has taken over, you will probably get to keep it until you decide to make plan changes, but once you change it, it will be gone forever.

06-15-2004, 12:44 PM
We should be getting CityFido sometime this year after Montreal does...i think i would wait...for $40 you get unlimited talk time...good deal if you ask me.

02-21-2005, 12:38 PM
if you become a telus customer once you will always avoid dealing with them again. once they will give you a good deal once you become their customer then they will try to make maximum money of you. for example if you sign up a contract with telus they will charge you 20X months remaining . so say if you have to move or somethign they will charge you too much money. how ever other companies want to pay you back approx whatever the discount they give you on the phone. rogers charges you max 200.
even though if you dont want to cancel the contract it jus irritates you when you feel like somebody is forcing you to do something.

i had a realtor when i signed up he contract with her she wrote in the contract i was bound for 6 moths. when i read that i was totally pissed off and decided i wont sell the house though her and if she brings a customer i will say i wont take a penny less than what i had listed it for. then when i spoke to her, she said when you want to cancel it , just let me know, dont worry about whats written there. i told her to rewrite the contract and she did. this time i was bound for 60 days only. my house was on the market for more than 60 days and i told her to take her time.
i think the same philosphy works here.
telus just forces you.
i like their service, i like coverege but i feel like they are forcing me to stay with them, so i just avoid them whenever its possible. they give you maximum $150 credit on the phone, if they would ask only $200 or something to concel the contract i would love to stay with them.

02-21-2005, 01:58 PM
Originally posted by dreamchaser
if you become a telus customer once you will always avoid dealing with them again. once they will give you a good deal once you become their customer then they will try to make maximum money of you. for example if you sign up a contract with telus they will charge you 20X months remaining . so say if you have to move or somethign they will charge you too much money. how ever other companies want to pay you back approx whatever the discount they give you on the phone. rogers charges you max 200.
even though if you dont want to cancel the contract it jus irritates you when you feel like somebody is forcing you to do something.

i had a realtor when i signed up he contract with her she wrote in the contract i was bound for 6 moths. when i read that i was totally pissed off and decided i wont sell the house though her and if she brings a customer i will say i wont take a penny less than what i had listed it for. then when i spoke to her, she said when you want to cancel it , just let me know, dont worry about whats written there. i told her to rewrite the contract and she did. this time i was bound for 60 days only. my house was on the market for more than 60 days and i told her to take her time.
i think the same philosphy works here.
telus just forces you.
i like their service, i like coverege but i feel like they are forcing me to stay with them, so i just avoid them whenever its possible. they give you maximum $150 credit on the phone, if they would ask only $200 or something to concel the contract i would love to stay with them.

Telus offers more than $150 credit towards a phone but they base that on how long you've been with them, the amount you pay them every month and factors along those lines. I've sold phones to people that have received $400 phone credits for signing onto a three year term contract. I find it funny that people who spend maybe $30/month feel they should be given the world.

They are a business therefore Telus seeks to maximize their profits and what successful business doesn't?

04-18-2005, 08:32 AM
Originally posted by Ajay

Telus offers more than $150 credit towards a phone but they base that on how long you've been with them, the amount you pay them every month and factors along those lines. I've sold phones to people that have received $400 phone credits for signing onto a three year term contract. I find it funny that people who spend maybe $30/month feel they should be given the world.

They are a business therefore Telus seeks to maximize their profits and what successful business doesn't?

Originally posted by Ajay

I find it funny that people who spend maybe $30/month feel they should be given the world.

i dont know why do you think people pay only $30/ month. DOnt know about you . i had four lines with telus for last 6 years and paying about $60/month. Even if you have the smallest possible deal you still pay more than $30. that is $20+5 for caller id a+ 6.95 . before that i was with rogers. IF you live in this world you might have heard of something called Hardware upgrade. They give you a new phone every two years or even before two years.

I dont know is what do you mean by word "world" .

Originally posted by Ajay
They are a business therefore Telus seeks to maximize their profits and what successful business doesn't?
in almost every course in canada here they talk about business ethics. no not every business tries to maximise profit by making their customers suffer. nobody is stoping rogers from being good to their existing customers. they can charge 20x number of months to cancel contract.
they can say no to their customers when it comes to replace their phone (you can do it any time with a small charge ), and during this last price war telus told me that only other companies customers can get good deal from telus not telus customers. And rogers was saying only their own customers can get a good deal.

if you still dont see why rogers is better, theres got to something wrong. i mean either telus pays you to say "telus is good" or you are a dealer or something

04-18-2005, 02:02 PM
Originally posted by RX-7_TWINTURBO
Calgary is the next location for City fido... i personally would never switch to telus

Same unless you want to be paying $100+ a month haha.