View Full Version : Diamond Rings on ebay

06-09-2004, 03:41 AM
What do u guys think about buying a ring off ebay? I've heard good things but im thinking they're cheap and just not the real thing. Am I wrong. Im looking to buy one soon but I am looking at these. Has anyone bought one off ebay before? Are they really worth what they say they are? Thanks


Heres one I like.

06-09-2004, 03:57 AM
personally i think there are things you should and should not buy on e-bay, and diamonds rings isn't one of them since there is a risk of it being fake and i perfer to physically see whay i am buying.

06-09-2004, 07:32 AM
Originally posted by CKY
personally i think there are things you should and should not buy on e-bay, and diamonds rings isn't one of them since there is a risk of it being fake and i perfer to physically see whay i am buying.

Are you telling us that you can tell if a ring is fake or not by looking at a ring in person? You must have a good eye.

06-09-2004, 10:00 AM
Actually there are ways to find out if a gem is real - besides with e-bay its all about trust. If the person has been an e-bay seller for a long time and has had plenty of positive feedback and few negatives or neutrals, I think it would be worth it.

Jewelry is a risk like any other purchase, but it also has a huge mark-up which is why its so popular on ebay. Familiarize yourself with the four c's if you plan to buy diamond jewelry off any auction site. Most reputable jewelry sellers will post the ratings for the gems.

If its simply " diamond ring for sale" and a bunch of pictures you probably shouldn't buy it, but if it says 14K white gold diamond ring-.70 ctw, H color, I2, brilliant cut - then it will be easy to verify when you receive the jewelry.

Edit: I had a look at the auction and everything seems alright - i haven't checked the sellers feedback but it would be up to you since only you would be able to judge if there are enough positives / few enough negatives or neutrals to trust them. They are also including an appraisal which is fairly standard, just make sure the appraisal was done by a third party.

06-09-2004, 10:20 AM
Ask to contact the buyer via phone , get his home address and what not , if he screws you over , then you can call the FBI on him.

06-09-2004, 10:41 AM
Ebay "deals" arent always "deals". While they are cheaper than Spence, Ben Moss etc they are basically the price of what you would get if you bought the diamond from a broker and then bought a band from a jeweller and got it set by them. The retail places like Ben Moss, Spence put HUGE markups on their rings because most people will just pay whatever they are told to pay.

I bought a .50ct D/VVS1/Round diamond just recently and I went to Spence just to see what they would charge me for the same diamond and their price was over $800 more than the price I got from the broker.

If you want a good broker contact Jean-Marc Gagne. He is out of Montreal has over 25 years experience and VERY good!

B.G. International
Jean-Marc Gagne
[email protected]

Another good resource is PriceScope (www.pricescope.com) to see what the same diamonds are selling for around the US.

06-09-2004, 12:11 PM
If you are worried about whether the ring is real or fake, why don't you use escrow? You might pay a little bit more but it'll give you a better peace of mind.

06-09-2004, 12:18 PM
Originally posted by girlRACER
If you are worried about whether the ring is real or fake, why don't you use escrow? You might pay a little bit more but it'll give you a better peace of mind.

actually, the states here have been cracking down on online escrow services and found that near 80% of them are fake and they just take the product and money. they then close their company and change their name and location. this was recently reported on the news in the states.

06-09-2004, 12:51 PM
Yeah, and even if you were to find a reputable one, the seller states in the auction that they will not sell through escrow. Escrow is great if you can trust the company handling the transaction, but if you already don't trust the seller, you'll only increase your risk (and the seller's) if you deal with an unknown company to handle the escrow.

06-09-2004, 12:56 PM
Only use www.escrow.com.

It's way too easy to make a quick escrow site and pass it off as being real.

As for diamonds on ebay, if the cut, clarity, and color are all within your target, go for it. Most diamonds have a HUGE markup (actually, most jewelry does) and you can get fantastic deals if you know where to look

06-09-2004, 02:10 PM
z24...if you are seriously considering that ring , DONT DO IT!

it is clarity enhanced (means it was treated to remove/hide inclusions). they use methods such as laser drilling the stone. these enhancements mean that you run the risk of the stone cracking or chipping on you when they are heated or pressure is applied to it.

never buy enhanced stones! not worth it!

i am not a expert by any means but i do know enough.

btw...if you are looking for a ring, a buddy of mine has one for sale...very very similar to that one you linked to but is a 1.0 .
he's got all papers to prove legitamicy (sp?). bought it from maxim (sp again?) in chinook for ~$10K (appraised at $12K)...hes selling for a lot less (about 50% off).

06-09-2004, 03:20 PM
Where can you get a diamond clarity enhanced?

06-09-2004, 03:42 PM
Originally posted by Weapon_R
Where can you get a diamond clarity enhanced?

are you asking where you'd go to get clarity enhancement done for a diamond? i dont know...proly at the source of where it's cut.