View Full Version : Man this forum needs a lawyer!!!!

10-23-2002, 09:39 AM
All this ticket talk..We need a lawyer as a member of the forum to back up some of these posts about fighting tickets. I find that the crown hates it when people who fight tickets (especially that crabby chick who hates the world), we need some "free" tactical advise to protect our rights from being taken advantage by the police and crown. You have seen it, I have seen it. I have even talked to nice cops (older cops) that tell me that the cops today (mostly younger) have too much of a chip on their shoulders which makes them more aggressive, non-tolerant, and just mean to talk to durring a pull over situation.

Personally I think all field police officers should regularly attend anger management courses.

10-23-2002, 09:43 AM
Dont get in trouble, problem solved, =)

We all will get a minor ticket once and a while, but its the big whoppers that need serious legal attention...Pointts, however they pull it off and weather they even do anything really "technical" is unknown, but they have a huge success rate! They are IMO worth the price tag in all major cases, the minor ones it is often better to fight yourself...

10-23-2002, 10:59 PM
Originally posted by Benny
Dont get in trouble, problem solved, =)

We all will get a minor ticket once and a while, but its the big whoppers that need serious legal attention...Pointts, however they pull it off and weather they even do anything really "technical" is unknown, but they have a huge success rate! They are IMO worth the price tag in all major cases, the minor ones it is often better to fight yourself...

When you drive a fast car it's too easy to get in trouble.:angel:

10-23-2002, 11:07 PM
I'm in business law and we talk stuff like this in class, I'm just too lazy to read into my book when you guys post stuff, it's not exactly entirely applicable but we run into some traffic law stuff.

You don't really need a lawyer, you can read into it yourself, all the laws are written, all you gotta do is pick up a book on it. It's not that hard.

10-23-2002, 11:15 PM
Or you could give me a few years and I'll get back to you ;) Law is one of the professions I am considering right now.

But yeah- all of the laws are written out. In more or less, plain english.

10-23-2002, 11:16 PM
Originally posted by Hakkola
I'm in business law and we talk stuff like this in class, I'm just too lazy to read into my book when you guys post stuff, it's not exactly entirely applicable but we run into some traffic law stuff.

You don't really need a lawyer, you can read into it yourself, all the laws are written, all you gotta do is pick up a book on it. It's not that hard.

Yeah, I remember taking that course, it was like POEN395: business law. It's probably changed to SGMAxxx now.

Did you ever hear about that funny traffic case?

Some guy (somewhere in Ontario) was pulled over and ticketed for going over the speed limit. He told the judge he was "going the same speed as everyone else", judge says "anything over XXX km/h is still speeding." The charges stood.

So....in protest, the guy and a buddy decide to travel along that same freeway, side-by-side going EXACTLY the speed limit during RUSH HOUR. Traffic backs up and everyone is late for work. They get charged with obstructing traffic. LOL!

The ONLY thing I remember from that class :zzz:

10-23-2002, 11:18 PM
i agree..but i doubt any lawyer has time for a car site..hhehe

10-23-2002, 11:59 PM
I'm planning on becoming a lawyer.

No, but you hear about the rubber band case?

Guy is sleeping, his wife goes, get's in an accident a block away. SOmone comes to tell him, guy gets out of bed, runs down stairs quick and breaks his ankle. Guy sues the person who crashed into his wife placing blame for his broken ankle, and won.

10-24-2002, 12:01 AM
Thats weak. Probably happened in the US. They sur for anything and everything down there. I know the money isn't as good, but I think I want to be a Crown Prosecutor. I wouldn't be able to properly defend someone who I knew was guilty.

10-24-2002, 12:03 AM
Well, i'm planning on being a business lawyer or sports agent, someone who deals with contracts rather then being in the court room

10-24-2002, 12:07 AM
That would be cool. I need to look into it further when I finally decide. One of my neighbors is a C.P. and she really enjoys it. Her husband is a corporate real estate lawyer and doesn't quite enjoy his job as much as his wife :)

10-24-2002, 12:11 AM
I'm sure he enjoys his job as much as the next guy...

my friends dad is corporate lawyer, he got me interested in it in the first place. I swear, guy just turned 50, spends most of his day at home or entertaining colleagues, makes damn good money, if he gets fired he gets over a million in severance pay and all kinds of goodies. He's living the life and hardly has to work, mind you i realize it took him a lot of work to get to where he is, but once you get somewhere it's good times.

10-24-2002, 07:34 AM
Originally posted by HRD2PLZ
Thats weak. Probably happened in the US. They sue for anything and everything down there. .

I was thinking the same thing. Isn't that the American dream??:rofl: :rofl:

10-24-2002, 05:22 PM
i think a legal advice section would be great

10-24-2002, 05:40 PM
Originally posted by B17a

I was thinking the same thing. Isn't that the American dream??:rofl: :rofl:

no its just daily life routine....spill your coffee, sue someone...sneeze on a elevator get sued....

10-24-2002, 05:49 PM
yeah i heard that a woman sued mcdonalds in the states because she didn't have a cupholder in her car and when she spilt her coffee, it burned her...:dunno: does anyone know if this is true?

10-24-2002, 05:52 PM
Originally posted by infamous
yeah i heard that a woman sued mcdonalds in the states because she didn't have a cupholder in her car and when she spilt her coffee, it burned her...:dunno: does anyone know if this is true?

no she spilled it on her and sued because it didn't have the label "caution hot"......ppl these days.....u buy coffee u should expect it to be hot...

10-24-2002, 05:55 PM
also a guy bought McDonalds "mighty wings" and found this fella:



and sued McDonalds and won...one of the eye balls was mixed with the batter and found on one of the wings..

10-24-2002, 05:56 PM
ahhh so that's why they put warnings on everything.....download the song "stupid people" by jeff foxworthy...that will make you laugh :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

10-24-2002, 06:00 PM
i should sue the company that makes Ice Breakers the gum....i was taking out a gum and the foil cut me....it hurt like a bitch..i'm gonna sue for not properly labeling "caution sharp foil"