View Full Version : Pure Math 30 Written Tomorrow

06-14-2004, 01:21 PM
Anyone here know if the types of questions on the written tomorrow will be similar to the diploma prep booklets we get in class?

All i know is there will be 3 written questions worth 33% of total mark.

06-14-2004, 01:25 PM
always 1 question, that has to do with the "project" your suppose to do, atleast, thats what i remember, i wrote it 2 year ago now

06-14-2004, 01:43 PM
Alright kool. So question similar to project.

06-14-2004, 02:27 PM
Originally posted by AznDragon2004
Alright kool. So question similar to project.

yup definatly memorize any major projects they had you do. (well not memorize the PROJECT but the METHOD lol)

umm yea i forget its been like 4 yrs for me, but just study up on all the formulas and you'll do fine!

06-14-2004, 03:05 PM
Trigonometry is usually one of the questions, and usually makes up a fair chunk of the M/C. Know it well. Other than that you should do just fine with what these guys said and your diploma prep booklets:thumbsup:
Good luck!

06-14-2004, 03:24 PM
shit! i have it too. i am so scared!!:banghead:

06-14-2004, 04:25 PM
I had this last semester. So easy. I got like 97% on it, or something like that. It was 1 question wrong.

If I remember correctly, they had something on finance and our last question consisted of plugging everything into the quadratic formula. Just remember, if you can't do Product/Sum/Factor, you gotta plug that shit into that big ass equation. And you get both a negative and positive answer.

I'm sure you will all do fine! :thumbsup:

06-14-2004, 04:39 PM
yah the one last semester was the easiest written they have ever given.

06-14-2004, 04:40 PM
The questions will probably be based on logs, trig, and conics. Pretty much has been every year.

06-14-2004, 05:10 PM

06-14-2004, 06:06 PM
WHat were your guys mark heading into the exam? I'm at a 52% and i need to pass to into SAIT, nevermind i will pass!!!! :D

I've been reviewing the diploma prep booklet like mad!!!!!!! There were lots of questions in prep booklet dealing with exponents, logs, geometric series, 1 - 2 on trig but all these were in word problem formats.

Is the written really that easy?

06-14-2004, 06:30 PM
It was last semester, but who knows for this one. :dunno: I had an 87% going into the diploma. Math is my strongest subject by far.

06-14-2004, 06:36 PM
But is most of the stuff on it trig, logs, geometrics series, exponents?

06-14-2004, 07:11 PM
is math 30 just like math 12 or something?
seems like i did all these already

06-14-2004, 07:13 PM
Here's what you should study for the written, mind you all the questions are application word problems.

-Exponents is logs.
-Study compound interest.
-How to do a^x=b questions.

Trig & Transformation:
-Basically 2 units in one question.
-Sin/Cos curves
-How to transform and describe the transformations.
-Intersecting lines.

-Convert standard form to general form and vice versa.
-Completing the square.

If you paid attention in class, and did your homework, it should all be second nature to you, especially when the teachers drill it into your heads so much.

06-14-2004, 07:24 PM
hmmm...i am going in with 85% but i am so worried that its gonna come down like crazy if i dont do good. i have to have good marks to get into uni. happened to me last year with bio 30IB, went in with 75 came out wiht 53 after the diploma and the reason was i got sick couldnt concentrate on the exam and left everything blank. i am more worried about bio than math cauz i did it like last year and i dont remember shit. i dont know whats gonna become of me :banghead: . math tom, chem day after (going in with 55%, which is very bad need to pass at any cost), and bio two days after. didnt even fucking study before and now my nuts are freakin shaking.:banghead:

06-14-2004, 07:46 PM

this should help all u out there what the test might look like.... Good Luck:thumbsup:

06-14-2004, 07:48 PM
Wow Math 30 pure huh? Seemed like so long ago when I took that class.

06-14-2004, 07:51 PM
Is it just me or are diplomas a joke?

06-14-2004, 08:01 PM
Originally posted by ALI BABA

this should help all u out there what the test might look like.... Good Luck:thumbsup:

where did you get that from?
can we like take out other subjects too?

06-14-2004, 08:37 PM
I know for a fact its going to have trig and stuff to do with exponents and shit on it. Writtens are the easy part in my opinion. Make sure you look at the Math 30 project too and the solutions if you have them. Its gaurenteed that a question on the written will be really similar to one of the questions in that project.

06-15-2004, 11:48 AM
Hey all

I just finish writting the written part. My thoughts on it was that it was OK. I didn't get the last question. For those that wrote the exam today what did u get for the 2nd question where you have to find A, B and D?

I got 0.5 for A, 4 for B, 0.5 again for D.
Also for the first question, last bullet what did u get for T (TEMPERATURE)?

I got 5.9 hours.

06-15-2004, 05:27 PM
Test was pretty simple, only question that stumped me was comparing the 2 functions of Cos2(X)Tan2(X) = 1-Cos2(x). Lost one mark, meh, no biggie.

You got the period wrong, it was 2. So then that means you probably got the second part wrong too where u had to write it in terms of Sine. C = pie/4.

The ellipse turned into a circle, with y intercepts of 4 & 12. The transformation for the last part was a horizontal stretch of 5/8 from the line of x=0, and a vertical stretch of 8/5 from the line y=0. You could have also wrote a rotation of 90 degrees CW/CCW about the origin.

Peggy had the better method, because her data was continous, while Sarah's was discreet.

06-15-2004, 06:04 PM
So did u get 0.5 for A and 0.5 for D??? How is the period 2??? I took 2pie / 0.5pie = 4

Also for the first questoin what did u get for the last bullet which you have to find T???
Did u get 5.9?

What the peggy/sarah question the last question????

06-15-2004, 06:51 PM
Originally posted by AznDragon2004
So did u get 0.5 for A and 0.5 for D??? How is the period 2??? I took 2pie / 0.5pie = 4

Also for the first questoin what did u get for the last bullet which you have to find T???
Did u get 5.9?

What the peggy/sarah question the last question????

Yes, I got 5.9 hours for the water to cool to 11 degress Celcius. The Peggy & Sarah question was the 2nd bullet of the first question, the one with the exponential regression, and where you had to figure out the general term.

The last question was describing the transformation from a horizonal ellipse to a vertical ellipse.

For trig, you got the wrong number, and wrong method of figuring out the period. Here's how you were suppose to figure out the period, look at the attached image. You were suppose to trace out one complete Cosine cycle, you must have started right at x=0, when the Cosine curve in fact started at pie/2, and ended at 3pie/2, which would mean that one complete Cosine cycle was just pie. Or you set your windows wrong, which threw you off.

06-15-2004, 07:19 PM
yea i remember i got 2 for period as well. and i got 5.9 hours too for the glass of water to get to 11.0 degreesC.

06-15-2004, 07:24 PM
Originally posted by blinkme_210

Yes, I got 5.9 hours for the water to cool to 11 degress Celcius. The Peggy & Sarah question was the 2nd bullet of the first question, the one with the exponential regression, and where you had to figure out the general term.

The last question was describing the transformation from a horizonal ellipse to a vertical ellipse.

For trig, you got the wrong number, and wrong method of figuring out the period. Here's how you were suppose to figure out the period, look at the attached image. You were suppose to trace out one complete Cosine cycle, you must have started right at x=0, when the Cosine curve in fact started at pie/2, and ended at 3pie/2, which would mean that one complete Cosine cycle was just pie. Or you set your windows wrong, which threw you off.


I got 5.7 hours for the water to cool. The one that was more appropiate for the situation was the first one, y=ab^x. I asked my teacher so i know thats right. I had no fucking idea for the one one where its like the two graphs look the same but they arent:guns:

06-15-2004, 09:03 PM
It had something to do with not being able to square reciprocals :dunno:

I finished the test in half hour, but I just couldn't get that function graph question. I sat there for an hour just starring at it, and kept comparing each and every single fucking minimum and maximum value on the graphs. One of the supervisors saw that I was struggling with the question, and just laughed a little laugh under her breath.

06-15-2004, 09:18 PM
I have a tutor and I asked him and he said you had to solve it like you solve identities. He said something like cos cannot equal zero or some shit, I wasn't listening though.:D

06-15-2004, 10:36 PM
So did u guys get 0.5 for A and 0.5 for D which was the 2nd question???

06-15-2004, 11:19 PM
Originally posted by AznDragon2004
So did u guys get 0.5 for A and 0.5 for D which was the 2nd question???

If you can't figure it out yourself, I don't know what to say.

06-15-2004, 11:36 PM
Originally posted by 93PGT
I had this last semester. So easy. I got like 97% on it, or something like that. It was 1 question wrong.

If I remember correctly, they had something on finance and our last question consisted of plugging everything into the quadratic formula. Just remember, if you can't do Product/Sum/Factor, you gotta plug that shit into that big ass equation. And you get both a negative and positive answer.

I'm sure you will all do fine! :thumbsup:

ahh fuck you it was hard! LOL!
there was a finance question. a graphing question. and something else. dont quite remember.
i finished the course with a 48% LOL!!! yea yea imma dumbass. i was hoping to get at least a 50 in that course so i could atleast get my credits and just re-do it next year.

06-15-2004, 11:40 PM
Originally posted by turbo_equiped

where did you get that from?
can we like take out other subjects too?

ya for sure they have every diploma from the past few years

06-16-2004, 08:40 AM
So were my answers right??? I just want to know to make sure if i done it correctly but i think i did do it correctly.:D

06-16-2004, 03:40 PM
DId anyone else get same answers as me? :D

06-17-2004, 04:29 PM
Anyone know what the multiple choice will be like???

Will it be like previous years???

Also how many marks was part A worth?? 15???