View Full Version : interview wording/dress advise

06-15-2004, 03:45 PM
i would like to ask anyone here to post some advise about what to do/don't at the interview. what kinda of question u should ask and shouldn't. how can u answer the question properly. eg why u like to quit your job and what is the reason u a value for our company.

also, what kinda of website is best out there to find a job. (i know depends on what kinda job u looking, but just try to best to post it and there will be someone looking for it eventually.)

i hope everyone can get their job easily.

:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

06-16-2004, 07:11 AM
Don't bash your old jobs. I have interviewed tons of people and have NEVER given a job to someone who hated their previous job.

Basically the way I see it... if you hated your last job... you will probably hate your new job.

06-16-2004, 10:26 AM

06-16-2004, 10:49 AM
Be calm and confident, don't slouch in the chair, NEVER interrupt the interviewer, let them finish and have a pause before you start to speak. Think and listen. Don't blurt out the answer to what you THINK you heard, respond to what the asked exactly.

If this is for an office job, wear a suit, shirt and tie, but save your stylin' digs for when you get the job. Wear more conservative- white shirt, crisp tie that is not flashy, personality should shine in an interview, not your clothes. :D Don't wear a black suit, wear grey or navy (black is fine if that's the only one you have though)

Good luck :thumbsup:

06-16-2004, 02:04 PM
i sure alot of interviewer ask question like

what's your weakeness and streghness. how do u guys answer it?

how do u handle stress?

how do u handle if the customer is rude and your temper is about to expose?

i guess most of the interviewer will ask this question right?

06-16-2004, 10:18 PM
It would help if you could tell us what kind of job you are interviewing for.

06-16-2004, 10:30 PM
you should make a list of what your real strengths and weaknesses are that would pertain to the job you are applying for. Then choose the best strengths and medium to lowest weaknesses and discuss.

06-17-2004, 12:50 AM
thx for the info. i'm sure there is alot of ppl found is useful for them.

06-18-2004, 02:28 PM
Originally posted by bighead2267
i sure alot of interviewer ask question like

what's your weakeness and streghness. how do u guys answer it?

how do u handle stress?

how do u handle if the customer is rude and your temper is about to expose?

i guess most of the interviewer will ask this question right?

One thing to keep in mind is the context of your answers. Anyone who has interviewed will tell you that almost everyone says their strengths are team player, work too hard, etc. Buncha crap. If you're going to use these, then make sure you can back it up. Team player - worked in a team of X people to complete a project, and had to participate in cross-functional team meetins to ensure deadlines were met, etc etc. A grocery list really isn't get convincing. Also, a technique you might want to use when addressing weaknesses is to turn them into a positive. Identify it, how it can be a weakness, and what you're doing about it. For example, "I'm a very detail oriented person, and once I get started on a task, it can sometimes be all encompassing. The problem is that the effort that is needed in the detail might not be required in the big picture. So I have learned to periodically take a step back and look a the big picture to make sure that I'm still on the right track." Back it up with specific examples. ie. developing software and making a screen look nice, even though the deadline is a week away and you still have more coding to do. Sometimes you need to sacrifice the detail to complete the project as a whole. Oh, and when talking about weaknesses, think these through, and give the interviewer the number they're asking for. If they ask you about your one weakness, give one. And only one. Don't go babbling on about other weak areas.

I should have broken up my paragraph better.

P.S. If your temper is about to expose, you're in big trouble.

06-19-2004, 10:51 AM
nice one