View Full Version : Savages strike again.

06-22-2004, 01:12 PM

So is it just me or is this getting out of hand? What can be done to stop this sort of thing?

06-22-2004, 01:15 PM
Yeah wtf... seems like they're getting away with it everytime so they keep doing it. Time for Bush to launch some nukes.

06-22-2004, 01:22 PM
This beheading shit is becoming very popular, extremely stupid if you ask me. For them its stupid because as each public beheading goes on video, people become more and more desensitized to it. After a while we will accept it as a daily or weekly occurence. Just like we've accepted US soldiers dying. The people responsible for the beheadings will have to come up with newer and more disgusting ways to kill foreign contractor's.

Everyone should leave Iraq, just like the terrorists want. Do they have any ideas on how to organize everything once the US leaves? no. It would be chaos, all those terrorists know how to do is blame people and kill. Fucking idiots...

06-22-2004, 01:25 PM
Whatever... At least 60 russians were killed this morning in a bombing/burning.... why isn't there a thread about them? Its because your buying into the murderers propaganda, a beheading is supposed to maximise media attetion and attract as much attention to their cause as they can. One death is sad and tragic... but, so is 60 lives.

06-22-2004, 01:28 PM
Fucking animals...

06-22-2004, 01:28 PM
Originally posted by mo_virgin
Whatever... At least 60 russians were killed this morning in a bombing/burning.... why isn't there a thread about them? Its because your buying into the murderers propaganda, a beheading is supposed to maximise media attetion and attract as much attention to their cause as they can. One death is sad and tragic... but, so is 60 lives.

An execution and a bombing are two very different things...

A bombing is impersonal and kills many people. An execution, especially one thats videotaped lets you (the public) relate to the person who is about to die. You hear his pleas and see his fear. It is much more disturbing. Not to mention its only been going on for a bit, we're used to people dying in bombings...

06-22-2004, 01:30 PM

All of this could have been avoided if Bush just stayed out...


06-22-2004, 01:52 PM
Terrorists are fuckin' cowards.
But on the other hand, Bush is a fuckin' fool!

06-22-2004, 02:01 PM
Originally posted by hjr
get me a link from a respectable source and ill make a thread. I didnt know that such an event had occured. Please get the link.

I saw it in the Calgary sun today.


06-22-2004, 02:11 PM
I forget exactally who did it, but along time ago when Russia was the U.S.S.R some terrorist group took over a oil rig with U.S.S.R workers. they threatened to kill the workers if their demands werent met. The U.S.S.R sent out a portion of their army and destroyed the town that these terrorists were from. their families, their followers, all were killed. The terrorists then released the russian workers without a single casualty. The U.S.S.R was known to not to be fucked with

ill get the sources more cleared up, one of my buddies who was in the military told me this (hes about 40 something now) so ill get all details.

I dont agree with death at all, but this shit hasta stop. If we let the beheadings go, they will only think they are in the right.

edit: whats wrong with the world today! christ why do we hafta kill each other! seriously whats the reason. religion? why cant people accept others are different and everybody can be happy? *sigh* stupid human nature

06-22-2004, 05:29 PM
Originally posted by benyl

All of this could have been avoided if Bush just stayed out...


I agree this is a war Bush should not be fighting, but if it wasnt this, they would use somehting else as an excuse to kill people, thats why theyre called terrorists

06-22-2004, 06:39 PM
they should do what hulk hogan said when he was running for president.(lol) bomb the shit out of iraq

06-22-2004, 07:00 PM
truely its wrong totally disgusting, but here every1 is o look at the torrists they beheaded a person, but look at the united states has killed millions with bombs, bullets.

bush has clearly given clear 2 the torture laws....i'll post the link

so whats going on?

both sides are at utter fualt, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA should be setting an example for the whole world on how to deal with this situation, instead its going around torturing and shit. wtf?

ne ways i'mma stay outta dis after this peace

BUT BEHEADING AN INNOCENT WORKER, IS FUCKED, THOSE FUCKERS NEED A BE-DICKING. The guy has no relation 2 the military, he went there 2 provide food for his familly fuck.


as for bush, and america, read the above link its again disgusting, itruely pray that bush gets tried under international law. He instead of setting an example fucked up.

06-22-2004, 07:14 PM
There's nothing that could be done to save him.. The guy is dead either way. Terrorists get what they want, guy dies, they don't get what they want, guy dies...

It's just a shitty way to go, having your head slowly sawed off, that's only part that stings, what can you do besides go there and fight?

They show the beheading of the kidnapped , but they don't show what the U.S. do there, who knows what kind of shit they do to the people out there..... Do some downloading on Kazaa, and watch the U.S. in action, have you ever seen a guy get shot with a 50 caliber machine gun mounted on an apache helicopter?? It looks like a blood filled ballon was thrown on the street.... meh who cares..:barf:

06-22-2004, 08:12 PM
Originally posted by 5abi

The guy has no relation 2 the military, he went there 2 provide food for his familly fuck.

I'm not taking away from this tragedy, but the guy did have a relation to the military. He went there to provide linguistics and intelligence assistance for the American Army.

06-22-2004, 08:20 PM
sad situation, but this whole thing could have been avoided in the first place had america not entered iraq.