View Full Version : Politics: What do the different parties stand for

06-25-2004, 10:52 PM
I dont follow politics at all and I dont even know what some of the different parties represent. Post in this thread information about what the different parties represent or what they will do for Canada if ellected. How many younger people like me dont have a clue about politics?

06-25-2004, 11:14 PM
Liberals: Stand for making huge promises and not delivering. This time around, paying down 5 billion of the debt while increasing spending to healthcare and urban centres. Probably would be possible had they not previously wasted $1 Billion on the gun registry and millions on the sponsorship scandel. Also seem to have no idea about anything going on in the west. Only thing that matters to them economically is the auto manufacturers in the east.

Conservatives: Want to put $3 Billion into the debt. Want to increase spending to military and healthcare. May provide Klein with a way to go against the Canada Health Act. I have no idea how they will accomplish all of these things but I like them more than the liberals and I think they will give Canada better economic conditions so I will probably vote for Harper.

NDP: Communist

Green Party: Pot Heads who will destroy Alberta's oil and gas economic wealth.

Bloc: Doesn't realize Canada extends beyond Quebec's borders.

06-26-2004, 11:02 AM
Originally posted by davidI
Green Party: Pot Heads who will destroy Alberta's oil and gas economic wealth.

You need to brush up a little,
I think they have one of the best platforms. Their major downfall is that most of their representatives are about my age. They just don't have enough experience to pull this off.

Don't forget that the Conservatives,
Anders = One of the scariest men in Alberta.
Harper = Biggot (I still can't get over this party's stand on same-sex marriage....)....I see his campaign revolving around promissing tax cuts so people will vote for him.....I also seem them pushing a hardlined christian agenda once elected....but those are just my opinions

Anyhow, take a look through this...
There are some good links at the bottom as well.

I think your best bet it to go to each parties website and read what they have to say about subjects that interest and concern you, then make up your own mind. Get it 'straight from the horse's mouth'. Everyone on here is going to have an opinion about the parties and the direction they choose to vote. You really need to get all of your facts from multiple sources, then make an educated decision. Don't let one person's slandering (even though I'm full of slander, hehe) influence you. I'm just vocal with my opinions.

Here's a good start:

06-26-2004, 12:58 PM
Do this quiz. its great. you decide on the issues and it picks the party closest to your choice


06-26-2004, 01:25 PM
LOL everyone is going to give you a biased opinion:

Liberals: Some corruption, but good social programs, debt reduction, and good foreign policy.

Conservatives: Going to integrate us with the U.S, want to join the war in Iraq, and they want to increase spending while reducing taxes :confused: How this will happen is beyond me.

Green Party - a vote cast is a vote wasted. I don't care what you tree huggers think. All of their candidates are pot smoking 18 year old kids.

NDP - a left wing party, much like the Liberals, but want to increase taxes and increase social programs. Unpopular because they want to tax us much more. Not really an alternative to the liberals, as they are socialists.

Bloc - doesn't matter, because they only run in Quebec and represent Quebec interests.

Remember, if there is a minority government situation, the Conservatives have pledged that they will unite with the Bloc Quebecois to form government .

A vote for a minority conservative government will only fuck Alberta and help Quebec.

06-26-2004, 05:55 PM
Originally posted by freakin

You need to brush up a little,
I think they have one of the best platforms. Their major downfall is that most of their representatives are about my age. They just don't have enough experience to pull this off.

The problem isn't their platform or ideas. The problem is simple economics. Tightening environmental restrictions could drive away auto manufacturer's in the east as well as oil and lumber producers in the west. I would love to support the party and help our environment but I think it is economic suicide. If all countries are instituting a Kyoto Accord type plan then it's no big deal because the industries won't move their businesses. If Canada starts instituting expensive environmental plans and Mexico doesn't then what company is going to manufacture in Canada?

06-26-2004, 06:26 PM
Anyone remember CRAP?

C onservative
R eform
A lliance
P arty

So, if you vote for the NEW Pc party (lol), you will vote for CRAP.

06-26-2004, 06:58 PM
Originally posted by davidI

The problem isn't their platform or ideas. The problem is simple economics. Tightening environmental restrictions could drive away auto manufacturer's in the east as well as oil and lumber producers in the west. I would love to support the party and help our environment but I think it is economic suicide. If all countries are instituting a Kyoto Accord type plan then it's no big deal because the industries won't move their businesses. If Canada starts instituting expensive environmental plans and Mexico doesn't then what company is going to manufacture in Canada?

Fair enough....you just made it sound like the comments I hear a lot "Green Party? Why would you vote for them? All they want to do is legalize pot."

To me, the biggest issues are:
Social welfare
The Environment
Personal rights, ie: religious/sexual/personal freedoms

I see the Green Party off to a good start on these issues, but they're still new and need to get better plans in place to take care of these goals in the long term. I agree that right now, they just sound like dreamers, which is unfortunate. Because of this, I will likely be supporting NDP (whom seem to have a better grasp on these issues). Also, I can't bring myself to vote Liberal as a strategic move just to keep out the Conservatives. I think it's pretty safe to say that Stephen Harper will win my riding, so I might as well vote the way I want.

(I'm sure that's a little more information about my political stance, but I felt like going on a rant :))

06-26-2004, 10:08 PM
I didn't know that the Conservative party wants to unite with the block. Please provide a link or a back-up :)

06-27-2004, 12:28 AM
The so called 'PC' party (ie CRAP) will never team up with the Bloc if there is a joint rule (ie minority government).


Basically the PC platform and history won't allow these parties to work together, they can only ask for Liberal support. In other words, the PC party (read Alliance) has burned a few bridges in the past + current platform doesn't allow them to play nice with the Bloc or NDP.

The Liberals may not be much, but you will for sure see Bloc AND NDP side with them if there's a minority government.

06-27-2004, 02:16 AM
Originally posted by hjr
Do this quiz. its great. you decide on the issues and it picks the party closest to your choice


# Stephen Harper Leader of the Conservative Party of Canada (score = 100)
# Jack Layton Leader of the New Democratic Party of Canada (score = 78)
# Gilles Duceppe Leader of the Bloc Quebecois (score = 67)
# Paul Martin Leader of Liberal Party of Canada, Prime Minister of Canada (score = 22)

figures, i must be from the west...

06-28-2004, 12:25 PM
Wow...didn't see this coming...

# Paul Martin Leader of Liberal Party of Canada, Prime Minister of Canada (score = 100)
# Jack Layton Leader of the New Democratic Party of Canada (score = 85)
# Gilles Duceppe Leader of the Bloc Quebecois (score = 69)
# Stephen Harper Leader of the Conservative Party of Canada (score = 69)