View Full Version : Computer Pro's HELP!!!

10-28-2002, 12:27 AM
I'm trying to format my HD. Just ran FDISK, and restarted using my Windows 98 boot disk. I'm at the A:\ command prompt, and i'm trying to format using Format.com, but it keeps saying "This program cannot be run in DOS mode.

Any ideas on how I can format this HD so I can start over again?

EDIT - I'm using another computer now. I'm not trying to format this one (ie - windows no longer works on the one i'm trying to format, neither does most of the other programs since i've already fdisked it)

GTS Jeff
10-28-2002, 12:33 AM
simple. plug the fucked HD into the working computer and just format it from there.

ps. im wondering why u used fdisk at all. fdisk has nothing to do with formatting.

10-28-2002, 12:36 AM
Ok the computer is fine, the HD is fuked. It's not letting me format.

I always FDISK before I format. Thought it was required.

What good would it do to move the HD to another computer? I don't get it.

GTS Jeff
10-28-2002, 12:40 AM
fdisk is a partitioning program. there is no need to delete and remake a partition. all u have to do is format an existing partition to get clear the HD.

now when i say plug the HD into your wokring computer what i mean is this:

1. unplug cd-rom from working computer.
2. plug in fucked HD to the working computer. (using the cables that used to be hooked up to the cd-rom
3. format HD using working computer.

10-28-2002, 12:43 AM
run the 2 slackware boot disk and use the fdisk on that... you need to know unix/linux or whatever (haven't use that in a while)...

their fdisk software is sweet! you can convert and format the hard drive into any kind of format...

maybe i'm too old school :tongue:

10-28-2002, 09:05 AM
if your typing "format.com" that won't work. make sure that you have a boot disk that has all the commands. you may have to go to a friends house and copy his system folder files to your disk. reboot computer and at the a prompt type:

fdisk /mbr
then run fdisk again and make sure the partition that you deleted/created is bootable
then reboot computer with your windows cd in the drive and windows setup will format for you.

DSM Power
10-28-2002, 01:28 PM
You'd think TurboDSM would be all over this thread... :angel:

10-28-2002, 02:15 PM
2 scenerios:

a) You FDISK that HD and wiped the partition completely. So you'll have to FDISK it again to create a primary dos partition and set it active before you can format it.

b) Your dos bootdisk does not have format.com on it (most bootdisk DON'T if you've done a format /s or sys a:)... Then just create a startup disk in the working computer (control panel/add remove program/startup disk) and make sure it has format.com on it. If you're running winme or win2k, then I think you're shit out of luck. This only works under win98 (c:\windows\command) cause it's MSDOS based.

10-28-2002, 02:32 PM
http://www.bootdisk.com/ :dunno:

10-28-2002, 04:30 PM
Originally posted by DSM Power
You'd think TurboDSM would be all over this thread... :angel:
TurboDSM was experiencing the finer points of AWD today :)
I have been busy with computers that I have been working on, not much time to post. Also up to my ass in snow shoveling :dunno:

GTS Jeff
10-28-2002, 05:06 PM
my god, why dont u just plug the hd into another computer and format it that way?! if u plug it into the xp computer, itll let u pick exactly what file system to format it with too