View Full Version : BC Laws

07-07-2004, 10:30 AM
Well i leave Wendsady at 5 AM for a family Vaction in BC, mara lake. I am taking my car and it does not have Cruze Control. I know in alberta you can do about 8-9 KMH over the speed Limit before the cops start to bug you. Is there a limit in BC as well? Are they as picky with Blue turn signals and such there as well? I also have a radar detector are they more assholes about them in BC. I don't plan on being an asshole on the road and doing like 30-40 over, but just like 10-20 if it is posted at 110 i will do 125. If it is posted at 80 i will do 90. how picky are they???

Thanks http://forums.beyond.ca/images/icons/icon6.gif

07-07-2004, 10:51 AM
It all depends 15 might be a little big. But it also depends how you are driving. If you are driving like an asshole they will pull you over. I also suggest slowing down near cops and when they are gone speed up a bit. I would go over the speed limit by 10 max.

07-07-2004, 11:21 AM
BC cops are very picky about speed. I had a buddy get pulled over for doing 5kph over the speed limit. Also have a bunch of other friends that got pulled over for doing like 8kph over and what not.

Also. There is no speed limit in BC that is over 100kph. Oh no wait. on the Cocahaulla(sp?) its 110 but anywhere else in BC its 100kph.

07-07-2004, 11:30 AM
Also you will have a better chance of getting caught if you are drving through cities, and not highways.

Wookey- how much were their tickets?

They couldn't be that much.

07-07-2004, 12:30 PM
just be smart, the cops don't go too far away from the towns so when you get near a town back it off. lots of BC is actually 90, not 100, BTW. i drive there alot and i normally try to keep it between 90-100 and i've never been pulled over.

ole dsm
07-07-2004, 06:59 PM
bc city cops like to get picky about exhaust turn signals and tail lights , if they aren't DOT approved and they pull u over and they can tell u to get a VI (vihicle inspection) and they will arraneg a court date and so forth , they can be dicks if they want to be!

07-07-2004, 10:40 PM
Well i got all day, i will just take my time and make sure the two of us get there in peice.