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07-20-2004, 07:33 PM
well.. just list things u hate!:)
I hate:
getting sick
when theres no non tap water to drink.. my tap is bad water.
people who hate on others because of there car is ricey
people who will say "this thread" yet will still respond:rofl:
the fact that i take 5-10 needles a day
EMO people

07-20-2004, 07:36 PM

07-20-2004, 07:38 PM
I hate haters.

07-20-2004, 07:50 PM
st00pid people, but they are also the best form of entertainement, so i guess its not all bad.

07-20-2004, 07:53 PM
i hate that new show.."north shore"....its sooo gay

07-20-2004, 08:06 PM
George Bush

07-20-2004, 08:06 PM
I hate it when somthing breaks or gets worn out on my cars, I hate my sister's friends, (11years old guys, put the snake away) I hate being broke, i hate my boss, my job (<- just recently) I hate people who are nice just because they want somthing, I hate asking for things like rides, money, to use the washroom etc, waking up early in the morning, driving people around to places completly out of the way, leaving my car downtown, or in a dark parkade, snobby chicks, and people who shoot down other people's idea's, plans, jobs, and the way they live life.
What I do like, everything i hate, 'cause that's life, and for now, i kinda like it.. ;)

07-20-2004, 08:23 PM
Originally posted by illeagle
I hate it when somthing breaks or gets worn out on my cars, I hate my sister's friends, (11years old guys, put the snake away) I hate being broke, i hate my boss, my job (&lt;- just recently) I hate people who are nice just because they want somthing, I hate asking for things like rides, money, to use the washroom etc, waking up early in the morning, driving people around to places completly out of the way, leaving my car downtown, or in a dark parkade, snobby chicks, and people who shoot down other people's idea's, plans, jobs, and the way they live life.
What I do like, everything i hate, 'cause that's life, and for now, i kinda like it.. ;)
haha you nailed it man, right on the money.:thumbsup:

07-20-2004, 08:30 PM

edit: my car and debt as well

07-20-2004, 08:36 PM
-Compulsive liars
-Jealous people
-People who hide and flame from behind their computers but are gutless in real life
-Calgary Planet
-People who don't recipricate kindness and generosity

07-20-2004, 08:39 PM
people who chew with their mouth open and their chewing noises sound like pigs eating :thumbsdow

07-20-2004, 08:41 PM
everything.. lol.

07-20-2004, 08:41 PM

07-20-2004, 08:50 PM
Being tired.
People who are assholes for no reason.
Drunk Drivers.

07-20-2004, 08:50 PM
You asked for it!

1) I absolutely LOATHE conehead Calgary drivers who obviously shouldn't have been given a driver's license...for instance, the ones who are taking an exit onto the Deerfoot...where they're supposed to try and MERGE into the flow of traffic...yet they insist on slowing the hell down to 50km/h 'cause they're chickensh*ts or just braindead....and they're the cause of many accidents. God, they annoy me. If you can't drive, get off the freaking road.

2) Slow drivers. Enough said.

3) People who think that grocery shopping is synonymous with being in a slow moving parade. They dilly dally down the freaking aisles, like turtles....blocking the whole damn aisle.....paying no mind to the fact that there just *might* be someone behind them who has a life, who just wants to get their stuff and get the hell out.

4) People who can't control their bratty, screaming, yelling, obnoxious children in public.....but more than that, those who don't even try to. That's noise pollution if you ask me. I never got away with that crap when I was a kid...if I acted up, it was out of the store and off to the car we went. If your kid is screaming like a banshee because he/she isn't getting their own way, be the PARENT and try some discipline (and no, I don't mean hitting).

5) Check-out clerks who need a firecracker under their ass (just a figure of speech, people) because there are actually people out there who have places to go, people to see and they don't really dig spending their precious free time standing their rolling their eyes while you ring things in and load up the bags at a pace similar to that of a freaking sloth. Get with the program.

6) Driving around in Airdrie to visit friends, and having to drive 30 km/h in ALL residential areas at ALL times. It's crazy. I get lapped by little old ladies with walkers. I've lived all over western Canada, and that's the first place I've encountered where the whole place is a damn school zone.

7) Pedestrians who J-walk. Hello, McFly? Us drivers have to follow the rules of the road, so should you. If we cross your path prior to you stepping foot on the curb, and we get caught, that's a $575 fine. What do you get for being blithering idiots and paying no attention to the sign that indicates walk or don't walk? I especially love being at the intersection of 36th street and 32nd avenue...trying to cross 36th onto 32nd (turning left)....and some horse's butt is walking across 32nd when they're not supposed to walk, and I'm left sitting on the freaking C-train tracks, I can hear a train coming....and I'm waiting for you to get a grip. Use some brains, will you?

Um, okay, think that's it for now ;)

07-20-2004, 08:56 PM
people who don't appreciate how lucky they are

07-20-2004, 09:06 PM
People who flaunt things their parents bought them (house, cars, trips, etc).

07-20-2004, 09:18 PM
People who hate others for the only fact that their parents buy them things

07-20-2004, 09:25 PM
Originally posted by girlRACER
People who hate others for the only fact that their parents buy them things
lol :rofl:
O yea i hate calgary planet too.
getting sick.
getting bored.
missing a day of gym for some stupid reason.
jealous people.
and the list goes on and on....

07-20-2004, 09:29 PM
I hate chicks that dress like prostitutes, then give you a dirty look when you stare. Talk about frickin' false advertising!

07-20-2004, 09:34 PM
I hate:
people who post pointless off topic shit
bad drivers
cocky people
fat chicks with little clothing

07-20-2004, 09:38 PM
Originally posted by rage2
I hate chicks that dress like prostitutes, then give you a dirty look when you stare. Talk about frickin' false advertising!

Don't they know it's the married peoples *JOB* to look? No, no, we don't care that you're only 16... :dunno:

07-20-2004, 09:56 PM
Puppies and kittens

and also what rage said :rofl:

07-20-2004, 10:13 PM
Originally posted by rage2
I hate chicks that dress like prostitutes, then give you a dirty look when you stare. Talk about frickin' false advertising!

i'm with ya on this one rage2...

"just cause I'm dressed like this, doesn't mean I'm gonna sleep with you!"

well, lets put it this way then...

"just cause I'm wearing the police/fireman/paramedic uniform, doesn't mean I'm gonna help you if you're in trouble!"


07-20-2004, 10:16 PM
Originally posted by CivicDXR

&quot;just cause I'm wearing the police/fireman/paramedic uniform, doesn't mean I'm gonna help you if you're in trouble!&quot;


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
damn right man!

07-20-2004, 10:22 PM
Originally posted by CivicDXR
i'm with ya on this one rage2...

&quot;just cause I'm dressed like this, doesn't mean I'm gonna sleep with you!&quot;

well, lets put it this way then...

&quot;just cause I'm wearing the police/fireman/paramedic uniform, doesn't mean I'm gonna help you if you're in trouble!&quot;

hahaha you copied that straight from dave chapelle's standup show! I at least modified it a bit to sound different! :rofl:

07-20-2004, 10:26 PM
Originally posted by rage2

hahaha you copied that straight from dave chapelle's standup show! I at least modified it a bit to sound different! :rofl:

you watch too much chappelle show :nut: ... and so do I :D

07-20-2004, 10:32 PM
1. Mechanics and anyone related to cars who FUCK you over.
2. Calgary Planet and Nexopia for sure...
3. See number 1 again...

07-20-2004, 10:51 PM
I hate those who think I am spoiled. Hello, spoiled people don't work 70 hours a week.

I hate free loaders. Hello, do something with your life!

I hate those who think I live at home because I can't afford to move out. LMAO!!

I hate those who think I can't afford any of the things I own and that I'm really a broke ass. Again, LOL!

I hate waking up early.

I hate driving in rush hour.

I hate writing 20 page business reports.

I hate it when my portfolio goes down.

I hate how I'm so dedicated to my work that I haven't missed one weekend in 9 years.

I hate how there are so many idiots on Beyond.

07-20-2004, 11:00 PM
I just found another one!!

When your in a hurry, running late, and your car has no gas.. You pull into a gas station fill 'er up, go in to pay, and there's a little old lady, checking over like 10 lottery tickets, wins $4.00 buys more tickets, Then pays for cigaretts with interac!!!! That damn lady made my morning 3 times this month!!! what are the odds??:dunno: :banghead: Usually i just throw the money on the counter, "pump 2" and leave, but ... this time, i too had to pay with plastic.. DOH!

07-20-2004, 11:08 PM
Originally posted by max_boost
I hate those who think I am spoiled. Hello, spoiled people don't work 70 hours a week.

I hate those who think I live at home because I can't afford to move out. LMAO!!

I hate those who think I can't afford any of the things I own and that I'm really a broke ass. Again, LOL!

I hate waking up early.

I hate driving in rush hour.

I hate how there are so many idiots on Beyond.

Haha :werd: I work hard for my toys!

I hate people who are a burden on society.

I hate the big homeless castle by the river that my tax dollars paid for to house lazy or drunk people.

I hate people who chew with their mouth open and who put their elbows on the table.

I hate paying taxes.
I hate paying EI that I will never use.
I hate paying CPP that I will never get.
I hate paying for insurance that I will never use.
I hate paying for parking.
I hate paying parking tickets.
I hate paying for gas for my car.
I hate having to wash my car cause it rains so much.
I hate rain.
I hate -30 degree weather.

(Damn I could go on forever... so much hate in me)

07-20-2004, 11:10 PM
i hate........everything in a little way but in a way i like evrything i dunno if this makes sense but its juss the way life goes....like when you go outta your way for someone karma returns the favour!

07-20-2004, 11:20 PM
haha werd Benyl!! LOL

EK 2.0
07-20-2004, 11:26 PM
I hate people who start "What do you hate threads" on forums...

fake people just get me...if you cannot be sincere...then DO NOT talk to me...:banghead:

07-20-2004, 11:29 PM
icey roads
not enough sleep
when something bad happens to my car
smelly poo

07-20-2004, 11:37 PM
Originally posted by CycloneAWD
I hate people who start &quot;What do you hate threads&quot; on forums...


07-20-2004, 11:59 PM
i hate people who say they will do somthing for you, but never do.. basicly people who can't keep their word.

- Moochers
- two faced people
- people who vandalize
- Rat's/ squeeler's
- people with big mouths (gossip-ers)
- extreme liars ( my dad ownes a 2004 ferrari, but i live in affordable housing)
- import haters, domestic haters
- broken cell phone screens
- power outtage during the night making my alarm clock reset
- People who take advantage of others
- people who humiliate others just for a laugh
- bully's
- racism
- the loan officer at the royal bank N.E. (she made the list)
- ignorant, small minded people, who think only of themselves, and not the others around them.
- negetive thoughts from me, and others... DOH!
*- Serious people that never smile, and can't take a joke..*
- I HATE it when i'm in a restaurant, and someone i don't know watches me eat. (no i'm not a pig when i eat)
- I hate it when i'm at work, the day is dragging, i punch out for lunch, turn around, and lunch is over..
- I hate it when Beyond.ca keeps me up late at night
- having the torso of an 8 year old boy.j/k

07-21-2004, 12:04 AM
I hate the fact that I responded to this thread.

I hate the fact that I hate things/people/events/scenarios..

07-21-2004, 12:19 AM
I hate a lot of things, but one thing I'm really hating right now is people who try to make it sound like their life is so hard and it seems like they're bragging about it. Fucking drama queens.

07-21-2004, 12:41 AM
Haha I agree with so many things said on here, seems I have a lot of hate I didn't know about :confused: But I'll sum up the good ones :)

- I hate people who eat like some kind of barn yard animal
- I hate that some people think that the only way to have a good time is to get hammered and be loud, obnoxious and think they are cooler for it.
- Drunk drivers.
- Cowards who are all talk and no action
- People who dont understand how lucky they are to be where they are and have what they have (if your parents bought you a car or whatever, that's awesome, but understand that others don't have such luck and the generosity of your parents IS worth something and DOES NOT make you better then others)
- People who take advantage of others
- People who do things without considering the potential consiquenses of their actions even if their actions are intended to be funny and/or harmless

07-21-2004, 12:46 AM
:burnout: I hate chicks who where short skimpy ass cloths and then yell at you FOR LOOKING!!!!!!!! WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU EXPECT US TO DO...!!!!!!!

07-21-2004, 12:48 AM
when people start to say something, and then they're like 'oh never mind...' and they absolutely wont tell you. i hope those people sit on anthills.

07-21-2004, 12:53 AM

Originally posted by Firecracker
when people start to say something, and then they're like 'oh never mind...' and they absolutely wont tell you. i hope those people sit on anthills.


07-21-2004, 01:15 AM
-I hate little 12 year old girls who whore themselves up. It's fucking sick.
-I hate most music these days.
-I hate anyone who doesn't appreciate the good their lives have to offer.
-I hate people who abuse their spouses.
-I hate fat chicks who cram their fat ass in tiny clothes that reveal too damn much.
-I hate people who cheat in relationships, especially when they cheat on someone I know and give a fuck about.
-I hate people who think they're better at absolutely everything in life.
-I hate how so much shit these days just doesn't work at all.
-I hate Calgary Planet.
-I hate liars.
-I hate cocky fucking people with cocky fucking comebacks that think they're hot shit for spouting out 3 words they heard in a Will Smith film.
-I hate those shitty teen magazines that my sister reads all the time.
-I hate people who come from foreign countries and don't try to merge into Canadian culture in any way.
-I hate gang kids.
-I hate pussy people these days who won't ever stand up for themselves.
-I hate how popcorn and drinks at the theater cost so fucking much. Almost ruins the whole movie theater experience by making me pay $12 for a ticket, then another $10 for a drink and a large popcorn.
-I hate when somebody says something completely lame to me and seems to think they're justified in wasting my time by calling it an inside joke. Assholes.
-I hate those who exploit others.
-I hate dickweed people who think they're so smart by calling Paul Martin an asshole without giving any proof at all.
-I hate people who are such absolute assholes that they embrace that and live their assholeish existence with pride.
-I hate goths.
-I hate stoners.
-I hate gaming nerds.
-I hate hippies. Your peaceful protests will get you jack shit in life.
-I hate how vending machines are such complete fucking goddamn rip-offs, yet they are all you get at some places in the way of food.
-I hate people who completely hose themselves down with Axe. It doesn't smell good you cheap assholes.
-I hate how the world is so image-based these days that inner beauty is completely tossed away in so many situations.
-I hate how the absolute passion of love is just not apparent in so many relationships these days.
-I hate kids who think they're cool for drinking.
-I hate kids who think they're cool for smoking.
-I hate the mass of all these little skater-kid assholes the world has these days.
-I hate how little religion inspires in people these days. People used to be enlightened by Sunday church, quite unlike they are now.
-I hate wars started by religion.
-I hate people who key cars for something as little as a bad parking job.
-I hate how so many governments around the world are screwing over the people.
-I hate retro things. Face it, most retro styling these days looks like ass.
-I hate talk shows about 'real life problems' conducted by some fuck-wit who doesn't know a damn thing about what they're saying.
-I hate people who sit around all day and bitch because they don't have any friends or anyone to be with. Get a life you shits.
-I hate racism.
-I hate sexist women who think they were actually have the nerve to think that they were screwed over at all in the first place.
-I hate rapists. I made it clear within the first month of my current relationship that if my girlfriend was ever raped, I would find the guy who did it and kill him. Sometimes, jail is not enough.
-I hate those who commit genocide.
-I hate pussy teenage boys who think the only way to get a girl is to be an asshole to her.
-I hate those goddamn fucking home design shows on TV.
-I hate girls who love asshole guys that treat them like shit.
-I hate people so incredibly lazy that they don't walk their pets and just let them get fat and unhealthy.
-I hate anyone who abuses their pets.
-I hate goddamn teenage girls who get nice boyfriends then leave them for the next guy with a 6 pack and a cocky attitude.
-I hate anyone who gets a free ride from their parents.
-I hate any and every person in this world who ever had their first car bought by their parents. But hey, they'll never know the sweet feeling of actually purchasing a car for themselves.
-I hate how goddamn high insurance rates are.
-I hate parents who don't discipline their shit head kids.
-I hate people who brag that they're from a certain country when actually their great grandfather is from there. Face it shit heads, you're Canadian so get used to it.
-I hate celebrities who ride their careers out as long as they possibly can before they realize they are not funny and not that cool.
-I hate the general level of ignorance in the world today.
-I hate theives.
-I hate these absolute fucking pussy new-age men. Metro-sexuals. That's just plain lame. I'm not even going to explain why.
-I hate people with a bunch of piercings.
-I hate drunk drivers.
-I hate telemarketers.
-I hate these fat asshole motorcycle riding businessmen who think they're hardcore bikers.
-I hate anyone who goes completely out of their way to looks like a fuckwad.
-I hate how once-cool places like Vegas went all family friendly.
-I hate 'family friendly' things.
-I hate how easily the internet made it to steal other people hard work and use it as your own.
-I hate getting up early.
-I hate how so many artists these days don't put any passion into their work. Most of the shit they make is just a big-fat hack job to get some money.
-I hate child pornography.
-I hate people who call child pornography 'art.'
-I hate the entire pro-fat movement in the world. It's disgusting and unhealthy. Fat shits of the world (excluding those who are overweight because of disease) should not desire to be overweight.
-I hate shows/movies like Jackass.
-I hate parents who don't actually teach their kids anything.
-I hate movies like 'Dude, Where's my Car?' and 'Not Another Teen Movie.' American Pie was funny, but it spawned a shitstorm of other crappy movies that won't die.
-I hate anyone in the world who makes over 2 million dollars a year and bitches for more money. Very seldomly do these people actually deserve it.
-I hate how so many people (mostly fucking teenagers) go see psychiatrists these days to work out their 'inner issues' AKA a bit load of shit. They're attention whores.
-I hate attention whores.
-I hate anyone who spends more than 10 grand on a piece of shit car to make it look like an aerodynamic piece of shit car.
-I hate wigger kids.
-I hate how most problems that white people had involving racism to black people are solved now, yet the number of racist incidents coming from black people and directed at white people is getting quite high. Can't we all just get along?
-I hate how certain people will just keep having babies and keep demanding more money and help from the govenment. Stop having babies shithead. Condoms aren't expensive.
-I hate having a hang-over.
-I hate having so much to hate.

Holy fucking shit I hate a lot of things... :drama:

More to come tomorrow sometime, I'm going to sleep.

07-21-2004, 01:19 AM
Originally posted by girlRACER
People who hate others for the only fact that their parents buy them things

I don't think people hate other's cuz their parents buy them things. I think they are more jelious/envious of people whos parents buy them stuff.

07-21-2004, 08:23 AM
I dont hate much at all, but I do love prozac:)

07-21-2004, 08:31 AM
Originally posted by Melinda

- People who dont understand how lucky they are to be where they are and have what they have (if your parents bought you a car or whatever, that's awesome, but understand that others don't have such luck and the generosity of your parents IS worth something and DOES NOT make you better then others)


i need to add to that, people who DO NOT APPRICIATE WHAT IS GIVEN TO THEM!!!!!

i would LOVE to have parents that could afford to buy me stuff, i had almost noghting as a kid... and i see these poeple who's parents to buy them stuff, and they dont appriciate it, they just have no respect.

on a completely unrelated subject:


Originally posted by Punk
:burnout: I hate chicks who where short skimpy ass cloths and then yell at you FOR LOOKING!!!!!!!! WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU EXPECT US TO DO...!!!!!!!

07-21-2004, 09:29 AM
Benny, you hate way too much. In fact now I hate you.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I hate those who hate people who have had things given to them from their parents. Just cause YOUR parents couldn't afford it or didn't want to, doesn't make them better. Fuckwad.

I guarantee if you can afford to, you will give everything you can to your kids....if not, you are just a cheap bastard. :)

Back on topic:

I hate getting out of a hot shower into a cold bathroom

07-21-2004, 10:27 AM
:guns: Gonthro...wtf....it's things people hate...what's your prob???:banghead:

07-21-2004, 10:28 AM
Originally posted by Punk
:guns: Gonthro...wtf....it's things people hate...what's your prob???:banghead:

because what you posted was already said in almost the exact same words stolen from the chapelle show.

as i said, read the whole thread before you post.

07-21-2004, 10:31 AM

07-21-2004, 10:31 AM
Originally posted by Benny
Holy fucking shit I hate a lot of things... :drama:

More to come tomorrow sometime, I'm going to sleep. [/B]

Holy crap! You got some issues! Is there anything you like! Majorly impressive list!!! I can hardly wait for more...

07-21-2004, 10:36 AM
Originally posted by Gonthro

because what you posted was already said in almost the exact same words stolen from the chapelle show.

as i said, read the whole thread before you post.

I had NO FREAKIN IDEA that was on the Chapelle show...I've always thought that!!!!Honestly:banghead:

07-21-2004, 10:42 AM
Originally posted by Benny

-I hate people with a bunch of piercings.

becky no likey... why do you hate people with a bunch of piercings? and what constitutes as a bunch? be more specific. i'm curious.
btw... OH MY HECK when was the last time you had fun? its hard to see how you could when you hate absolutely everything in the world... where's the love?:dunno:

07-21-2004, 01:27 PM
Originally posted by ZorroAMG
Benny, you hate way too much. In fact now I hate you.

Oh... :(

Originally posted by Firecracker

becky no likey... why do you hate people with a bunch of piercings? and what constitutes as a bunch? be more specific. i'm curious.
btw... OH MY HECK when was the last time you had fun? its hard to see how you could when you hate absolutely everything in the world... where's the love?:dunno:

A bunch of piercings means too many. I don't really think there's a specific number for a bunch. Some people wear their piercings really well, and some make it look like absolute shit. Something about sticking metal through your body is just stupid to me.

It's not that I hate the whole world. Far from it actually. I just know what I don't like and easily voice it. :angel:

07-21-2004, 01:36 PM
I hate people who whine too much...yep, I guess that means all of you :)

07-21-2004, 01:46 PM
I hate people killing each other over something as ridiculous as religion.

I hate having to talk a friend out of suicide because her dad is a misogynist shithead who never should have tried to take part in the raising of a child.

I hate that we live in a society that glamorizes mindless bimbos (of both sexes) because of their tits or biceps or whatever, but the world's leading researchers and intellects work in relative obscurity.

I am annoyed by people who go off about hating things that are mildly inconvenient at worst. Seriously, if the facts that other people don't dress/drive/think like you and that theatre popcorn is expensive makes it onto your list of things you hate, you've got it too easy ;)

07-21-2004, 01:49 PM
Originally posted by subdermal
I hate people killing each other over something as ridiculous as religion.

I hate that we live in a society that glamorizes mindless bimbos (of both sexes) because of their tits or biceps or whatever, but the world's leading researchers and intellects work in relative obscurity.

As ridiculous as religion huh? I don't think you have any idea how this world of ours runs then. Why not glamourise the beautiful? are you not apart of that select group? Its in human nature to seek the beautiful, not the "leading researchers"

07-21-2004, 01:52 PM
hmm....as reading on and on about the things people hate. I guess i hate lots of things too then. But then again life is to love not hate, so i just try not to hate anything and have fun.;)

07-21-2004, 01:53 PM
Originally posted by mo_virgin
Why not glamourise the beautiful? are you not apart of that select group? Its in human nature to seek the beautiful, not the &quot;leading researchers&quot;
:rolleyes: I think what he means is why are celebs and models making millions and billions each year and yet people who are medical researchers and play other important roles such as that get such a medial salary for what they do and accomplish in this world.

Oh yeah, I also hate it when people don't take me seriously because I'm a girl...especially where cars, sports and photography are concerned

07-21-2004, 01:57 PM
people who think i am a disgruntled grumpy person

(when in reality i am cheerfully and harmlessly sarcastic)


07-21-2004, 01:58 PM
I hate it when I miss a high note playing Karaoke Revolution :banghead:.

07-21-2004, 02:04 PM
Originally posted by mo_virgin
As ridiculous as religion huh? I don't think you have any idea how this world of ours runs then.
I've got a pretty good idea, thanks. I also have some experience with how religion works. Put the two together and its an obvious conclusion that unverifiable theories and cultural traditions are ridiculous reasons to murder eachother. But I suppose as long as it keeps feeling good, people will keep doing it.

Why not glamourise the beautiful?
better question: why? what purpose does that serve? unless you've got shares in cosmetics companies, it's not doing you any good, and its not doing society any good either.

are you not apart of that select group? Why, you shopping around? :P I'm not 'hot' enough to make millions off posing on TV, but I suspect you aren't either, so I'm not sure what point you're trying to make.

Its in human nature to seek the beautiful, not the &quot;leading researchers&quot; So is it human nature to die of preventable diseases because everyone wanted to be on Canadian Idol instead of in med school?

If I offended you it was not my intent. If my points so contradicted your worldview that it made you think, even for a second, about your value system, then yes that was my intent, although I didn't have anyone specific in mind when I wrote it.

07-21-2004, 02:05 PM
Originally posted by sputnik
people who think i am a disgruntled grumpy person

(when in reality i am cheerfully and harmlessly sarcastic)


i think that impression is given by your avatar

07-21-2004, 02:17 PM
Originally posted by subdermal

better question: why? what purpose does that serve? unless you've got shares in cosmetics companies, it's not doing you any good, and its not doing society any good either.


Nah you wern't offending me... its cool, but i meant human nature because i know that our basis for attractivenes is based on human instincs. For example, most guys like curvy hips and big breasts, thats a sign of high fertility and what not...

Everything else we glamourize, big eyes, nice hair, good body all serves to show good health and a high fertility rate (thank you TLC)

07-21-2004, 02:20 PM
Originally posted by mo_virgin
For example, most guys like curvy hips and big breasts, thats a sign of high fertility and what not...
That's a sign of a lot of shit to play with in bed! :poosie:

funbags == :thumbsup:

07-21-2004, 02:25 PM
Originally posted by ZorroAMG
Benny, you hate way too much. In fact now I hate you.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I hate those who hate people who have had things given to them from their parents. Just cause YOUR parents couldn't afford it or didn't want to, doesn't make them better. Fuckwad.

I guarantee if you can afford to, you will give everything you can to your kids....if not, you are just a cheap bastard. :)

Back on topic:

I hate getting out of a hot shower into a cold bathroom


Is it cuz you were born with a silver spoon too and never had to lift a finger :rofl


is it because you plan on not working and marrying into one of these families?

It's natural to hate them esp when ppl have worked so hard to get where they are and have someone degrade it and make it look so simple by having it handed to them. People get jealous hell I get jealous, but the worst is having people who have things hadned to them who will not admit it and claim it was their own accomplishment.

Just admit it dammit!

07-21-2004, 02:29 PM
I hate seeing others around me not have to put one ounce of work into what they want or what they need, meanwhile I was living on my own and didn't even have food in my house because I was working to damn hard topay rent and bills.

I hate not being able to find work. I'm a graphic designer and logo designer and I can only get little 'spurts' of work, nothing that lets me live full time. If I could make 4 logos a day I would be making 1000 dollars american a week. Anybody need a logo?

07-21-2004, 02:33 PM
Originally posted by V6-BoI

I don't think people hate other's cuz their parents buy them things. I think they are more jelious/envious of people whos parents buy them stuff.

Originally posted by ZorroAMG
I hate those who hate people who have had things given to them from their parents. Just cause YOUR parents couldn't afford it or didn't want to, doesn't make them better. Fuckwad.

I guarantee if you can afford to, you will give everything you can to your kids....if not, you are just a cheap bastard. :)

You all make me laugh. People who flaunt the things they've had handed to them by their parents hide behind excuses like "you're jealous; your parents can't afford it." You people are way too touchy. Why would people who earn their own way be jealous? If you didn't earn what you have and flaunt your parents money, don't act all like you're the shit cuz people have no respect for that.

Flaunting your parents money is like wearing the clothes people drop off at the drycleaners you work at, or driving a car you got while working as a valet. What's the point? It's not yours and people know it.

07-21-2004, 02:34 PM
Originally posted by MenteL
I hate seeing others around me not have to put one ounce of work into what they want or what they need, meanwhile I was living on my own and didn't even have food in my house because I was working to damn hard topay rent and bills.

I hate not being able to find work. I'm a graphic designer and logo designer and I can only get little 'spurts' of work, nothing that lets me live full time. If I could make 4 logos a day I would be making 1000 dollars american a week. Anybody need a logo?

There are many interactive agency recovering (or have recovered) from the bubble burst, I am sure you can find a position in one if you have a good portfolio?

07-21-2004, 02:34 PM
Originally posted by sputnik
people who think i am a disgruntled grumpy person

(when in reality i am cheerfully and harmlessly sarcastic)


Originally posted by Gonthro

i think that impression is given by your avatar

And your miserable attitude towards everything in life :D

07-21-2004, 02:40 PM
I hate those who constantly talk about 'what car they are going to buy' but never buy one

I hate those who constantly talk about 'what mods they are going to buy' but never buy them

I hate those who constantly talk about 'what mods they have' but you never see them

I hate those who drive a $20K car and tell me my $65K car is OK. I know you are entitled to your opinion, but come on LOL

On the topic of spoiling your kids, hell my kids will get everything and more. But if they come across as ungrateful, ignorant morons, I will take everything away. My parents give me $1, I'll make $2 out of it. Unfortunately for most kids, parents give them $1, it's gone 10mins later!

07-21-2004, 02:42 PM
I hate panhandlers downtown, especially young ones. GET A JOB!!!!!:guns:

07-21-2004, 02:45 PM
Originally posted by B17a
I hate panhandlers downtown, especially young ones. GET A JOB!!!!!:guns:

that is thier job, and thye probably make more than you :banghead:

07-21-2004, 02:48 PM
I hate ppl who use the seriously played out "your sticker gives you 10 more HP" joke...it was funny in 1993, but not anymore.

07-21-2004, 02:54 PM
Originally posted by Altezza

Flaunting your parents money is like wearing the clothes people drop off at the drycleaners you work at, or driving a car you got while working as a valet. What's the point? It's not yours and people know it.

:rofl: :rofl: fucking priceless!!

07-21-2004, 03:01 PM
I hate ppl that have unjustified hate on things because they either can't think straight or just ignorant.

07-21-2004, 03:02 PM
If I had tons of cash (and kids)... I would want the best for my kids... but they better be doing the dishes and mowing my lawn without having to be constantly asked by me to do it. They will understand where their money comes from.

I would make sure their education was taken care of and that they had a ride to school. But they are dreaming if they think they will get a BMW or Benz. If they try to take me for a ride. I will take their ride.

And when they are done school. They will be paying rent or moving out. Even birds push their young out of the nest not knowing if they can fly or not yet.

07-21-2004, 03:14 PM
Originally posted by sputnik
If I had tons of cash (and kids)... I would want the best for my kids... but they better be doing the dishes and mowing my lawn without having to be constantly asked by me to do it. They will understand where their money comes from.

I would make sure their education was taken care of and that they had a ride to school. But they are dreaming if they think they will get a BMW or Benz. If they try to take me for a ride. I will take their ride.

And when they are done school. They will be paying rent or moving out. Even birds push their young out of the nest not knowing if they can fly or not yet.

Holy crap I couldn't agree more. I don't think I could have put it any better. :thumbsup:

07-21-2004, 03:19 PM
Originally posted by sputnik

I would make sure their education was taken care of and that they had a ride to school. But they are dreaming if they think they will get a BMW or Benz. If they try to take me for a ride. I will take their ride.

And when they are done school. They will be paying rent or moving out. Even birds push their young out of the nest not knowing if they can fly or not yet.

Werd. But I would get them a fifteen year old mercedes for $5000 and tell them it's a $60,000 car (10 years ago).

Back on topic, I hate people that judge you based on how much money you have or what kind of car you drive. Conversely, I hate posers that *want* you to judge them based on their perceived wealth.

07-21-2004, 03:30 PM
Originally posted by Altezza

You all make me laugh. People who flaunt the things they've had handed to them by their parents hide behind excuses like &quot;you're jealous; your parents can't afford it.&quot; You people are way too touchy. Why would people who earn their own way be jealous? If you didn't earn what you have and flaunt your parents money, don't act all like you're the shit cuz people have no respect for that.

Flaunting your parents money is like wearing the clothes people drop off at the drycleaners you work at, or driving a car you got while working as a valet. What's the point? It's not yours and people know it.

Originally posted by Fuji


Is it cuz you were born with a silver spoon too and never had to lift a finger :rofl


is it because you plan on not working and marrying into one of these families?

It's natural to hate them esp when ppl have worked so hard to get where they are and have someone degrade it and make it look so simple by having it handed to them. People get jealous hell I get jealous, but the worst is having people who have things hadned to them who will not admit it and claim it was their own accomplishment.

Just admit it dammit!

Both of you seem to totally miss the point. :rolleyes: There is nothing wrong with getting things from your parents as long as you know the value of money and work hard. I have never degraded anyone, that is just plain rude. If you must know, you gossip folks, I had my education paid for and my first car paid for, that is it. EVERYTHING I have bought, including both condos, my car, etc were all paid for by me. I just hate all you whiners that complain when others have it easier, especially when you don't know half of the story. I myself, much like Max_boost work my ass off to the tune of 60hrs a week, I worked 7 days a week for almost a year and have developed all my own opportunities, so don't act like you know me or any other people that had help from their parents growing up.

Fuckin' babies, you should worry about yourselves instead of what others have/do then you would actually hate things a lot less...

07-21-2004, 03:32 PM
Originally posted by ZorroAMG

Both of you seem to totally miss the point. :rolleyes: There is nothing wrong with getting things from your parents as long as you know the value of money and work hard. I have never degraded anyone, that is just plain rude. If you must know, you gossip folks, I had my education paid for and my first car paid for, that is it. EVERYTHING I have bought, including both condos, my car, etc were all paid for by me. I just hate all you whiners that complain when others have it easier, especially when you don't know half of the story. I myself, much like Max_boost work my ass off to the tune of 60hrs a week, I worked 7 days a week for almost a year and have developed all my own opportunities, so don't act like you know me or any other people that had help from their parents growing up.

Fuckin' babies, you should worry about yourselves instead of what others have/do then you would actually hate things a lot less...

:werd: :werd:

I totally agree.

07-21-2004, 03:54 PM
Originally posted by ZorroAMG

Both of you seem to totally miss the point. :rolleyes: There is nothing wrong with getting things from your parents as long as you know the value of money and work hard. I have never degraded anyone, that is just plain rude. If you must know, you gossip folks, I had my education paid for and my first car paid for, that is it. EVERYTHING I have bought, including both condos, my car, etc were all paid for by me. I just hate all you whiners that complain when others have it easier, especially when you don't know half of the story. I myself, much like Max_boost work my ass off to the tune of 60hrs a week, I worked 7 days a week for almost a year and have developed all my own opportunities, so don't act like you know me or any other people that had help from their parents growing up.

Fuckin' babies, you should worry about yourselves instead of what others have/do then you would actually hate things a lot less...

good point do you want a cookie?

i agree there is nothing wrong with getting money from parents, but a lot of people like to flash their parents money. Why look bling when its not your accomplishment?

I can choose to think/do whatever I want. If its hating on spoiled people so be it. I find it entertaining that you constantly have to defend this trival topic on almost every thread it comes up in.

BTW the "Just admit it" statement i said earlier was not directed at you. It was a general statement.

obviously I am not being precicious enough to know about all the things in this world, unlike yourself, but I will not renege on what i have said

07-21-2004, 03:54 PM
I don't mind people whose parents gave them things, hell if mine had given me a brand new BMW for no good reason I'd have taken it. What I find disgusting is, after working hard for what I have, to see some e-thuggin trustfund baby looking down on me because in his mind he has a nicer ride and somehow he thinks that makes him a more worthwhile person.

So to sum up:
People with generous rich parents = :thumbsup:
People with generous rich parents who think that somehow that's something they should derive personal pride from = :bullshit:

07-21-2004, 04:03 PM
Originally posted by ZorroAMG
There is nothing wrong with getting things from your parents as long as you know the value of money and work hard.

That pretty much sums it up.

If my parents want to give me one of their houses today, I be glad to accept it! Having to go through life without a mortgage is probably the best thing that can happen to anyone. haha

I could careless what others think :rofl:

Originally posted by subdermal
What I find disgusting is, after working hard for what I have, to see some e-thuggin trustfund baby looking down on me because in his mind he has a nicer ride and somehow he thinks that makes him a more worthwhile person.
:werd: :werd:

07-21-2004, 04:12 PM
Originally posted by Fuji

good point do you want a cookie? i agree there is nothing wrong with getting money from parents, but a lot of people like to flash their parents money. Why look bling when its not your accomplishment?

I can choose to think/do whatever I want. If its hating on spoiled people so be it. I find it entertaining that you constantly have to defend this trival topic on almost every thread it comes up in

obviously I am not being precicious enough to know about all the things in this world, unlike yourself, but I will not renege on what i have said

Wow, you really are a hero, aren't you? :rolleyes: I defend this topic because ignorant people (read: however you want) think that's who I am, slick. It gets annoying. Take a lesson from subdermal, he summed it up perfectly, maybe then you'll stop whining.....:nut:

07-21-2004, 04:16 PM
I hate people that call you anals :dunno:

I hate teenagers that think they are cool for beating up a 12 year-old kid.

07-21-2004, 04:18 PM
Originally posted by ZorroAMG

Both of you seem to totally miss the point. :rolleyes: There is nothing wrong with getting things from your parents as long as you know the value of money and work hard. I have never degraded anyone, that is just plain rude. If you must know, you gossip folks, I had my education paid for and my first car paid for, that is it. EVERYTHING I have bought, including both condos, my car, etc were all paid for by me. I just hate all you whiners that complain when others have it easier, especially when you don't know half of the story. I myself, much like Max_boost work my ass off to the tune of 60hrs a week, I worked 7 days a week for almost a year and have developed all my own opportunities, so don't act like you know me or any other people that had help from their parents growing up.

Fuckin' babies, you should worry about yourselves instead of what others have/do then you would actually hate things a lot less...

What point was there to miss? Actually I don't have much care for what you have, but I'm not surprised you advertised it to us all as you gracefully do all the time.

I clearly state that I don't agree with individuals who flaunt their parents money. Never have I stated that havng a helping hand from your parents growing up is overly disgraceful. Good for you if you work hard for your money. There are many who don't work as hard as you. But there are also many here that work much harder than you as well. Contrary to what you believe, we don't sit here all day wondering about ZorroAMG.

07-21-2004, 04:22 PM
Originally posted by ZorroAMG

Wow, you really are a hero, aren't you? :rolleyes: I defend whenever attacked, slick. Take a lesson from subdermal, he summed it up perfectly, maybe then you'll stop whining.....:nut:

I dont think i have ever attacked you directly, rather made general statements about the topic. i did however make one typo by stating that you should admit it. That was directed as a general statement.

Slick? thats reserved for ppl with greasy hair slicked back, lol I don't fall in that category.

If my incessant whining bothers you so much block my posts.

07-21-2004, 04:22 PM
Originally posted by Altezza

Contrary to what you believe, we don't sit here all day wondering about ZorroAMG.

I'm glad, cause that would be quite lame.:rofl: :rofl: You're just bitter and pissed cause I proved you wrong. :tongue:

Fuji, sorry for the slick comment I have no issue with you personally:)

07-21-2004, 04:35 PM
Originally posted by ZorroAMG

I'm glad, cause that would be quite lame.:rofl: :rofl: You're just bitter and pissed cause I proved you wrong. :tongue:

Pissed? Bitter? What reason would I have to be pissed or bitter? What did you prove me wrong on? Please enlighted me. From what I can see, you're overly sensitive about this issue and read into my posts more than what was stated - that really isn't my problem. Where did I direct anything specifically towards you that you had to provide proof?

07-21-2004, 04:36 PM
Originally posted by Altezza
You all make me laugh. People who flaunt the things they've had handed to them by their parents hide behind excuses like &quot;you're jealous; your parents can't afford it.&quot; You people are way too touchy. Why would people who earn their own way be jealous? If you didn't earn what you have and flaunt your parents money, don't act all like you're the shit cuz people have no respect for that.

Flaunting your parents money is like wearing the clothes people drop off at the drycleaners you work at, or driving a car you got while working as a valet. What's the point? It's not yours and people know it.
haha I dunno man, if some kid got an Enzo from his parents, I'd be fucking jealous! :rofl:

Similarly, if my parents are mega rich and bought me an enzo, I could care less what anyone thinks. Cuz you know what? I'm drivin' an Enzo! haha.

07-21-2004, 04:38 PM
I hate rich parents that give their kids what they don't deserve.

oh wait.. that was covered already...

07-21-2004, 04:40 PM
Originally posted by rage2

haha I dunno man, if some kid got an Enzo from his parents, I'd be fucking jealous! :rofl:

Similarly, if my parents are mega rich and bought me an enzo, I could care less what anyone thinks. Cuz you know what? I'm drivin' an Enzo! haha.

If I have an enzo, I would not be on this forum. I would be on 17th ave everyday.

07-21-2004, 04:41 PM
Originally posted by Superesc
If I have an enzo, I would not be on this forum. I would be on 17th ave everyday.


07-21-2004, 04:43 PM
Originally posted by rage2



Damn I know I should've kept my mouth shut!!!! :rofl:

07-21-2004, 04:44 PM
Originally posted by rage2

haha I dunno man, if some kid got an Enzo from his parents, I'd be fucking jealous! :rofl:

Similarly, if my parents are mega rich and bought me an enzo, I could care less what anyone thinks. Cuz you know what? I'm drivin' an Enzo! haha.

I actually do know a 16-yr old kid who got a Ferrari. He don't have too many friends cuz they all think he's a spoiled-ass biatch... :rofl:

07-21-2004, 04:46 PM
Originally posted by Superesc

Damn I know I should've kept my mouth shut!!!! :rofl:

You might have to keep it open for a little while longer yet :barf:


07-21-2004, 04:48 PM
Originally posted by Altezza

I actually do know a 16-yr old kid who got a Ferrari. He don't have too many friends cuz they all think he's a spoiled-ass biatch... :rofl:

are you sure the kid is 16???
i think thats a little bit too much...!!

07-21-2004, 04:48 PM
Originally posted by Altezza

I actually do know a 16-yr old kid who got a Ferrari. He don't have too many friends cuz they all think he's a spoiled-ass biatch... :rofl:

He probably is.