View Full Version : Stupid speeding ticket in the country for me

11-04-2002, 01:32 PM
On the way into work this morning, I was heading north towards 22X. There was a suburban in front of me going slow(the speed limit)(80km/h = country speed limit), so as went down a big hill I passed him. At the bottom of the hill by some mail boxes was a blue crownline. I realized it was a cop so I slowed down. I was still 1/2 a km away when his lights went on and he stepped out onto the road to wave me over. He said I was doing 123km/h and the suburban was doing 83. I gave him some story about the truck going slow and that he was only doing the limit b/c we were going down a hill. So I got 3 dimerits and -$140. He was a RCMP from Okotoks too.

cliff notes:
speeding ticket,123i in a 80 zone, $140.:thumbsdow

11-04-2002, 01:35 PM
shitty...sorry to hear that...:thumbsdow damn cops!

11-04-2002, 01:36 PM
Oh dude... sucks to hear that... gonna fight it or just pay up?

11-04-2002, 01:37 PM
sorry to hear that dude....I have never seen a cop on that road

Blue Devil 2
11-04-2002, 01:40 PM
sorry to hear!! I went this morning and paid a $245 ticket....not to mention hire a points rep. to fight my 6 point ticket as well....all i can recommend is that you try and fight every ticket you get:thumbsup:

11-04-2002, 01:42 PM
when i was on my home from the U today this guy in a sunfire was on my ass for the longest time...so we finally go onto 14th st and he blazes by me...everyone is going 50km...and he gets his pretty little license plate on a picture to be sent to him in the mail for a small fee....bwhahahah

i eventually caught up to him at the lights and grinned. fool!

11-04-2002, 01:49 PM
I'm just going to pay. The driver of the truck I passed right before getting busted must have been laughind when he saw me pull over.:banghead:

and he didn't say anything about my fart-can exhaust or clear/hyperwhite turn signals either.

11-04-2002, 03:52 PM
The okotoks cops are the worst .They pulled me over a couple of times.never got any tickets but still.

GTS Jeff
11-04-2002, 04:17 PM
ive gotten a ticket from the okotoks 5-0 before. sux

11-04-2002, 04:33 PM
Worst I've done was outside of Granum (near Fort Macleod). Was going to Lethbridge to see the GF.

RCMP pulled me over doing 120 in a 60. But once he heard I was just anxious to get home to see the gf (wink wink) he let me off with a 65 in a 60. Phew!

He probably just didn't want to go to court either... :D

11-04-2002, 06:28 PM
damn man that sude was hell HC i was pulled over for doing 168 on the way to banff and the RCMP who was a Sgt only gave me a 90 dollar fine and 2 demerits that guy must have caught his wife with another man or somethig
