View Full Version : Help HDD problems

08-07-2004, 12:34 PM
so i have a 60gb 3.5" drive in an external usb enclosure... this thing as everythign important on it... all my photo n such...

always it powers onnn but all i hear is thunk..thunk...thunk..thunk about ever second, and then it pauses for about 15 seconds and does it agian, my computer will not detect it but i NEED the stuff off this hdd, any help would be appriciated.

08-07-2004, 01:08 PM
anyone have warrney info for wd? i cant seem to find it on thier site.

08-07-2004, 02:24 PM
From the sounds of it that hard drive is toast. You'll likely be able to get a new drive if it's under a year old, but I doubt you're going to get anything off of that drive. If it's really that important you might be able to send the drive off to a data recovery joint.

Check out something like this:

The warranty is going to be through whoever sold you the enclosure (assuming it came with the drive). Your best bet would be to take it back to the retailer that you bought it from.