View Full Version : Hosting Company

08-18-2004, 11:13 PM
Anyone own a hosting company and wanna do somethign for beyond? :P, I got about 12gigs of Car videos Im organzing and woudln't mind hosting them on a network but frankly I cant veen buy lunch never mind pay for a 12gig+ webhosting account, I would get one of my buddies to make a secure site so its hard for peopel to leech the movies off of the site, just for viewing purposes, and your company would get credit obveously from all the epople who used the site etc...

Lemme know via email/pm or gimmie a shout (403) 619 7995

08-18-2004, 11:39 PM
its not the space that would be a problem its the bandwidth. i host a game customization, avi/demo site for a buddy, its about 40gb in files, and uses like 1000GB a month in transfer, thats alot.

car vids would get gobbled up like crazy too probably. not sure who has that kind of transfer to do a month.

08-19-2004, 12:00 AM
I know of a company I used to do shit with that does but one of their servers got fried so I have to wait for enough peopel to sponser to get it back online *free organization thing* but I dunno if I can get 12gig off them, if soemoen wanted tooo maybe we could somehow get a share goign on with the phpBB user database and make it so beyond users had to login to the site in order to get the videos