View Full Version : looking to get a car, oppinions pls

08-31-2004, 01:56 PM
hey guys,

im new to the forum, just thought i'd ask a question or 2. im looking to get a car but im not really too sure what i want to get yet, soo, i would be greatful if you guys could give me your oppinions or suggestions. i've been looking at 2nd gen n/a rx7's, either s4 or s5. also been interested in mk2 gti's preferably 2.0L 16v. dunno which to get, but whichever one i do get, it will be used for daily commute and also for some fun stuff :) so if you guys want to share anything about these 2 cars or want to suggest any other options i would appreciate it very much.

ps looking to spend around $5k cdn.


09-01-2004, 01:13 AM
rx-7's will suck your gas money back pretty fast, and gti's are still pretty pricey.

i'd say save a few more G's and get into a s13 or somthing fun like that :)

RWD= fun and easy to work on :P