View Full Version : 360 Modena. Engine. KAPOW.

11-13-2002, 12:09 PM
Funny story, i went to the DMV yesterday to renew my license (my bday was on 11/7....say it) anyway, i get there, and there are 2 lines for people taking the drivers tests where the cars line up. I Look and there is a Silver 360 with its hatch open and lots of smoke coming out, a middle aged mexican guy standing there with his face in his hands (must have sold a lot of friggin oranges to get that). Funny, i never thought id see a Ferrari at a DMV, especially with the engine blown.........

11-13-2002, 12:11 PM
ouch...i wonder what a new 360 engine costs?? hella $$$ i would bet....where abouts do you live????

11-13-2002, 12:16 PM
Originally posted by infamous
ouch...i wonder what a new 360 engine costs?? hella $$$ i would bet....where abouts do you live????

PiTT's a SoCal gimp.

11-13-2002, 01:04 PM
okay okay........

poor guy must be poopin out a brick after that happened ..
i wonder if waranty would cover that

///M Power
11-13-2002, 06:24 PM
Originally posted by infamous
ouch...i wonder what a new 360 engine costs?? hella $$$ i would bet....where abouts do you live????

On ebay one time, some guy was selling his 360 engine because he crashed the car, but the engine was fine. I think he was getting like $45k American for it.

11-13-2002, 06:34 PM
what :eek: :eek: :eek: 45grand american?? that's stupid...for that price i would drop in a modified 454 and have like 900 hp!

11-13-2002, 06:40 PM
Originally posted by infamous
what :eek: :eek: :eek: 45grand american?? that's stupid...for that price i would drop in a modified 454 and have like 900 hp!
are you stupid? No modified 454 could compare to Ferarri engineering.
And I don't think Ferarri's trying to win any hp battles. The 360 "only" has 400hp. Many cars could surpass that mark, but still doesn't make it better than a 360.:rolleyes:

11-13-2002, 06:54 PM
Whoever bought that engine, I wonder what they stuffed it into!

11-13-2002, 07:03 PM
well to an extent i agree....but for 45g american, think of what kind of hp you could be pushing...but at the same time it wouldn't be an original ferrari or have the whine of ferrari engines...it's a toss up but as for myself if i had a ferrari body with a blown engine and i had to pay 45g to get another one, i wouldn't....i would pay 20 grand and have a 454 put in....

just my 0.02

11-13-2002, 07:44 PM
the person who bought it is probably a Ferarri owner.

11-13-2002, 07:46 PM
Originally posted by szw
Whoever bought that engine, I wonder what they stuffed it into!
Probably sitting in a garage as a backup engine for a ferrari enthusiast who wants to bag on his car :)

11-13-2002, 07:59 PM
Originally posted by infamous
well to an extent i agree....but for 45g american, think of what kind of hp you could be pushing...but at the same time it wouldn't be an original ferrari or have the whine of ferrari engines...it's a toss up but as for myself if i had a ferrari body with a blown engine and i had to pay 45g to get another one, i wouldn't....i would pay 20 grand and have a 454 put in....

just my 0.02

Your logic is somewhat flawed. I don't think people buy Ferrari to put a 454 into it. There are much cheaper ways to build a car that is faster and better than a Ferrari...

11-13-2002, 08:48 PM
yeah but if you bought a ferrari and blew the engine....would you wanna pay another 45k us on top of the 175k us you paid for it?? you could get a lot more performance and everything with spending less money AFTER you blew the engine in it

11-13-2002, 09:22 PM
If you can afford a ferrari, you can afford another ferrari engine.

Otherwise all the old guys at your ferrari meets will laugh at you!

11-13-2002, 09:39 PM
yeah but if you can blow all of them away then would they still laugh at you?? didn't think so....but i will most likely never own a ferrari, let alone blow the engine...so i don't have to worry :thumbsup:

11-14-2002, 02:11 AM
actually not all ferrari owners are wealthy....some of them *ahemrageahem* spend ALL of their money on cars and just live in shack's. His wife complains all the damn time how she only drives a little ol slk and he gets all the pimped out rides....now imagine if a guy had a SLK, wouldn't that be funny? those are so girly, huh kenny? btw, rage, im not a socal gimp, im a so cal pimp ;)

11-14-2002, 02:23 AM
Originally posted by infamous
yeah but if you can blow all of them away then would they still laugh at you?? didn't think so....but i will most likely never own a ferrari, let alone blow the engine...so i don't have to worry :thumbsup:
when are you going to understand that HAVING A FERARRI ISN'T ALL ABOUT GOING FAST.
It doesn't matter if you blow them away or not. Having a Ferarri with a 454 is like having a kit car... a really expensive kit car.

If you want a "Ferarri killer", go out and buy a Mustang and mod the hell out of it. But just because its faster, doesn't make it better.

11-14-2002, 02:48 AM
Originally posted by buh_buh

when are you going to understand that HAVING A FERARRI ISN'T ALL ABOUT GOING FAST.
It doesn't matter if you blow them away or not. Having a Ferarri with a 454 is like having a kit car... a really expensive kit car.

If you want a "Ferarri killer", go out and buy a Mustang and mod the hell out of it. But just because its faster, doesn't make it better.

he might jump sides now..:poosie:

but buh, is correct.

11-14-2002, 03:11 AM
no, i am not going to jump sides...i just think that if you blow up your engine, you *might* want to consider buying a different one...because at 45k a pop, they aren't cheap...most people who own ferrari's can afford to buy an extra engine or two, but from the way that i see it, if you can't afford another one, why not drop a 454 into it?? no, it wouldn't be considered a kit car, because the body, frame, interior and everything is real...just because there isn't a ferrari v8 sitting behind you doesn't mean that it isn't a ferrari...and a mustang? if you don't have the money for a ferrari, then a mustang just might be the next best thing....but in no way am i comparing a mustang to a ferrari 360...one is 10 grand the other is like 180.....

11-14-2002, 03:22 AM
people dont buy ferraris only for the speed..sure u can make a mustang with lots of mods rape it in straight line, but what happens on the track? what looks better? luxury? engineering? just the name Ferrari makes it all the better.

11-14-2002, 07:25 AM
First of all, if you were to blow up the Engine on a 360, being a new car, it would *most likely* be covered under Warranty:dunno: ......Like everyone is Saying, putting a 454 into a Ferrari Totally Defeats the Purpose, if you were to spend $180,000 or whatever, then blew up the Engine, why you would even waste the $20,000 or less on an Engine that isnt Ferrari, makes NO sense at all, then you just have a Half-assed attempt at a Ferrari, sure Everything Else would still be Ferrari, But the Heart of it would be a Chevy???........yeah.:thumbsdow

11-14-2002, 02:30 PM
Originally posted by James
then you just have a Half-assed attempt at a Ferrari, sure Everything Else would still be Ferrari, But the Heart of it would be a Chevy???........yeah.:thumbsdow
The motor is the most important part of the car, so if you replace the ferarri motor with a chevy motor, then it wouldn't really be a ferarri anymore. That is the absolute stupidest thing I have ever heard of, and if you think your not going to get laughed at once you "blow them away", think again.:thumbsdow

11-14-2002, 02:42 PM
Originally posted by buh_buh

The motor is the most important part of the car, so if you replace the ferarri motor with a chevy motor, then it wouldn't really be a ferarri anymore. That is the absolute stupidest thing I have ever heard of, and if you think your not going to get laughed at once you "blow them away", think again.:thumbsdow

Originally posted by redline_13000
people dont buy ferraris only for the speed..sure u can make a mustang with lots of mods rape it in straight line, but what happens on the track? what looks better? luxury? engineering? just the name Ferrari makes it all the better.


11-14-2002, 02:43 PM
a gm engine in a ferrari is fucking retarded
what a disgrace

11-14-2002, 02:51 PM
Back in the bad old days (1960s/1970s) Ferrari V12s were so notoriously unreliable and expense to maintain that a lot of Ferrari owners swapped out their V12s with Chevy engines.

In today's day and age, Ferrari engines are great, so I can't imagine justifying a 350/454 swap. The weight difference alone would destroy the balance of a virtually perfect car.

The engines are far from fragile.. they do run in many difference race series, including the new F360GT. I agree that is would be somewhat of a disgrace to have a non-Ferrari engine in an F360.

If you can't step up to the plate on the maintenance costs of a Ferrari, you should not be playing with the big boys. It costs about 15k USD to maintain an F355/F360 properly *per year* so it should be calculated into the total cost of ownership. $200 oil changes rule.

A Ferrari F360 is an $80k car with a $100k engine. (Heard that onetime about the F355 at 40k/100k, but I think it still certainly applies. Ever heard one?)

Originally posted by 300rwhp
a gm engine in a ferrari is fucking retarded
what a disgrace

11-14-2002, 02:55 PM
Originally posted by PiTT
actually not all ferrari owners are wealthy....some of them *ahemrageahem* spend ALL of their money on cars and just live in shack's. His wife complains all the damn time how she only drives a little ol slk and he gets all the pimped out rides....now imagine if a guy had a SLK, wouldn't that be funny? those are so girly, huh kenny? btw, rage, im not a socal gimp, im a so cal pimp ;)

hey, it's better than owning a bling bling E class... 190E that is LOL :D.

11-14-2002, 04:47 PM
I agree with the guy who said that the engine is the heart of a Ferarri. A Ferrari body with a chevy heart is ridiculous. The sound of a Ferrari engine alone is worth the price IMO. The only time I would even think of desecrating a 360 by swapping the engine is if I had like thirty 360's stored and decided to fuck around with one of them. :bigpimp:

11-15-2002, 01:07 AM
Hey not everyone can be rich and spoiled like me driving around in a brand new E55...its ok rage, ill give u a ride if you ever come down =P

11-15-2002, 01:48 AM
Originally posted by SmelltheRubber
I agree with the guy who said that the engine is the heart of a Ferarri. A Ferrari body with a chevy heart is ridiculous. The sound of a Ferrari engine alone is worth the price IMO.


Originally posted by SmelltheRubber
The only time I would even think of desecrating a 360 by swapping the engine is if I had like thirty 360's stored and decided to fuck around with one of them. :bigpimp:

And it would STILL be a Disgrace:guns: j/k:tongue: