View Full Version : Beware: Ati Catalyst 4.9 Drivers Are Evil

09-09-2004, 12:38 PM
Just installed these drivers off ati's website....and POOF... computer is pooched...video card doesnt work, and now i cant even get into windows (freezes up at login screen after password is entered).

Just warning you all to stay away from those drivers...of course it could have been SP2 as well.... since my copy of windows isnt the most legal copy in the world :poosie:

word around the campfire is that if you have a pirated copy of windows xp and you try installed SP2..it screws up your windows to the point of clean re-install being needed.

mickeysoft at its best :whipped:

09-09-2004, 03:35 PM
Thats odd, I am running the cat 4.9s on my 9800pro and SP2 -- no problems whatsoever.

Did you properly uninstall your previous video card drivers?

09-09-2004, 03:41 PM
and turn off your virus scan?

09-09-2004, 03:54 PM

*oops>>> caps!!*

09-09-2004, 05:24 PM
cat 4.9 is working here flawlessly....

09-09-2004, 07:00 PM
Work fine here, but the new control panel is retarded, uses so much memory!!!

09-09-2004, 07:10 PM
sp2 working for me...mine-not-so-legal too.

09-13-2004, 11:13 AM
Well after 3 days i finally fixed the problem. I took about 30 tries to actually get into safe mode....log in.....and then i uninstalled the video card drivers. After that i used a driver cleaner program to find any instances of any old ATI drivers that may be on the computer and removed those as well.

At that point i rebooted my computer. This time it allowed me to boot into windows properly. XP auto detected my video card, i reinstalled the Catalyst 4.9 drivers, rebooted once more, and now it works fine.

Im assuming there were some partially installed/uninstalled ATI drivers in there that were conflicting with these new ones. Was a total pain in the ass though. Even took the computer in and they couldnt figure out the problem (didnt pay them...of course). So i took it back home and fixed it myself.

In regards to what everyone is saying about SP2. Ive installed it and it works perfect. Only issue i have encountered is if you run BLACKICE with the windows SP2 firewall it causes problems with not being able to open windows, add/remove programs window, etc etc. Windows just open and "flash" and close instantly. Removing BLACKICE fixes the problem.

A friend of mine "hacked" my XP to change the activation code so i could even install SP2 mind you...since it isnt a "legal" copy. But guess he has a program that auto creates tons of activation codes, brings up the activation window...and BAM....pretty sweet.

09-13-2004, 11:55 AM
is it really Catalyst 4.9 that could potentially cause PC program?

I just moved into my own place and I had Cable TV installed last Sat. Since Im using an All-in-wonder, my comp is now my only TV. so as soon as I had to cable installed and I downloaded their newest driver, adn thats when my comp went BOOM. my virus scanner stop working, window doesnt boot properly, I cant even open TV/DVd or anything ATi- related. 10 diff error pops up everytime I open Window, etc etc..

I'll have to try to rol back the driver... who do I do that anyway

09-13-2004, 03:57 PM
well i think its 4.9 anyhow personally..never had trouble installing 4.8 before. Only reason i switched to 4.9 is because of Doom 3.

Try the rollback driver if that doesnt work go into safe mode and uninstall all ati drivers, and re-install 4.8.

Everyone was telling me i had to do a clean reinstall of windows xp...over my dead body.. lol...dont want to lose all my information. Still have to make a new user profile though since my old one managed to get corrupted because of these driver problems.