View Full Version : Quick ticket question...

09-11-2004, 01:54 AM
Hey sorry I hate to post on a ticket, so I'll make this quick. Coming home from Ben's house tonight on Macloed, thought I was in a 100km/h zone (honestly I don't know WHY I thought that), doing 111, common for me to go about 10km/h over the limit when I see the blue berries and cherries behind me. Pull over, turns out it was a 70km/h zone :banghead: :banghead: yes I am a friggen moron I know. Anyways the officer took my I.D. and insurance and came back about 5 minutes later, conversation went as followed:
Officer:How old are you?
Alex:Almost 18
Officer: No, exactly how old are you
Alex:17 and 10... no 11 month's I suppose
Officer:Thank you

Get home to check my ticket, between the boxes where you can either check youth or adult he checked the adult box. I am CLEARLY under 18 tho, even when my court date is set it will still be 6 days to my bday. Does this void the ticket or what exactly does this mean?

09-11-2004, 02:37 AM

As ben states here

Originally posted by Ben
The Adult thing wont scrap the ticket in most cases...it has to be an error on the vital info, like your name. Even address wont throw it out under most cases. the cop has up to 6 months to reissue a ticket, so thats all he would do.

09-11-2004, 03:13 AM
Yeah, sucks man..

Best bet is to go talk to the crown.

Go in the morning for sure, I would say get there at 830 (thats when he gets there, but sometimes comes in at 9) if you go at like 10-11, forget about is, 1-2 hour wait, plus he can only do X amount of tickets per day, so if he hits that, he cant do any more and y'all have o go home, DO NOT GO AFTER 12PM.

Make sure you bring the ticket its self with you.
Process takes about 10 min start to finish, after you talk to him you go back and wait, and then the clerk calls you to pay the fine or ask for time to pay.

He's generally pretty good about reducing it for you if you're really sorry and such.

09-11-2004, 03:46 AM
my buddie who is 17 got his ticket voided cuz it said adult....

09-11-2004, 07:39 AM
This is kinda in the same thread, and I thought maybe someone would know about this.
I got a ticket yesterday afternoon for turning left where there was a no left turn sign. However, I was on my way to the hospital with an asthma attack, and I have the hospital documents to support this.
The cop pulled me over, and I told him I realized I had made the illegal turn and was trying to get to the doctors as fast as possible due to my difficulty breathing. He asked me if I needed an ambulance, and I told him no, but I really needed to get to the doctors.
So then he writes me the ticket, and leaves. I was so upset that my breathing got more difficult and I ended up sitting in my car for 40 minutes until the attack passed enough to where I could drive.
Anyways, I got home and realized he never had me sign the ticket. Where it says how I agree to appear in court and by signing I am not acknowledging my guilt, he never asked me to sign on the line. I live in the state of texas.
Does anyone know about the laws here concerning this? I can not find anything on the internet.

09-11-2004, 08:31 AM
Originally posted by Ben
Yeah, sucks man..

Best bet is to go talk to the crown.

Go in the morning for sure, I would say get there at 830 (thats when he gets there, but sometimes comes in at 9) if you go at like 10-11, forget about is, 1-2 hour wait, plus he can only do X amount of tickets per day, so if he hits that, he cant do any more and y'all have o go home, DO NOT GO AFTER 12PM.

Make sure you bring the ticket its self with you.
Process takes about 10 min start to finish, after you talk to him you go back and wait, and then the clerk calls you to pay the fine or ask for time to pay.

He's generally pretty good about reducing it for you if you're really sorry and such.

Thanks for the advice. In the past I've always dealed with the Cochrane RCMP and they don't budge much on tickets (at least for me) I'm hoping the CPS is different.

Originally posted by DreammEr
my buddie who is 17 got his ticket voided cuz it said adult....

I would appreciate it if you could find out a little more information on how he went about getting his ticket dismissed. Thanks

Originally posted by Bribri4567
This is kinda in the same thread, and I thought maybe someone would know about this.
I got a ticket yesterday afternoon for turning left where there was a no left turn sign. However, I was on my way to the hospital with an asthma attack, and I have the hospital documents to support this.
The cop pulled me over, and I told him I realized I had made the illegal turn and was trying to get to the doctors as fast as possible due to my difficulty breathing. He asked me if I needed an ambulance, and I told him no, but I really needed to get to the doctors.
So then he writes me the ticket, and leaves. I was so upset that my breathing got more difficult and I ended up sitting in my car for 40 minutes until the attack passed enough to where I could drive.
Anyways, I got home and realized he never had me sign the ticket. Where it says how I agree to appear in court and by signing I am not acknowledging my guilt, he never asked me to sign on the line. I live in the state of texas.
Does anyone know about the laws here concerning this? I can not find anything on the internet.

I don't ever recall hearing about anyone being required to sign there ticket up here in Alberta so most of us won't be too much help. But I suppose if it's a flaw you should get off. Plus if you can show any common sense judge you were actually having an emergency you should get off alright.

09-11-2004, 01:24 PM
Originally posted by Bribri4567
This is kinda in the same thread, and I thought maybe someone would know about this.
I got a ticket yesterday afternoon for turning left where there was a no left turn sign. However, I was on my way to the hospital with an asthma attack, and I have the hospital documents to support this.
The cop pulled me over, and I told him I realized I had made the illegal turn and was trying to get to the doctors as fast as possible due to my difficulty breathing. He asked me if I needed an ambulance, and I told him no, but I really needed to get to the doctors.
So then he writes me the ticket, and leaves. I was so upset that my breathing got more difficult and I ended up sitting in my car for 40 minutes until the attack passed enough to where I could drive.
Anyways, I got home and realized he never had me sign the ticket. Where it says how I agree to appear in court and by signing I am not acknowledging my guilt, he never asked me to sign on the line. I live in the state of texas.
Does anyone know about the laws here concerning this? I can not find anything on the internet.
Thanks. Dude, youre in Arlington? Im in Mansfield...I got pulled over by this hot chick on Matlock, I asked her for dinner jokingly and she rested her hand on her gun....fuck, I hate to see what shes like in bed:eek: I would consider talking to the County court about the situation, take the papers in....if you didnt sign, then you would have had to go to jail wouldnt you?

01-10-2005, 04:53 PM
go and talkto the justice of te peace in the calgary court room place, they will "quash"the ticket, you cannot be charged as an adult if you are still a minor... differnt penalties are at play here, so the cop basically gave you a way out..

i know this is a month or so to late ut i hope that it still works out for you..

I had the same problem when i was younger :thumbsup:

01-10-2005, 04:59 PM
If you ask me (i have had 43 tickets in 4 years) that is reason to QUASH the ticket. (quash means throw out) If the cop has instructed you to goto the wrong courthouse, that is a good enough reason to quash the ticket, and i have actually used that reason many times with out fail. I think it'll work... go in and ask the Justice of the Peace to QUASH because of that reason. Id say 90% chance he does throw it out. GOOD LUCK!

01-10-2005, 05:01 PM
Originally posted by RickDaTuner
so the cop basically gave you a way out..


Couln't have put it better my self :thumbsup:

01-10-2005, 05:03 PM
P.S. 43 tickets in 4 years = $800 a month for min. coverage insurance (no fire, no theft, no collision, $200K liability which is Alberta minimum required)

01-10-2005, 06:31 PM
Originally posted by Mad$ella
(i have had 43 tickets in 4 years)

Want a cookie. And how are you still on the road.

01-10-2005, 09:44 PM
43 tickets in 4 years.
They should take your license away!
Get off the roads.
Your insurance should be $8000/month!

01-10-2005, 09:45 PM

Thats how...

01-10-2005, 09:49 PM
I wish I was as cool as Mad$ella (getting 43 tickets in 4 years):rolleyes:

01-10-2005, 09:51 PM
Originally posted by Mad$ella

Thats how...

What a fucking joke... Have you ever wonder why you got all those tickets? and may be change the way you drive? or just simply stay off the road

01-11-2005, 12:11 AM
Originally posted by RickDaTuner
go and talkto the justice of te peace in the calgary court room place, they will "quash"the ticket, you cannot be charged as an adult if you are still a minor... differnt penalties are at play here, so the cop basically gave you a way out..

i know this is a month or so to late ut i hope that it still works out for you..

I had the same problem when i was younger :thumbsup:

Thanks for the advice, unfortunately the mistake occured under the part of the ticket that does not apply to the charge. I managed to get a few demerits knocked off and the fine reduced so it ended up alright.

Originally posted by Mad$ella
P.S. 43 tickets in 4 years = $800 a month for min. coverage insurance (no fire, no theft, no collision, $200K liability which is Alberta minimum required)

I call b.s., at some point they would take your liscence away regardless. If it is true, you are a moron.

01-11-2005, 11:43 AM
Originally posted by A_3
I call b.s., at some point they would take your liscence away regardless. If it is true, you are a moron.

They can suspend it after 15 demerits, but they can't stop him from driving while suspended...

01-11-2005, 01:16 PM
^ If that's the case, he has >33 days left before he gets another ticket and gets caught.

01-11-2005, 07:54 PM
also if they are photo radar tickets then they are all RO and no demerits. You can get hundreds of those without losing your licence.

On a ticket there is a black line that states that everything above make the forms of charge. Mistakes above the line are fatal, but below aren't.

01-13-2005, 01:03 PM
Originally posted by Mad$ella
If you ask me (i have had 43 tickets in 4 years) that is reason to QUASH the ticket. (quash means throw out) If the cop has instructed you to goto the wrong courthouse, that is a good enough reason to quash the ticket, and i have actually used that reason many times with out fail. I think it'll work... go in and ask the Justice of the Peace to QUASH because of that reason. Id say 90% chance he does throw it out. GOOD LUCK!

Do you look at threads and think

"what could i post here that would make me look like an idiot?"