View Full Version : second language?

09-12-2004, 01:48 PM
Im going into university next yr, most likely UBC
i was wondering if it is mandatory to take a second language in university, i heard from some people that when u finish uni u need to write somthing in both english and a second laguage
is it also necessary for graduate studies?

i have taken fr grom gr8 to gr11, but i hate it with a passion lol, but if this is the case, i might have to take it again this yr in gr12:banghead:

any clarification on this issue is much appreciated,
btw im going into engineering and i already have my math/phy/chem marks, so if i do bad in french, will it affect my chance of admition?


09-12-2004, 01:57 PM
I highly highly doubt it... Unless you're going to be going to school and majoring in something like French.

Some courses may require you to take some 'fine arts' classes, and in that case, some language classes may be avaliable as options.

You're high school french marks may also be used to calculate your overall average for acceptance into university. The actual classes that the university will take to calc. your average will vary though. Different UNI courses will take different HS courses (IE - Engineering will probably take all your sciences + maths, and may not give a damn about french), which a UNI english program may not give a damn about math and sciences, but may take all your english marks + history, etc)

You're best bet is to get off of Beyond, and go talk to your HS counsoler to find out which classes the UNI will take to calc. your average (once again - HIGHLY dependent on which UNI course you want to take), and to find out if French is required in that specific UNI course, go down to the University (to the main office of Engineering), and talk with the secretaries about which classes you will have to actually take Engineering.

09-12-2004, 02:12 PM
thanks a lot
ya i know what i need to get in, which im pretty sure i can manage,just the 4 courses, math/97 phy/97, chem/94 and english which might screw me over a bit
i just didnt know if theyd made u take a second language in the first yr in UNI , but asking the secretaries is a really good idea:thumbsup:

thanks again

09-12-2004, 02:39 PM
Originally posted by car
Im going into university next yr, most likely UBC
i was wondering if it is mandatory to take a second language in university, i heard from some people that when u finish uni u need to write somthing in both english and a second laguage
is it also necessary for graduate studies?

i have taken fr grom gr8 to gr11, but i hate it with a passion lol, but if this is the case, i might have to take it again this yr in gr12:banghead:

any clarification on this issue is much appreciated,
btw im going into engineering and i already have my math/phy/chem marks, so if i do bad in french, will it affect my chance of admition?


Whoever told you that is lying to you. You don't need to take a second language in university unless it's by choice. No your french classes won't affect your marks unless you chose for it to be one of the classes uni looks at for acceptance. :D

09-12-2004, 06:05 PM
Originally posted by car
Im going into university next yr, most likely UBC
i was wondering if it is mandatory to take a second language in university, i heard from some people that when u finish uni u need to write somthing in both english and a second laguage
is it also necessary for graduate studies?

You only need to "write something" when you're in grad school... aka, your thesis.

You don't need to write anything for undergrad, & no, a second language is not mandatory unless it's required for whatever it is you're doing.

09-12-2004, 06:44 PM
The only time you are required to have a second language in a post secondary environment is if you're entering a field like International Relations.

I know at UofC in order to graduate with a degree in IR you have to demonstrate proficiency in a second language.