View Full Version : Shame on the Calgary Police.

11-16-2002, 08:43 PM
Did anyone else watch "To Serve and Protect" tonight?

Well, the police cruiser heard of a shooting in the East, and the suspect was driving a Prelude. So being ignorant, the policeman begins tailing an Asian driving an Integra. After a couple blocks of tailing, he decides to pull him over as a "suspect", despite the plates checking out. When he pulls the Integra over, him and his partner put the driver and passenger in cuffs, search the car, run the ID's and questioned the two Asians. Not only this, but the officers call for backup from 2 other cruisers, and get the helicopter unit to come just to see whats up.
As you can guess, these 2 had nothing to do with the shooting.

A very large :thumbsdow goes to the police for their effort in this case. They do good work alot of the time, but the American influence of racial profiling is starting to come into Canada...
If these two guys in the Integra weren't Asian, the cops wouldn't have even looked twice.

11-16-2002, 09:03 PM
yeah there is actually quite a bit of racial profiling in canada. me and a couple of buddies were out one night, kind of late. we were all drunk, and my friend's brother kicked us out of the house. the cops came asking us what were were doing, etc. and when he went to check out everyone (to make sure there were no warrants) he asked all my friends their nationality's and stuff. when we told my friend's bro, he said that it was illegal for them to ask what nationality they are. so my friend phoned and filed a complaint with the cops. another :thumbsdow

11-16-2002, 09:49 PM
why would they put something as stupid as that on TV?

11-16-2002, 09:54 PM
Originally posted by Stratus_Power
why would they put something as stupid as that on TV?
Its great that they aired it, makes the cops look like jackasses and raises awareness to these sorts of problems

11-16-2002, 09:54 PM
CUz cops are STOOPID:rolleyes:

11-16-2002, 09:57 PM
Cops are dicks man... I was on Crowchild one day driving the speed limit. I was gonna get in a lane to turn off but no-one would let me in so I pulled out to the other lane, sped up and pulled back into the lane I wanted and slowed back down. I got freakin busted for going 93kmh when there were other trucks flying by me. The fackin cop was like yea we were following you for like 3-4 km. So basically they followed me because of the car i drive :guns: :guns:

11-16-2002, 10:07 PM
I'm all for cops doing their jobs, but the cuffs were ridiculous, especially since the plates turned out ok.

11-16-2002, 10:57 PM
Ya, for every cop there is that does a good and fair job theres always a couple that take advantage of their job to try and intimidate people.

11-16-2002, 11:52 PM
To serve and protect is funny. most of the time they are either investigating drunk people who are going 'yeaaaaa!!! i'm on tv!!!!!!!'. You never see that on Cops! haha

11-16-2002, 11:57 PM
Alot of bars in Calgary wont allow asian and lebanese groups into them pending on how busy they are...one too many stabbings I guess...I was at Heavens last saturday, I think I was the only white guy there...you know its bad when they have a metal detector and you have to assume the position before you can even get in...fuckin gangs...ruin it for everyone.

11-17-2002, 01:57 AM
metal detectors are nothing new!! I remember the good old days at coconut Joes when you would get there at 9, get a bracelet and have cheap drinks all night!!!(1.50 highballs) In the two years or so that I went there, I dont remember seeing a single fight! More clubs should have detectors. Too many people packing heat nowadays!

11-17-2002, 02:00 AM
Sure it was in Calgary? All the serve and protect i've seen have been in edmonton

11-17-2002, 02:09 AM
Originally posted by jdmakkord
Too many people packing heat nowadays!


Too many people thinkin they are all tough and hardcore "thinkin they can chop you up y0!"

11-17-2002, 02:19 AM
Originally posted by Benny


Too many people thinkin they are all tough and hardcore "thinkin they can chop you up y0!"
Man I feel so sorry for all children , things seem to be just gettign worse, when i have kids Im so getting them into self defense and karate at an early age

///M Power
11-17-2002, 06:59 PM
Originally posted by ninjak84
Did anyone else watch "To Serve and Protect" tonight?

Well, the police cruiser heard of a shooting in the East, and the suspect was driving a Prelude. So being ignorant, the policeman begins tailing an Asian driving an Integra. After a couple blocks of tailing, he decides to pull him over as a "suspect", despite the plates checking out. When he pulls the Integra over, him and his partner put the driver and passenger in cuffs, search the car, run the ID's and questioned the two Asians. Not only this, but the officers call for backup from 2 other cruisers, and get the helicopter unit to come just to see whats up.
As you can guess, these 2 had nothing to do with the shooting.

A very large :thumbsdow goes to the police for their effort in this case. They do good work alot of the time, but the American influence of racial profiling is starting to come into Canada...
If these two guys in the Integra weren't Asian, the cops wouldn't have even looked twice.

If he was tailing the car how could he tell the driver was asian? I assume it was dark out as well correct?

Maybe he confused an integra for a prelude, I mean for gods sake it COULD happen. One guy on this site said he could confuse a 550 Maranello for a Camaro!

Just because someone is driving a legally obtained car doesnt make them innocent of all other possible crimes. If they had the car legally isnt there still a possiblity they shot someone?

Oh, calling backup on two possible murderers, it racial profiling people!

Hyperinvestigating arabs going through canada/us borders is profiling, this seems like a case of 'investigating' to me. Police usually have to do these 'investigations' to solve crimes...

11-17-2002, 07:15 PM
He looked at his face thru the rear view mirror on the drivers side, then said on the radio "The driver and passenger are both Asian, can I get a plate check?"

///M Power
11-17-2002, 07:51 PM
Originally posted by ninjak84
He looked at his face thru the rear view mirror on the drivers side, then said on the radio "The driver and passenger are both Asian, can I get a plate check?"

Ok lets assume he did know. That still proves nothing.

11-17-2002, 09:01 PM
Good grief. I'm not even going to get into it.

Luke 96 T/A
11-17-2002, 11:52 PM
Looking for two asian males driving a japanese sports car....
so they pull over two asian males driving a japanese sports car....

what's the problem?????
You'd prefer if they were pulling over anybody in a sports car???
Racial profiling, although not nice, is effective...
It's part of the suspect's description....
I bet if the suspects were white, and driving a japanese sports car (especially if they were riced???), the cops would have pulled over white guys!
big deal... some of you are hypersensitive... and you should examine the behaviour of your own friends and family before calling other people racist..

///M Power
11-18-2002, 12:02 AM
Originally posted by Luke 96 T/A
Looking for two asian males driving a japanese sports car....
so they pull over two asian males driving a japanese sports car....

what's the problem?????
You'd prefer if they were pulling over anybody in a sports car???
Racial profiling, although not nice, is effective...
It's part of the suspect's description....
I bet if the suspects were white, and driving a japanese sports car (especially if they were riced???), the cops would have pulled over white guys!
big deal... some of you are hypersensitive... and you should examine the behaviour of your own friends and family before calling other people racist.. :werd:

11-18-2002, 04:45 AM
Originally posted by jdmakkord
More clubs should have detectors. Too many people packing heat nowadays!


I didnt know that "to serve and protect" was in Calgary now, cool, that show is so stupid sometimes, just like SZW Said, its mainly drunk guys saying cool im on tv!!:rofl:

11-18-2002, 04:51 AM
I'm almost positive it was in Calgary. The cars looked the same (couldn't see writing though) , and I remember while the cop was waiting for the plates check, a call came in for something in Pump Hill.

But yeah, they picked up two natives that were passed out on the streets, put them in the van, and when they got to the shelter they had to drag em out cause they both passed out cold again:rofl:
They took them to the new homeless shelter we have in Calgary, on like 6th or 15th or something...

11-18-2002, 04:54 AM
Originally posted by ninjak84

But yeah, they picked up two natives that were passed out on the streets, put them in the van, and when they got to the shelter they had to drag em out cause they both passed out cold again:rofl:
They took them to the new homeless shelter we have in Calgary, on like 6th or 15th or something...

Lol i was actually gonna say, i am willing to bet they pulled over for some Natives, but didnt want to seem Racist, almost every episode ive seen they pick up drunk natives!! "Wow im on tv!" :rofl:

11-18-2002, 01:38 PM
Originally posted by jdmakkord
metal detectors are nothing new!! I remember the good old days at coconut Joes when you would get there at 9, get a bracelet and have cheap drinks all night!!!(1.50 highballs) In the two years or so that I went there, I dont remember seeing a single fight! More clubs should have detectors. Too many people packing heat nowadays!

which CJs were you going to? there were so many fights, maybe not directly in the bar but coming from people that were there or resulting from something that happened in the bar . . .

11-18-2002, 02:29 PM
Originally posted by bksze

which CJs were you going to? there were so many fights, maybe not directly in the bar but coming from people that were there or resulting from something that happened in the bar . . .

No doubt, that place was rough, one of the last times I was there before they closed, there was a huge fight, probably 30 people right out in front.

11-18-2002, 02:37 PM
I loved CJ's I always had a good time there