View Full Version : i got arrested dismorning at 3 am

11-18-2002, 08:33 PM
im verry not please with our police force....... they pulled me out of my jeep and cuffed me with out giving me a reason searched me and my jeep......

they thought that i was driving a stolen jeep....

what do you guys think about this????? could it of been because i am azn???? cops just wanted to waste my time????

11-18-2002, 08:35 PM
Whats "azn"?

11-18-2002, 08:36 PM
Originally posted by Weapon_R
Whats "azn"?


11-18-2002, 08:36 PM
azn = Asian


11-18-2002, 08:53 PM
Asian's drive Jeeps? weird. j/k

11-18-2002, 08:54 PM
Ouch:banghead: What did the police do to you afteR?

11-18-2002, 08:55 PM
shouldn't they need a search warrant? and they should of provided a reason

11-18-2002, 08:58 PM
People usually don't get arrested for no reason. When you are given your charter rights, if you listen carefully enough, you will hear the grounds for arrest. No arrest is lawful unless you are told why you are being detained.

GTS Jeff
11-18-2002, 09:00 PM
ppl who refer to themselves as "azns" instead of "asians" SHOULD be arrested

11-18-2002, 09:13 PM
Originally posted by Jeff TYPE R
ppl who refer to themselves as "azns" instead of "asians" SHOULD be arrested

:rofl: :rofl:

I wonder if he's friends with redline_13000?:D

11-18-2002, 09:26 PM
Originally posted by CRXguy

:rofl: :rofl:

I wonder if he's friends with redline_13000?:D

hhaha....dude..i havent been arrested..YET..with my luck ill prob get arrested for the gayest reason like "obscure license plate" hehe

11-18-2002, 09:34 PM
ok well here is the whole story......
me and 5 cusins in 2 cars went out for a simple cruze one night when 2 of my cusins got out for a walk and for a smoke.....

they stoped and looked at an alero..... and a car drove by and called the police saying that they were trying to steal it....

so they left the sight....( they simply walked away)
and they called me to come get them cuse there is a car following them around..... so i came and picked them up.....

the cops came when i picked them up and i drove up a block until they put thier lights on.
they told us to put are hands up and get out of the car......
put my hands on the hood and cuffed us... never gave us areason why they are doing this nor never read us our rights or asked if they could search the jeep!!!

first thing they did was check us to see if we had anything on us.... they didnt find anything..... but they did undo one of my cousins pants cuse he had like 2 layers on....lol

then they checked out the jeep..... jeep was empty
and they checked to see if it was stolen but they saw my reg and insurance papers and my name is all over it.... then they check out if we had any criminal records and were cleen......

all this took about 3 hours.... my 2 cousins who were walking around in the nabourhood got a ticket for lookin in a car.... can they do this?????? it was like a 70doller ticket there was no damage on the car so i dont know what the big deal is!!!!!

is there anything i can do????? i believe this was a racial act..... this is not right and people shouldent be treated this way!!! this makes me verry mad!!!!!:guns: :guns: :guns: :guns: :guns: :guns: :guns: :guns: :guns:

11-18-2002, 10:17 PM
"Tampering with motor vehicle" is an arrestable Highway Traffic Act offence. So yes, the Police were justified in detaining you, and lawfully placed in searching you and your vehicle.
Hope that helps.

11-18-2002, 10:21 PM
Originally posted by VTEXTC
"Tampering with motor vehicle" is an arrestable Highway Traffic Act offence. So yes, the Police were justified in detaining you, and lawfully placed in searching you and your vehicle.
Hope that helps.

ya that explains it but they werent tampering with it just looking at it admiring it.... since when is it wrong to look at a car!!!!!

11-18-2002, 10:21 PM
who looks at an alero...personally if it was my car and I saw a bunch of guys smoking around it and peeking inside Id be pissed and suspicious

GTS Jeff
11-18-2002, 10:24 PM
well im a chinker and ive never been arrested before...maybe the cops ARENT racist and maybe youre just using racism as a shield against the cops

Blue Devil 2
11-18-2002, 10:28 PM
"i got arrested dismorning at 3 am "
"could it of been because i am azn?"
"walking around in the nabourhood "

:rofl: I haven't seen wording/spelling like this since that rapper guy...Gadget Boy I think. I don't believe that being Asian had anything to do with it. But you never know...what were you cousins doing walking around looking in cars?

11-18-2002, 10:32 PM
Originally posted by Blue Devil 2
"i got arrested dismorning at 3 am "
"could it of been because i am azn?"
"walking around in the nabourhood "

:rofl: I haven't seen wording/spelling like this since that rapper guy...Gadget Boy I think. I don't believe that being Asian had anything to do with it. But you never know...what were you cousins doing walking around looking in cars?

true i wasent thier....... but thanks!!!!

11-18-2002, 11:03 PM
As usual, you're leaving something out.
People on these boards always post things like this...

"dA Po-pO caME aN RufFeD mE aN Ma bOIz uP fO No reZoN yo!"

Just be glad nothing came of it, and next time don't give them a reason to do anything to you.

11-18-2002, 11:18 PM
Maybe fake cops? or there was probably a stolen jeep that looked just like yours. :dunno:

11-18-2002, 11:27 PM
Originally posted by VTEXTC
"Tampering with motor vehicle" is an arrestable Highway Traffic Act offence. So yes, the Police were justified in detaining you, and lawfully placed in searching you and your vehicle.
Hope that helps.

if the situation went according to hwo it was described, the cops must have either a search warrant or your permission in order to search your car, without the warrant, you can lawfully refuse the search and it is in the cop's power to tow your car until they get the warrant, if you do give them permission to search your car, often they will get you to sign a release form right there or just a verbal release . . . now on the other hand, i'm assuming that there was a lot more to this case than what was stated, because as much as we hate to say it, the cops aren't stupid and the majority of them aren't racist, oftentime racism and age is blamed as an excuse, not because they were the actual reasons, but because they can be used as easy scapegoats,

i mean how embarassing is it to say, "i got busted car prowling but didn't get charged with anything because i hadn't done anything yet" but of course it's a lot more "cooler" to say that one had been victim of racism

11-19-2002, 12:02 AM
Personally I know what it's like being harrased by cops, I think it's because I'm "Italzn":clap: :clap: :clap:

Bugging aside; thing is your buddies were looking at an alero of all cars?? at night time with a pair of males. then you suddenly came in a jeep to pick them up off the street because they were being followed. Hmmmm if I was a cop I think the same thing.

But it did seem like they took advantage of your rights, but we only have heard your side of the story. :dunno:

11-19-2002, 12:09 AM
Originally posted by bksze
if the situation went according to hwo it was described, the cops must have either a search warrant or your permission in order to search your car, without the warrant, you can lawfully refuse the search and it is in the cop's power to tow your car until they get the warrant

Not really, a call was made to the police about a possible car breakin/vandalism. That is good enough reason for them to both detain you if you fit the description of the vehicle, and for them to search your car to see if you a) have any tools to break into vehicles, b) stolen shit from the vehicle.

Like it or not, the police DO have some power and they do use it. Just because it inconviences you, doesn't make them racist, sexist, or whatever. Be glad they're doing their job, because last time I read the threads about cars being stolen a whole bunch of you were bitching about cops writing tickets and not doing anything about the cars that were being broken into. Now, we have a case where the cops *ARE* doing something, and you're calling them racists.

However with that said, I don't think that ticket can stand up in court, go talk to the crown prosecutor.

11-19-2002, 12:18 AM
Originally posted by kenny

Not really, a call was made to the police about a possible car breakin/vandalism. That is good enough reason for them to both detain you if you fit the description of the vehicle, and for them to search your car to see if you a) have any tools to break into vehicles, b) stolen shit from the vehicle.

Like it or not, the police DO have some power and they do use it. Just because it inconviences you, doesn't make them racist, sexist, or whatever. Be glad they're doing their job, because last time I read the threads about cars being stolen a whole bunch of you were bitching about cops writing tickets and not doing anything about the cars that were being broken into. Now, we have a case where the cops *ARE* doing something, and you're calling them racists.

However with that said, I don't think that ticket can stand up in court, go talk to the crown prosecutor.

Yep. 100%!:thumbsup:

11-19-2002, 12:26 AM
Originally posted by kenny

Not really, a call was made to the police about a possible car breakin/vandalism. That is good enough reason for them to both detain you if you fit the description of the vehicle, and for them to search your car to see if you a) have any tools to break into vehicles, b) stolen shit from the vehicle.

Like it or not, the police DO have some power and they do use it. Just because it inconviences you, doesn't make them racist, sexist, or whatever. Be glad they're doing their job, because last time I read the threads about cars being stolen a whole bunch of you were bitching about cops writing tickets and not doing anything about the cars that were being broken into. Now, we have a case where the cops *ARE* doing something, and you're calling them racists.

However with that said, I don't think that ticket can stand up in court, go talk to the crown prosecutor.

that's what I was thinking.. totally true.

11-19-2002, 01:18 AM
few years ago, i was walking my cousins home to their dad's (who lives 5 houses up from my house), and on the way back, just in front of their neighbours, a cop stopped me and checked me. apparently someone had stole and ditched a car in the area and they were looking for the guy. i learned that those suit pants don't insulate from the cold very well. my legs were frozen. it was a helluva inconvenience but i just attributed it to being inthe wrong palce at the wrong time.

11-19-2002, 01:37 AM
not to totally contradict you guys and seem like an asshole but out of personal experience without divulging too much information, they must have your permission in order to search your car going on suspicion, that permission may take the form of verbal or written consent but it is needed otherwise the evidence seized is not admissable in court . . . trust me on this one dudes,


i heard that last april they had a provincial judge say that RCMP were allowed to search cars on suspicion but must have a legitimate proof of suspicion, ie. recorded phone call, but to the best of my knowledge, this hasn't been made a law yet

reasonably thinking though if all it took was one call to the cops in order to get a house searched and a car searched, wouldn't a lot of our rights be breached??? the cops wouldn't even have to present any proof that you were a drug dealer in order to search your house, wouldn't that be an infringement of rights? it would definitely make their job a lot easier, nab one suspect and go down a list of known acquaintances, easily bust a shit load, btu that's not how our system works . . . my 2 cents

*all of the above is not actually based on factual information, by no means am i a lawyer, just on experience, that being said, maybe this case was treated correctly and i was the one being treated unfairly, who's to know . . . *

11-19-2002, 01:45 AM
Originally posted by VeilOctane
im verry not please with our police force....... they pulled me out of my jeep and cuffed me with out giving me a reason searched me and my jeep......

they thought that i was driving a stolen jeep....

what do you guys think about this????? could it of been because i am azn???? cops just wanted to waste my time???? You probably deserved it. If someone was peeking in my car (but I park in my garage with an alarm so..) Id go outside and make them get the fuck away from it. Why? Because people steal too damn much. Grow the fuck up.

But to be arrested, unlawfully searched, and detained without charge for three hours is ridiculous. And then to receive a ticket for "tampering with a motor vehicle" is just an excuse the police found for detaining these people.I dont believe a cop unlawfully searched, I will put money on the fact him and his cousins werent being as polite as they couldve been. And they probably said something that he agreed to which allowed them to search the vehicle. That whole "oh they did this and this with out my permission" is a story told too often. I'd want someone that was glaring into the windows on my car charged with tampering with a motor vehicle also. Like I said before, people steal too damn much. There is a difference between seeing something at a car show where the owner is allowing you to look at his/her car, and you peaking in it at 3am :confused: Its not your car, or your cousins car, so tell them to stay the hell away from it. Get my point?

Not only that, if a cop has some reason to suspect you had commited a crime, they have every right to arrest you and search you and your vehicle. Not only that, you or your cousins were charged with something, they can keep you sitting there on your ass as long as they want. Dont believe me? Go try leaving when a cop tells you do sit there :)

11-19-2002, 01:53 AM
Originally posted by drox
[B] You sound like all the fucking lebanese bitches that went to my school. They were always acting like fuck heads and whenever they got in shit it was a 'racist crime' or 'descrimination' against them. Grow the fuck up.

dude..i hope u show up to a meet

11-19-2002, 02:03 AM
Originally posted by redline_13000

dude..i hope u show up to a meet

dude, u gotta admit. whenever shit happens to ANY minority, it's called racial discrimination.

11-19-2002, 02:05 AM
Originally posted by redline_13000

dude..i hope u show up to a meet Why is that?

11-19-2002, 02:06 AM
read ur fucking post again and think about it,

11-19-2002, 02:09 AM
i'm not agreeing that lebanese guys r like that. i'm saying minorities in general. i thought it was racist when the cop stopped me. but now that i'm older, i just figured wrong place wrong time.

a lot of people i know always say the cop was being racist because they got pulled over for speeding and shit. that's just crap.

11-19-2002, 02:10 AM
Originally posted by sexualbanana
i'm not agreeing that lebanese guys r like that. i'm saying minorities in general. i thought it was racist when the cop stopped me. but now that i'm older, i just figured wrong place wrong time.

a lot of people i know always say the cop was being racist because they got pulled over for speeding and shit. that's just crap.

we aint talking about the cop incidents..were talking about racism from drox

11-19-2002, 02:10 AM
I dont need to read it, I know what I wrote. Im not saying every minority says "oh discrimination cuz im asian!" or whatever.

I stated that a few did a lot of bad shit and caused a lot of shit with people, and whenever they got in trouble they always said they were getting discriminated against. If I got in shit for something I wouldnt ever say "FUCK! Why are you hating on me because im white!", especially when I KNOW i did something wrong, and probably deserve to get in shit.

11-19-2002, 02:11 AM
your insulting those lebanese at your school, but the way you said it seemed like it was more than just those few :dunno: some cops are retarded but some people are overprotective of their privacy/property and staring at a car at 3 in the morning would possibly make anyone suspicious...

11-19-2002, 02:14 AM
Not a few, but "All the fucking Lebanese bitches" was what i saw.

Come out to a meet faggot and see whose the real bitch

11-19-2002, 02:14 AM
And WHERE THE FUCK AM I HATING ON LEBANESE PEOPLE? Sure, I used a few GUYS from MY OLD FUCKING SCHOOL as an example. Does that mean I think my lebanese friends are shit under my feet? NO! Does that mean I am stereo typing an entire race because of a few people I found to be immature? NOPE!

i'm not agreeing that lebanese guys r like that. i'm saying minorities in general. i thought it was racist when the cop stopped me. but now that i'm older, i just figured wrong place wrong time.

a lot of people i know always say the cop was being racist because they got pulled over for speeding and shit. that's just crap. Im not saying all lebanese guys are like that either, I am saying a few that went to my school were. Im not saying minorities do anything bad as a whole either. I am saying that there are a FEW dickheads that cause a race to be branded with a bad name. What you said about speeding is what I am talking about, its EXACTLY what I am talking about.

11-19-2002, 02:15 AM
yeah dude. drox, u oughtta chill out with that shit.

11-19-2002, 02:15 AM
Originally posted by redline_13000
Not a few, but "All the fucking Lebanese bitches" was what i saw.

Come out to a meet faggot and see whose the real bitch By no means did I purposely mean to type it like that.

11-19-2002, 02:20 AM
im not feeling the love :love: :D hell this even in the right section...there is a certain level of dicrimination in some cases the minority usually have to become more defensive because they may be looked down upon by other people...imo, I have nothing but respect for all people just not for those who dont.

Beastly Power
11-19-2002, 02:24 AM
I am lebanese and if I ever see your racist ass around i'm gonna fuck you up like you've never been fucked up before u stupid cocksucker u wait til i see u in a meet

11-19-2002, 02:24 AM
Look whose sounding like a bitch now? You're only a punk ass white boy whose never been subjected to racism, and your just a bitch racist kid like the rest. You got a problem with lebanese guys, come to a meet so we can work it out

11-19-2002, 02:24 AM
And redline if you have such a fucking problem with me I am more than happy to give you my address, you can come to my fucking house. I can see why you were mad at how I stated it, but I never intended it to come off like that.

I do apoligize to anyone who I had accidently offended, but like I said I didnt intend for it to come off like it did, bad wording on my part.

11-19-2002, 02:26 AM
Look whose sounding like a bitch now? You're only a punk ass white boy whose never been subjected to racism, and your just a bitch racist kid like the rest.Thanks for telling me my life story :rolleyes: Read my other post. By apoligizing for bad wording im being a bitch? No. Im being mature, try it. It was a fuck up on my part, Im not too much of a 'man' to admit I was in the wrong for typing it like that. But its not how I meant it to come across.

Beastly Power
11-19-2002, 02:28 AM
i cant wait til i see u in a meet , im gona have such a blast beating the fucken shit outa u

11-19-2002, 02:29 AM
this thread gonna closed pretty quick if u guys don't chill out. so chill the fuck out. all of u

11-19-2002, 02:29 AM
Originally posted by drox
And redline if you have such a fucking problem with me I am more than happy to give you my address, you can come to my fucking house. I can see why you were mad at how I stated it, but I never intended it to come off like that.

I do apoligize to anyone who I had accidently offended, but like I said I didnt intend for it to come off like it did, bad wording on my part.

I don't want your address, I ain't stupid. If you think your a toughguy why not come out to a meet?

11-19-2002, 02:31 AM
Read the pm I sent you.

11-19-2002, 02:35 AM
Originally posted by Beastly Power
i cant wait til i see u in a meet , im gona have such a blast beating the fucken shit outa u :rolleyes:

11-19-2002, 02:40 AM
Geez people, learn to chill out and stop assuming the worst. Its a damn car forum. He already said he didn't intend for his typed words to be derogatory so why not drop it rather than escalating it for absolutely *NO* benefit to anyone.