View Full Version : Nervous!!!

09-29-2004, 10:45 PM

I'm just wondering if anyone here can help me or just give me some pointers. Ok. On Friday I have to do a oral presentation infront of my class around 25 people or so on how to install a video card. I made a powerpoint presentation and will be using that as a guide for the class.

THe problem is that I usually get nervous when I talk infront of the entire class. How should I overcome this?? What should I do??

09-29-2004, 10:49 PM
try to use humour, get classmates to be assistants, look at the wall behind the class when adressing everyone, ................

09-29-2004, 10:49 PM
drinking a few beers should help your nervousness. just a buzz should do it:thumbsup:

09-29-2004, 11:06 PM
Just go in and trick yourself into not giving a shit! :thumbsup:

09-29-2004, 11:08 PM
Originally posted by ///M3
drinking a few beers should help your nervousness. just a buzz should do it:thumbsup:

As unorthodox as it sounds, its a good idea. Just have clear instructions for yourself, cuz even a small buzz will make you dumber...

09-29-2004, 11:28 PM
there's nothing you can do, you're screwed

09-29-2004, 11:42 PM
Originally posted by BigDannyCool
there's nothing you can do, you're screwed

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

09-30-2004, 12:07 AM
well, you are not the only one!
I have the same problem and i also have to do an oral presentation in my class! :banghead:

so, I can only hope for the best and try not to screw up.

anyways, good luck!!:thumbsup:

09-30-2004, 12:10 AM
25 people?!?

We had to do presentations for 250 people in some of my classes. Consider yourself lucky. And don't be a pussy.

09-30-2004, 12:11 AM
They're all going to laugh and you and think your presentation sucks!

09-30-2004, 12:43 AM
I hated it at school, but my method is try not to look at anyone's face (but do keep your face up, maybe look at the wall on something)
it's kinda of help.

09-30-2004, 12:55 AM
drink a beer or two! honeslty, do what will said, look at back wall and move accross the wall with your eyes, try not to say umm, and fucking practice what you going to say!


09-30-2004, 01:02 AM
lol omg what shity advice...

First get up there , dont start the second you get to the front , take a second to get everything together and BREATHE!

Lookin at the wall is a bunch of crap , it doesnt help the audience get involved in your presentation , so take a look around and basically "talk" to the people you feel confortable with lookin at , always look from corner to corner of the class room. ( If you cant really do that , look at people on each end of the room , and then basically look at your teacher when ur doing this.) Smileing helps people get involved , and bringing humor into a speech helps alot, remember there is other people doin the same thing as you , and are just as nervous or even more!

Also, when your talking you may FEEL nervous , but your audience doesnt know this , unless you go " Well im really nervous and blah blah im unsure of myself kinda crap." THats the worse thing to do, letting the audience know your nervous.

Hrmm whatelse, Ok if you think your goin to move around alot and figget , tryin wiggling your toes in your shoes , no one can see this , and it can help you concentrate.

DONT read to the blackboard , you dont want your voice goin to the black board and you dont want your back towards the audience. Also with power point , dont read it word for word , people can see that its typed up and is extremely boreing when someone goes word for word , maybe you can give examples on things you have typed out and expand on them .

If you need more help with speeches , just post your questions.

09-30-2004, 11:52 AM
I'm sorry, but I really feel like Beavis and Butthead right now...oral presentation...heh heh heh.

Seriously though, I've done a lot of presentations (and to much bigger groups). What I have found to work if you are nervous is to pick a few people in the group who look approachable (one on the right side of the class, one in the center, and one on the left), and present to them. Make eye contact with them and don't worry about the rest of the room. That way, it is like you are just talking to 3 people instead of a whole class. However, this will focus you speach and presentation to the entire classroom, rather than just on on spot in the room (which some people do).

Also, watch any nervous tendancies (like to hide behind the podium, pace aimlessly, fidget, etc.) If you feel like moving around to deal with the nervousness, work it into your presentation. For example, when you are making one point stay in that spot, when you make another point, move to another spot in the classroom and stay there while making that point. That way, your movements become part of and accentuate the presentation instead of distracting the class from it.

Hopefully this helps you out.

09-30-2004, 11:57 AM
first of all.. make sure you know your shit.. i find that if you know your presentation well you won't get as nervous.. move around, crack some jokes, things like that.. also, try not to focus on making eye contact with people.. Instead of looking at people, look at the things around them, for the people in the backwall, look at the backwall.. just don't make eye contact..

those things helped me in the past.. after you make so many presentations you won't need those pointers.

09-30-2004, 12:10 PM
dont crack jokes... you are never as funny as you think you are.

09-30-2004, 01:20 PM
^^^ what are you talkin about , small cracks can be good.

09-30-2004, 01:38 PM
Practice the presentation over and over again. If you walk into that room knowing everything you are going to present you will be more confident.

My first few presentations I used to write out everything I was going to say (bad idea). I made a few index cards that had key points on them. Then I'd practice the presention over and over again (even if you are by yourself speak out loud). Each time I practiced the presentation I would change how I explained each key point. After a few times you will find what sounds the best. This gave me alot more confidence when I would present the material.

Also I suggest you do look people in the eye. It shows them that you are not nervous and confident.

If you know the material you have nothing to worry about. If you have no clue what you are talking about then good luck hope it works out.

09-30-2004, 01:40 PM
I've done presantations infront of 1000's of people (Model UN, Toastmasters, Work Presentations etc). Never had a problem being in front of people, so I cant say for sure, however my advice, just be cool about it. Pretend you're talking to your best friend or something, be calm and collected, remember that ou're just doing a report on how to install a card, not how to perform open heart surgery on a 2 month premature child. It's a class of people you see all the time, whats the worst that can happen? If neccessary take a glass of water with you in case you get a ball in your throat. I thing you SHOULD make good eye contact with the people. looking aimlessly around the room like a lost fawn in the forest wont help your presentation marks, as well as small puns and little topic related jokes often help break the ice.

I remember in grade 8 we had to do narrative reading in front of the class...this poor bastard got up there and pitched a tent in the middle of his narrative. Bwahahahaha I never heard a class laugh so hard.

So as long as you dont do that, you'll be fine.:thumbsup:

09-30-2004, 01:42 PM
I don't think Ben's avatar is regulation size, can we get a measurement here?:rofl:

09-30-2004, 01:46 PM
Originally posted by Ben

I remember in grade 8 we had to do narrative reading in front of the class...this poor bastard got up there and pitched a tent in the middle of his narrative. Bwahahahaha I never heard a class laugh so hard.

So as long as you dont do that, you'll be fine.:thumbsup:

I bet he will never public speak again lol:rofl:

09-30-2004, 01:50 PM
Originally posted by Ben

I remember in grade 8 we had to do narrative reading in front of the class...this poor bastard got up there and pitched a tent in the middle of his narrative. Bwahahahaha I never heard a class laugh so hard.

So as long as you dont do that, you'll be fine.:thumbsup:

What the hell would cause that while you're doing a presentation? What was the topic? He must of really loved that shit.

09-30-2004, 01:52 PM
Originally posted by roopi

What the hell would cause that while you're doing a presentation? What was the topic? He must of really loved that shit.

It's grade 8 man, I had a woody nearly all day.

I had to "tuck" it to stand up in front of class.

09-30-2004, 01:55 PM
^ lol spontaneous erections during puberty ..

When standing in front of the class and you find yourself fidgeting, take a slightly wider stance (a bit more than shoulder width) to ground yourself. It works in the audition room, and it'll work for you. Don't speak too quickly, take the time to enunciate properly

Have fun with it and don't force the info...

09-30-2004, 02:45 PM
Originally posted by QuasarCav

It's grade 8 man, I had a woody nearly all day.

I had to "tuck" it to stand up in front of class.

:rofl: I guess I wasn't normal in grade 8.

09-30-2004, 03:40 PM
hahahaaha, yea ^^^ dude only thing is to just not care, or smoke sum crappy weed, it will relax u more but not make u laff:thumbsup: and i stil deny being a stoner if ne 1 els who saw that other thred sees my post on this 1, in terms of bonin up hahah, adjust ur belt, hands in pockets maybe, lmao

09-30-2004, 03:43 PM
Why would you smoke weed before a speech lol , what a terrible idea.

And last time i heard , we dont have crappy weed in alberta , the crappy weed here , probably comes from ontario :D

09-30-2004, 03:44 PM
Originally posted by SkylineAdmirer
hahahaaha, yea ^^^ dude only thing is to just not care, or smoke sum crappy weed, it will relax u more but not make u laff:thumbsup: and i stil deny being a stoner if ne 1 els who saw that other thred sees my post on this 1, in terms of bonin up hahah, adjust ur belt, hands in pockets maybe, lmao

You and CavBoi are on even ground!

09-30-2004, 03:44 PM
^^ hey now that is just mean^^:(

09-30-2004, 03:46 PM
Originally posted by JAYMEZ_STi
Why would you smoke weed before a speech lol , what a terrible idea.

And last time i heard , we dont have crappy weed in alberta , the crappy weed here , probably comes from ontario :D

crappy weed can be found ne where dude

09-30-2004, 04:06 PM
^^ True , but ontarios is yuck lol

09-30-2004, 04:10 PM
Lmao man, u obviosly havent smoked n e, man sum, ur zoomingggg!!!:D