View Full Version : a few fill in the blank ( politics )

Moe Man
10-05-2004, 09:34 PM
canadians are given the opportunity to vote for their preferred representative or __ their riding or __.

the elected person from each riding is called a __, or _ _ _ _. this person may be a member of the following parties: a,b,and c

this leader must then choose MPs to become _____ _____ who are heads of various departments such as finance, agriculture and others.

the prime minister and the governor- general also appoint_____. they are not elected representives but rather are faithful party members. they serve in the upper chamber until they are _____ years of age or until they retire or die.

10-05-2004, 10:09 PM
canadians are given the opportunity to vote for their preferred representative or __ their riding or __.

the elected person from each riding is called a MP, or member of parlimentthis person may be a member of the following parties: a,b,and c

this leader must then choose MPs to become Cabinet Ministers who are heads of various departments such as finance, agriculture and others.

the prime minister and the governor- general also appoint senators?. they are not elected representives but rather are faithful party members. they serve in the upper chamber until they are 65?years of age or until they retire or die.

sorry havtn done that in a while correct me if im wrong
