View Full Version : WTB - iPod 4th or 3rd Gen 15 or 20 GB

10-09-2004, 08:21 PM
Looking for a 3rd Generation 15 or 20 gb iPod or 4th generation iPod. Looking for something in excellent to new condition, hopefully with some warranty left but not a requirement. Let me konw what you, try to post pics!

10-10-2004, 12:49 PM
Best thing to go with is E-bay, I think for a 15gb you would probably pay around $300 after shipping/taxes. In a way, I would spend the extra 100 and get a brand new 20gb from FS/Visions/Zellers

10-10-2004, 05:12 PM
Yeah the CDN dollar is doing well right now so that is what I would suggest.

10-10-2004, 05:14 PM
Originally posted by Mckenzie
Yeah the CDN dollar is doing well right now so that is what I would suggest.

now thats an understatement.

The Canadian dollar is doing EXTREMELY well. Last I checked it was 1.23. Just a few years ago....it was at 1.55.

10-10-2004, 08:36 PM
I don't really want to get one off ebay, the last Mp3 player, used I got off eBay was shit. Anyways still looking!

10-11-2004, 12:53 AM
Originally posted by eb0i

now thats an understatement.

The Canadian dollar is doing EXTREMELY well. Last I checked it was 1.23. Just a few years ago....it was at 1.55.

Yeah, sucks though, cause I am doing allot of E-bay selling in US Dollars, right when the dollar is at a 11 year high! :banghead:

Summer of 2002 it was touching 1.6

Dope Dealer
10-11-2004, 01:01 AM
Originally posted by Neil4Speed

Yeah, sucks though, cause I am doing allot of E-bay selling in US Dollars, right when the dollar is at a 11 year high! :banghead:

Summer of 2002 it was touching 1.6

Yeah the exchange rate sucks for me now too (I get paid in US dollars). Thats why I just keep all my money in a US account until the xchange rate goes back up ;)

10-11-2004, 01:22 AM
Originally posted by Dope Dealer

Yeah the exchange rate sucks for me now too (I get paid in US dollars). Thats why I just keep all my money in a US account until the xchange rate goes back up ;)

Sorry to jack the thread, but yes, this is not a bad idea. However I hear that it could be on par by next summer! :eek:

good/not good, I have no idea, but since I am doing more selling than buying, not good I suppose.