View Full Version : Entering year 2000

11-21-2002, 07:56 PM
Okay so i'm finally ditching my dial-up and getting something faster....because my dad is complaining its too slow!

Anyways, instead of researching it, I'll let you guys fill me in since I know you love to talk about this kinda thing.

Also we have bell-expressvu, my dad wants to know if there is an internet package that comes with that?


11-21-2002, 07:59 PM
Get shaw. End of story.

11-21-2002, 08:32 PM
Bell INet eats ass...

Telus has a better price, but it depends on what you are using the internet for.

If you do heaps of DL'ing, Shaw may be better for you. If you do lots of uploading, Telus may be better...

Personnally, I like shaw just because I get Huge Speed in McKenzie. 2.8megabits per sec. But uploading I never get more than 35, whereas everyone I know on Telus sends out at double that, which is damn nice when recieving files from someone on telus.

Both have thier benifits and drawbacks, so its really up to you. If you want to give up a little bit of speed for a much better price, or if you play games online (telus has more consistant speeds due to lack of a shared network), telus is for you, if you want a bit more speed and more email addresses, go Shaw...

11-21-2002, 11:48 PM

Everyone I know who has Shaw is pleased or very happy
Everyone I know who has Telus wishes they got Shaw.