View Full Version : I'm done donating to the homeless.

11-26-2002, 07:11 PM
Seriously, my spare change is going towards other causes, and I will never donate towards the homeless in Calgary again. Has anyone else heard of the drop-in centers plans? They are going to build a balcony (funded by donation money) for smokers at the center. The balcony is going to cost $200,000!!!!
Give me a break!

They say they are short on money, I say they have too much.
The drop in centers in Calgary can just screw off from now on if they plan on spending money like this.

Seriously, $200,000 is enough to feed countless homeless people, but it's going to be spent on a "smoking balcony" instead... wow, what a great use of the money. :bullshit:

My family always donated towards the homeless, but this was just a piss off.

Dope Dealer
11-26-2002, 07:14 PM
It's already been built.

People just found out about it recently though.

11-26-2002, 07:26 PM
haha the 5 star hotel.
that place makes cecil hotel look like oscar the grouch's house.

ill donate my money to the childrens hospital since my lil sis had to go there once for some surgury

11-26-2002, 07:40 PM
at least ur government doesn't spend 7 million dollars of tax money on a worthless army game that sucks major balls and is being given out for free......

GTS Jeff
11-26-2002, 09:16 PM
i never donate money to homeless ppl....instead i like to donate "a hard kick in the face" to them

11-26-2002, 09:28 PM
Originally posted by Zephyr
at least ur government doesn't spend 7 million dollars of tax money on a worthless army game that sucks major balls and is being given out for free......

What game is that?

11-26-2002, 09:45 PM
Originally posted by Jeff TYPE R
i never donate money to homeless ppl....instead i like to donate "a hard kick in the face" to them

:rofl: do you ever have anything nice to say??

11-26-2002, 09:54 PM
Originally posted by Weapon_R

What game is that?

that be http://www.americasarmy.com/

11-26-2002, 10:08 PM
Originally posted by Hipermax_d
haha the 5 star hotel.
that place makes cecil hotel look like oscar the grouch's house.

Some of the LRT station spare change beggers in the downtown core 'earn' enough cash in one day to spend the evening at the Hyatt Regency. :confused:

11-26-2002, 10:10 PM
homelessness is quite sad, but its another case of where society has failed

GTS Jeff
11-26-2002, 10:14 PM
Originally posted by RiCE-DaDDy
homelessness is quite sad, but its another case of where society has failed i wouldnt blame it on society, id blame it on the person.

what are u, some sort of commie?

11-26-2002, 10:15 PM
Originally posted by Jeff TYPE R
what are u, some sort of commie?

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

11-26-2002, 10:17 PM
Horray for Capitalism!

11-26-2002, 10:20 PM
what are u, some sort of commie?


That smoking balcony is bullshit, where do these people get the money to smoke????? Isn't that crap expensive??? Also $200 000 for a balcony??? Why don't we buy one of these sorry homeless a nice benz or something???

Society's fault??? Hardly, if u waste your life you only have yourself to blame, or maybe even your parents a little depending, but society as a whole????

Dope Dealer
11-27-2002, 12:08 AM
Originally posted by Zephyr
at least ur government doesn't spend 7 million dollars of tax money on a worthless army game that sucks major balls and is being given out for free......

Hey! My friend programmed that game, shush :)

I haven't even played it, heard it's alright though.

11-27-2002, 12:56 AM
:bullshit: ...

unless they aren't done, and they plan on encasing in in glass, and not ventilate it so the homless smokers kill themselves faster.

i still don't see why people give the homeless money.

"i need money (for smokes) any change (need drugs....)"

i saw on the news a homless guy asked this guy for a smoke, and when he refused, he stabbed him. wtf????

btw. why the fock would you build a homless shelter next to bars and booze stores?

11-27-2002, 01:05 AM
Hahaha! At least the homeless people are honest in the States...
I came across a guy in Seattle once, and I decided to give him a $10. He told me I could save him some time by just going to the licker store and getting him some rum!
I told him I wasn't legal (at the time), and he was like, "Ah well, keep yer money then..."
Guess they wouldnt let him in the store himself...

11-27-2002, 03:34 AM
Originally posted by RiCE-DaDDy
homelessness is quite sad, but its another case of where society has failed

They work so hard cruisin the alleys goin "Binnin, or dumpster diving" and pickin up bottles, they could easily get jobs. I saw the grossest thing one day downtown, On the sidewalk there was a pile of shit and a pair of socks, dude sacrificed a grubby pair of socks to take a shit in the middle of the sidewalk. Fuck them, they shit on our land we should shit on theirs, burn that motherfukin Bum sanctuary down so they have to find jobs. You and I are payin for them to live like kings with a nice downtown apartment and river view.

You ever drive over the flyover and get caught at the light in front of the Cecil?? that makes me want to get out of the car and start shootin' them.

*Sorry, it makes me bitter to think of my money being used to support people who can stand on their own, I wouldnt actually shoot anyone*

GTS Jeff
11-27-2002, 04:03 AM
i vote for random beatings of homeless bums!

Dope Dealer
11-27-2002, 10:06 AM

This thread is so funny.

You can download video's on Kazaa that is like Bum vs. Hoe and they fight in the street. Some guy's give Bum's money to pick fights with hookers.

11-27-2002, 10:52 AM
I used to hit bums with water baloons when I lived on 5th street in the apartments behind Earl's Tin Palace.. when it was -20 out! :rofl:

They would walk down the street at all hours of the night with shoppin carts full of bottles.. one every 15 minutes was the average. Cr-CRASH cr-CRASH Cr-CRASH over every crack in the sidewalk. One time I bombed one with Mayonayse off the roof in the summer time, he probably smelled awesome after that.:guns:

11-27-2002, 10:59 AM
he prbably smelled BEFORE that too...

11-27-2002, 11:04 AM
Originally posted by kevie88
I used to hit bums with water baloons when I lived on 5th street in the apartments behind Earl's Tin Palace.. when it was -20 out! :rofl:

They would walk down the street at all hours of the night with shoppin carts full of bottles.. one every 15 minutes was the average. Cr-CRASH cr-CRASH Cr-CRASH over every crack in the sidewalk. One time I bombed one with Mayonayse off the roof in the summer time, he probably smelled awesome after that.:guns:

Was it one of the big Hellmans Tubs from Costco? 18.3L


11-27-2002, 11:07 AM
Originally posted by Benny

Was it one of the big Hellmans Tubs from Costco? 18.3L


Oh sht, why didn't I think of that!:thumbsup:

11-27-2002, 12:31 PM
Originally posted by kevie88
One time I bombed one with Mayonayse off the roof in the summer time, he probably smelled awesome after that.:guns:

Funniest post this week. Quit feeding the bums!!!

(Seriously, that is VERY mean, please hold the mayo)

11-27-2002, 01:15 PM
Haha, dude was probably like "Shit, now i need a sammich to put it on":rofl: :rofl:

11-27-2002, 05:52 PM
why think about it when you can watch it in the compfort of your own chair?


11-27-2002, 05:54 PM
Originally posted by izzoblitzo
why think about it when you can watch it in the compfort of your own chair?


bumfights the creators of it are under arrest. probably the stupidest shit ever created.... they give food to homeless people only if they fight with other homeless people...

11-27-2002, 05:56 PM
Originally posted by ninjak84
Hahaha! At least the homeless people are honest in the States...
I came across a guy in Seattle once, and I decided to give him a $10. He told me I could save him some time by just going to the licker store and getting him some rum!
I told him I wasn't legal (at the time), and he was like, "Ah well, keep yer money then..."
Guess they wouldnt let him in the store himself...

yep they r.... they dont really lie like this fellow:

11-27-2002, 05:56 PM
actually its a 2 faced question, jeff u are right
is it society that failed them?
did they fail society?

GTS Jeff
11-27-2002, 08:10 PM
Originally posted by RiCE-DaDDy
actually its a 2 faced question, jeff u are right
is it society that failed them?
did they fail society? shut up u commie.

im ashamed of being related to a commie :D :D :D

11-28-2002, 01:56 AM
You guys seem to think that you've got it all figured out, but you don't seem realize one major thing; for our society to continue, we need homeless people. If everyone had jobs, then our money would inflate and our devalue. Then as our money devalued, we would face a situation where many more people were unemployed. So to keep the unemployment rate at what it is, we need to ensure that a certain amount of the population not get jobs. So, next time you think you're hot shit and try and impress everyone and say that they're lazy pieces of shit and everything, you have to realize that if they do get a job, that could be the start of the end of your employment. Plus, even if they wanted to gain employment, they face problems such as discrimination, no address to put on an application form and many have sever disabilites that wouldn't allow them to hold a job.
I do not like to just give change to people just sitting on the street begging because it is true, many would just go and spend it on booze and drugs, so i have no problem taking them to a restaurant and buying them a meal ensuring that my money is doing what i intended it to. I've done it before and i encourage others to tyr.

GTS Jeff
11-28-2002, 04:03 AM
u bring up a good and valid point, but at the same time, those ppl still ARE lazy, whether they hold up the economy or not. its not like they are justified to be bums becuz of that.

but yes, i otherwise agree with you...u cant be rich unless there is someone poorer than yourself..

11-28-2002, 08:12 AM
I don't know where you get this idea that we need homeless people or unemployed people. Our economy WILL NOT collapse if the unemployment rate drops to 0. in case you haven't noticed already, our dollar is worth jack right now not because there are lots of people employed, but because the government is busy running this nation into the ground.

Besides, there are SO many programs for helping homeless people out, if they were really interested in getting off the street it isn't that difficult, with a little assistance from groups like the united way who provide the bulk of the funding for the homeless hilton and other places. Sure, you won't be pulling $100k a year, but you can live on a gas station salary.

11-28-2002, 10:31 AM
wow. this has turned from funny to a very good debate. i am surprised :eek:

in my opinion, i think that homeless people can get off the street if they want, but they are just too lazy. i have lived on the street, and it isn't easy. i lived there for 4 days before i couldn't do it anymore. to have no food, no nothing, it just depresses you. not to mention a lot of them have severe mental/physical handicaps. but at the same time there are a lot of them who are totally competent, who are just too fucking lazy to get off their asses and do anything. i don't feel the slightest bit sorry for them, they can get jobs, they can do anything they want. but there is just a lack of motivation. i hate walking downtown for that reason. but when you watch a bum go through a garbage dumpster trying to find even a scrap of food, you suddenly stop taking everything that has been given to you for granted. i have lived in all kinds of places in my life, from townhouses to 4-plexes to bungalows to apartments to everything. it's pretty sad some of the people that you see and how they live their lives. but there is nothing that you can say or do really to change it. i highly doubt that any of us have enough money or time to try to help out 1 person that lives on the street to get off the street. and it takes effort on their part. :dunno:

11-28-2002, 06:32 PM
Originally posted by 4wheeldrift
I don't know where you get this idea that we need homeless people or unemployed people. Our economy WILL NOT collapse if the unemployment rate drops to 0. in case you haven't noticed already, our dollar is worth jack right now not because there are lots of people employed, but because the government is busy running this nation into the ground.

Besides, there are SO many programs for helping homeless people out, if they were really interested in getting off the street it isn't that difficult, with a little assistance from groups like the united way who provide the bulk of the funding for the homeless hilton and other places. Sure, you won't be pulling $100k a year, but you can live on a gas station salary.

Actually, if everyone was employed, our money would devalue, it's called Inflation, too much money chasing too many goods. When employment rates reach too high, everyone has money and is spending it, the prices of goods rises and people just keep spending so the value or the $ decreases, soon people start getting laid off and what do you know, the enemployment rate starts to increase. The governemnt may run some ineffiecent programs, but that is only one of the variables that factor into the vaulue of currency.

Yes, there are programs out there that are aimed at helping homeless people, but you can't be so narrow minded when you view the situation. Homeless is a problem that is not only caused by them being "lazy". It is a socio-economic problem. Rather then simply looking at them as being lazy, you must realize that they may come from a bad family situation, have physical or mental disablilities and on and on. Every single person living on the street because they are "lazy" is bull shit.

11-28-2002, 07:15 PM
Alot of people did it to themselves though, and dont make much of an effort to change it.

11-28-2002, 07:24 PM
Originally posted by D_Rock

Actually, if everyone was employed, our money would devalue, it's called Inflation, too much money chasing too many goods. When employment rates reach too high, everyone has money and is spending it, the prices of goods rises and people just keep spending so the value or the $ decreases, soon people start getting laid off and what do you know, the enemployment rate starts to increase

Dude where are you getting your information from?

Inflation is caused by an increased demand for goods. While it may make sense that, with more people working, more money is available to buy goods, and more people are chasing these goods, you have failed to note, that, with more people working, productivity is boosted and therefore the range and quantity of goods are increased.

You have also failed to note that inflation is not only the rise of the price of a bundle of goods, as compared to the previous year, but also an indicator of an increased income to offset these price increases.

GTS Jeff
11-28-2002, 07:31 PM
ooh, weapon r steps up to do some owning...

11-28-2002, 08:43 PM
Originally posted by Weapon_R

Dude where are you getting your information from?

Inflation is caused by an increased demand for goods. While it may make sense that, with more people working, more money is available to buy goods, and more people are chasing these goods, you have failed to note, that, with more people working, productivity is boosted and therefore the range and quantity of goods are increased.

You have also failed to note that inflation is not only the rise of the price of a bundle of goods, as compared to the previous year, but also an indicator of an increased income to offset these price increases.

I'm getting my information from social a.c. classes from 10-30, economincs 30 and university level economics classes. As i said, as unemployment decreases, people have more money, and are willing to spend more. As they spend more, the price of the good they want will increase and the value of their currency will decrease, i said this before, and you decided repoint out except in a different way, the demand for the goods will increase. I'm not sure why you decided to add in that as productivity increases so does the quantity, because as quantity increases, demand lowers, so you kinda contradicted yourself.

I did not comment on the fact that inflation is not only the rise of a price of good, because that is not the point i was making. The point i was making is that if there was 100% employment, our currency would inflate and soon we would have a great deal of unemployment.

11-28-2002, 08:55 PM
Originally posted by D_Rock

I'm not sure why you decided to add in that as productivity increases so does the quantity, because as quantity increases, demand lowers, so you kinda contradicted yourself.

I dont know much about this stuff, but the way I read what Weapon_R wrote, was that the increase in productivity etc lowers demand, evening out the increase due to more money moving around, NOT contradicting himself.

Anyways I don't get this stuff...haha

///M Power
11-28-2002, 08:59 PM
Originally posted by kevie88
I used to hit bums with water baloons when I lived on 5th street in the apartments behind Earl's Tin Palace.. when it was -20 out! :rofl:

They would walk down the street at all hours of the night with shoppin carts full of bottles.. one every 15 minutes was the average. Cr-CRASH cr-CRASH Cr-CRASH over every crack in the sidewalk. One time I bombed one with Mayonayse off the roof in the summer time, he probably smelled awesome after that.:guns:

Wow, you're a real fucking asshole, no offence. I hope someone kicks you while you're down, just like you've done to the people with no where to live. Do you kick kittens because they can't defend themselves? Hahahaha, its funny, I hurt it for fun!:dunno:

11-28-2002, 10:24 PM
Originally posted by szw

I dont know much about this stuff, but the way I read what Weapon_R wrote, was that the increase in productivity etc lowers demand, evening out the increase due to more money moving around, NOT contradicting himself.

Anyways I don't get this stuff...haha

Okay, here's what i'm saying:

We have x amount of people in the workplace. The bundle of goods, Y, is set at any given amount. With an influx in newly employed people, we now not only have an increase in supply, but also an equal increase in demand, since these newly employed people are going to have the money to spend on the products in a market. The equilibrium price is set by the intersection of the demand and supply. Since the reaction is going to be equal, the supply will increase, and the demand will follow, effectively bringing the price to about the same level, with increased productivity.

The newly employed people have just increased the total GDP of the nation and put a huge decrease on our governments funding of social assistance programs. They are now employed, and contributing taxes to our economy. This extra revenue, in turn, may be transferred back into health care, education, or even tax breaks.

I think this is clearly a win-win situation. Unemployment is a strain on the economy.

11-28-2002, 10:57 PM
Originally posted by Weapon_R

Okay, here's what i'm saying:

We have x amount of people in the workplace. The bundle of goods, Y, is set at any given amount. With an influx in newly employed people, we now not only have an increase in supply, but also an equal increase in demand, since these newly employed people are going to have the money to spend on the products in a market. The equilibrium price is set by the intersection of the demand and supply. Since the reaction is going to be equal, the supply will increase, and the demand will follow, effectively bringing the price to about the same level, with increased productivity.

The newly employed people have just increased the total GDP of the nation and put a huge decrease on our governments funding of social assistance programs. They are now employed, and contributing taxes to our economy. This extra revenue, in turn, may be transferred back into health care, education, or even tax breaks.

I think this is clearly a win-win situation. Unemployment is a strain on the economy.

Hi everyone...first post from a newbie..

I'm no expert in economics, but here are my two cents.

1. An increase in available workforce lowers wages since the pool of available workers increase, and scumhead employers will definitely seek the best deal - which is why we have minimum wage laws.

2. An increase in disposable income doesn't necessarily mean an increase in demand of an item, due to the availability of substitutes and changing market demands. For instance, if I had a job, I wouldn't be driving my 2000 Safeway Shopping Cart.

3. In supply demand theory, the equilibrium would have supply = demand, but Forbes Nash's game theory (yes, the schizo dude in A Beautiful Mind) proves that it is never the case since the market economy is a non-zero sum game. There's always market excess, exemplified by the $1.79 Chunky Soup clearance at Safeway.

4. The optimal scenario for unemployment calls for a level above zero, as it is impossible to get everyone to work - short of slavery. With safety nets such as E.I. and subsidized Health Care, people may find it advantageous to shirk as opposed to taking low wage jobs. That's why governments aim for "reasonable" unemployment levels.

5. I have to poo...


Real Inflation is a macro-economic term attributed to the rise of the price for a bundle of goods RELATIVE to the change in income. If income increases at the same pace as the price of goods, then there technically is no inflation.

11-29-2002, 08:23 AM
Originally posted by D_Rock
Yes, there are programs out there that are aimed at helping homeless people, but you can't be so narrow minded when you view the situation. Homeless is a problem that is not only caused by them being "lazy". It is a socio-economic problem. Rather then simply looking at them as being lazy, you must realize that they may come from a bad family situation, have physical or mental disablilities and on and on. Every single person living on the street because they are "lazy" is bull shit. The assumption you are making in terms of inflation is that the supply is some constant, nominal value that cannot increase. Pricing and inflation are market driven forces. Yes, you have more people with money, and more people spending that money. But that doesn't mean that supply is going to stay at the same level all the time. Your statements that a 0 employment rate is going to crash our economy are completely false. For someone who is advocating helping the homeless, you sure have a funny way of doing it. Normally, you're trying to get homeless people off the street, NOT keep them there.

If you come from a bad family situation, you are not disabled and you should be working to earn your keep. You are living on the street because you choose to, not because you want to or you are being forced to. I hear so many people say you can't live on minimum wage, and that is BS. You aren't going to live well, its definetly not going to be summertime at Versailles or anything, but you can live off minimum wage if you are willing to make prioritize and decide that food is more important than cable for instance.

There are lots of jobs that people with physical and mental disabilities can do. They have ways that a parapeligical can drive a car, but yet there's no way that these people on the streets can be employed, even in the most menial of fields? I REALLY doubt that.

11-29-2002, 12:31 PM
Shifting from economics to freud to philosophical zen...

Being a beggar could be considered a "specialized" job.

I mean, sure they make loads of money...sometimes over $100/hr at peak hours, but would you do it? Would you humiliate yourself at a public place for money? Most of us wouldn't because to a certain extent, we're "egotists". That's why it's specialized.

It's arguably a job since it serves to fulfil the philantrophic, and egotistic philantrophic (donating to prove wealth), needs of people. If people didn't have the desire to improve their karma, then nobody would donate.

Next point..the 0% unemployment economy. This is only possible through communism, extreme facism, and anarchism among other things. To clear it up, anarchism = lack of government, but not lack of control. (Ursula LeGuin does a good job of creating a viable anarchic colony in The Dispossessed.)

bahhh...i've lost my train of thought...chowdah

12-01-2002, 03:30 AM
Originally posted by 4wheeldrift
The assumption you are making in terms of inflation is that the supply is some constant, nominal value that cannot increase. Pricing and inflation are market driven forces. Yes, you have more people with money, and more people spending that money. But that doesn't mean that supply is going to stay at the same level all the time. Your statements that a 0 employment rate is going to crash our economy are completely false. For someone who is advocating helping the homeless, you sure have a funny way of doing it. Normally, you're trying to get homeless people off the street, NOT keep them there.

If you come from a bad family situation, you are not disabled and you should be working to earn your keep. You are living on the street because you choose to, not because you want to or you are being forced to. I hear so many people say you can't live on minimum wage, and that is BS. You aren't going to live well, its definetly not going to be summertime at Versailles or anything, but you can live off minimum wage if you are willing to make prioritize and decide that food is more important than cable for instance.

There are lots of jobs that people with physical and mental disabilities can do. They have ways that a parapeligical can drive a car, but yet there's no way that these people on the streets can be employed, even in the most menial of fields? I REALLY
doubt that.

Well thanks for you opions, but you obviously didn't read my pervious posts, i said that "you can't be so narrow minded when you view the situation" but hey, i guess you can be an idiot and regard every homeless person as lazy and stupid.
I'm not trying to get homeless off the street because as i said before, we need them. What i'm saying is that we as a society need to treat them better because if they were employed our economy would crumble, as happened to cause the great depression, but hey, we'll ignore actual facts because everyone who was unemployed then was just lazy and stupid, right?

I did not assume that supply was a constant, but supply can not keep up with demand if there is 100% employment.

12-01-2002, 04:08 AM
Originally posted by D_Rock

Well thanks for you opions, but you obviously didn't read my pervious posts, i said that "you can't be so narrow minded when you view the situation" but hey, i guess you can be an idiot and regard every homeless person as lazy and stupid.

:dunno: no need to flame...

if they were employed our economy would crumble, as happened to cause the great depression[/QUOTE]

http://www.arts.unimelb.edu.au/amu/ucr/student/1997/Yee/depression.htm for a concise list of the causes of the great depression.

I did not assume that supply was a constant, but supply can not keep up with demand if there is 100% employment. [/QUOTE]

:confused: why not?