View Full Version : DIGITAL CAMERA's

11-27-2002, 02:01 AM
Okay it's time for me to get a digital camera -

I'm not really big into the super high quality stuff cuz I don't think i'll be doing too many photo shoots but I do want something of decent quality.

What do I look for? The most megapixels regardless of make? Or do some with lower MP's outperform some of the cheaper brands?

Budget is around $350-$400. Not much, but I think I can score a decent one for that price.

Btw-i've seen some cameras are able to record video for a few seconds - this feature would be nice.

Dope Dealer
11-27-2002, 02:05 AM
I don't really know much about Digi Cams, but Canon makes real nice ones. My friend has one that was 550-600 I think and it can record video's and quality of pictures is superb.

Not sure if you can get a digi cam for 350-400 with that feature.

11-27-2002, 02:17 AM
I just bought a Canon S230 which is a 3 meg for $580. A good 2 meg camera is the Nikon Coolpix 2000 for about $350.