View Full Version : Beyond - Car forums for car enthusiasts. Unless...

11-27-2002, 11:05 AM
Beyond.ca - Car Forums for Car Enthusiasts - Unless you own a J-Body.

I'm sick of this bullshit. I've been here for 6 months this friday. But I'm not going to make it the full half year.

I came to this site thinking it was an open message board for all car enthusiasts. But apparently it took almost 6 months for me to realize the opposite. It seems you have to drive a benz or a honda to fit in around here.

This has been a really great site. I met lots of really cool people, and learned a lot from the car pros. However, I just can't come to a site anymore, that has me constantly trying to defend my car to the masses. It just isn't fun anymore. Like the rest of you, I'm sure wouldn't go to a site that is continually bashing your car.

Kenny and Rage, this is not a personally attack on you or your board. I know you cannot, and should not have to, defend the opinions of your members.

So, to Kenny and Rage, and all the moderators, I would like to thank you all for you hard efforts. You guys built up quite a little community here. I wish you all the best of luck in all your future endeavors.

See you at the track!

Davan Wong.

Blue Devil 2
11-27-2002, 11:10 AM
You have such a good point! I agree 100% with you. There are many alternatives to Beyond, with a communities that are much more open minded.

11-27-2002, 11:13 AM
Daven its okay bud, I hear ya, but are you going to let what a couple people said about J bodies in thier opinion get to ya man? Come on bud, I know your better than that, prove them wrong. People insult my car all the time, every day, I dont care because they dont drive it, and they dont know what its like.

:thumbsup: :(

11-27-2002, 11:22 AM
Originally posted by Benny
Daven its okay bud, I hear ya, but are you going to let what a couple people said about J bodies in thier opinion get to ya man? Come on bud, I know your better than that, prove them wrong. People insult my car all the time, every day, I dont care because they dont drive it, and they dont know what its like.

:thumbsup: :(

I agree with Benny, there may be people who don't like your car but so what? There are double or tripple that amount that do...everyone has the cars that they don't like, but as long as YOU like it, thats all that matters...Stay man, the boards wont be the same without you!


11-27-2002, 11:23 AM
One of the problems with our philosophy of letting users "speak their minds" is something like this. I've personally learned to ignore it. I know where you're coming from, I get a lot of crap in the forums myself with my 944, being called a VW and stuff. I spend a lot of time and effort on my car, and it gets made fun of. You know what? It's not worth the stress or hassles to let them piss you off. Laugh it off or shrug it off, and eventually it'll go away :D.

Hope you change your mind. Your contributions here were great!

11-27-2002, 11:32 AM
Come on Davan, don't let what others say discourage you! Your opinions and contribution here and in 403honda are invaluable!!!!!

11-27-2002, 11:41 AM
ya, I'll try not to give ya a hard time about what you drive. My car is a POS anyways. After all, this board is for car enthusiasts.

11-27-2002, 11:45 AM
Thanks for all the kind words, guys. I'm sure I'll pop by every now and then. I just don't think I'll be as active as before.

I came to this site to have fun with other car nuts. But now that it feels like I'm being singled out and picked on, it's just not that fun anymore, you know what I mean? And if it's not fun, what's the point?

Maybe when I get the benz next year, I'll fit in better. :D

And Calvin, don't worry, I'll still be bugging you on 403honda. When you guys make fun of my car, I know you're just goofing around.... I hope.... :D

Talk to you all later!

11-27-2002, 12:14 PM

People here bash EVERYTHING, everything from the bottom-feeders (civic, neon, sunfire, cavalier, hyundai) to the high-flyers (BMW, Mercedes) and everything in between.

However, the bashing relates PRIMARILY to:

1. what the DRIVER does to the vehicle and/or
2. how they drive their vehicle

If you are a Cavalier owner to which none of this applies, then you're okay, right?
If this Cavalier is riced-out or that Cavalier is driving around like a jackass, and people bitch about it, that's fine, because it isn't referring to YOU.

People bash Neons just as much, if not more.

We got a so-called 240-horse Neon Ex Sport ACR wannabe racer.
We got a 'super-ghey rice' neon with a huge aluminum wing that cruises 17th Ave.
We had some jackass in a Neon who lost control in a residential area and took out a few trees.
Finally, we got WalMart R Sticker crew armed with FRS radios in aisle 19.

Do I get offended? Not at all; I join in. :)

11-27-2002, 12:18 PM
Hey Davan

Don't Worry about what other people say you were thinking of getting rid of it anyways. Hey I Drive an N-body and people hate those things just as bad as the J-body But Who Cares It's mine I love it and Will continure to fix it up with out putting any god aweful body kits , six foot Rear Wings and Type R Stickers on it :dunno: :D Stick around let it slide :thumbsup: . Just agree with them and put your car down:banghead:

11-27-2002, 12:46 PM
Sorry to hear that you feel that way Davan, you will be missed, keep in touch.

11-27-2002, 01:00 PM
you are one of the cool cav owners i have met, why not stay to show all j-body owners are idiots?:dunno:

11-27-2002, 01:01 PM
Like Rage2 and Mwhong pointed out people will speak there minds regardless if they have facts are not. Take it as it is - just talk.

mwmhong rasied a good point - look at all the current posts on the SRT4 and neons in general. A lot of the info posted is just plain wrong (even when they say they researched) - is it a big deal? Step back and laugh for the person taking the time to post :rofl:

Blue Devil 2
11-27-2002, 01:09 PM
ok.... more like one person has an opinion than 20 other people jump on the band wagon and start posting the same message...

11-27-2002, 01:45 PM
Originally posted by mwmhong
People here bash EVERYTHING, everything from the bottom-feeders (civic, neon, sunfire, cavalier, hyundai) to the high-flyers (BMW, Mercedes) and everything in between.

sounds like Jeff Type-R and Gpomp to me.

11-27-2002, 02:03 PM
Originally posted by buh_buh

sounds like Jeff Type-R and Gpomp to me.

I wouldn't just single out those two. Everyone on this board has their own share of comments on all kinds of makes and models.

11-27-2002, 02:09 PM
Seriously man.

I don't think you should leave this board because a couple of people like to bash on J-bodies. Who the hell cares.

I've learned to realize that everyone of us have different tastes for different cars. It doesn't make us any less or more than any other person on this board.

Whether you drive a Benz or you drive a Chrysler, it all boils down to what YOU enjoy driving not what others enjoy driving. In the end it is your car and not theirs.

I hope you change your mind and if not it's okay thats what you've decided and I'm sure everyone on this board will respect your decisions.

Have a good one.

11-27-2002, 02:18 PM
davan man,

i don't know if you should leave the site completely. just ignore the comments people make about j-bodies. personally, it's your car man! do, drive what you want. just laugh it off, i mean it's not like everyone on here hates on j-bodies, personally i think your cav is one of the nicest in calgary. *shrugs* but yea, come back from time to time, and don't let these things get to ya!

11-27-2002, 02:32 PM
Hmm... This could be a crappy trend. I hope all of our domestics don't turn around and leave, I'd hate to see people with helpful tech info (Convict) leave because they didn't feel welcome.
This type of "car prejudice" happens all the time. Over on my car club, we hate on S2000's like theres no tomorrow, yet one of our moderators owns one. We don't dislike him tho, and he knows not to make anything of it, just as you should.
I don't think anyone here actually HATES j-bodies. They just prefer not to own one.

No one should feel they have to leave this site.
It gives this site and the people in it a bad name.

11-27-2002, 02:59 PM
Originally posted by defekt1
Whether you drive a Benz or you drive a Chrysler

Dude, a Benz IS a Chrysler! :D

11-27-2002, 03:08 PM
Originally posted by rage2

Dude, a Benz IS a Chrysler! :D :rofl: :rofl:

yup, the benz is just missing 2 prongs on the hood ornament!!

11-27-2002, 03:45 PM

don't leave. the only person who has a j-body that is getting bashed is aboveandbeyond!!! :D none of those comments are directed at you. aboveandbeyond is a fag, and no one likes him, so they give him a hard time about his car! oh and you said that unless you own a honda or a benz you don't fit in??? dude i don't even own a car yet and i have been here a long time. i don't care what people think of me or anything. i am who i am, and you are who you are. don't let people piss you off. i have done it all, post whored :rofl:, picked fights, and even mouthed off moderators. this is the best site imo :thumbsup:.

all that you need to do is to think of how retarded other people must feel when they don't have the right info and you proved them wrong. that makes me feel awesome. but honestly, you shouldn't let what a couple people think cause you to leave this board.


11-27-2002, 04:39 PM
If you want a car discussion forum where everyone just loves your car, and doesn't "speak their mind" or offer constructive criticism (if you've done mods) and share their opinions, then its not really a car discussion forum--it becomes a car support group.

No matter WHAT car you drive, there will always be people that don't like it and express their opinions. Tons of people hate my car cuz its an automatic, but I don't give a rats ass what other people think of it. You could have a ferrari and people will STILL say you have a shitty car cuz you could have spent much less and still be faster.

As long as people aren't directing their comments at YOU personally, I don't really see a big problem. Hopefully you'll reconsider, but whatever you do, good luck and try to have fun :thumbsup:

11-27-2002, 04:42 PM
Originally posted by buh_buh

sounds like Jeff Type-R and Gpomp to me.

Hey, at least I'm fair. I hate everything equally...

11-27-2002, 04:50 PM
Davan, sorry for anything I've said about J-bodies. I actually think they offer great value and they're not bad cars at all. They have a smooth shifting getrag tranny, and the new ecotec engine is awesome, The iron block Z24 engine is a repectable powerplant too. If you like your car, then props to you. You probably paid the same for your car as I did for my truck, and yours handles much better and is much quicker. I've seen pics of your car and I think it looks really good. Its just too bad that a lot of ricers who really aren't enthusiasts at all have to pick the same car as yours to rice up, though many ppl are just choosing base models :D

I'm sure no one here has anything personal against you. I have to deal with ppl on here who bash domestics and trucks as well, but it's thier opinion, don't let it bug you.

11-27-2002, 05:13 PM
Again, thanks for all the encouraging words, guys. I'll still be around, just not as often as usual. I really have to cut back anyways, and get some work done! :D

I know nobody ever made a direct insult at me, personally. It's just discouraging sometimes trying to fit into a society where my car of choice seems frowned upon by many.

But like a lot of you said, I enjoy my car. As cheap as the interior may be. ;) And that's what really matters. :)

11-27-2002, 05:14 PM
Originally posted by Davan
Again, thanks for all the encouraging words, guys. I'll still be around, just not as often as usual. I really have to cut back anyways, and get some work done! :D

I know nobody ever made a direct insult at me, personally. It's just discouraging sometimes trying to fit into a society where my car of choice seems frowned upon by many.

But like a lot of you said, I enjoy my car. As cheap as the interior may be. ;) And that's what really matters. :)

and being able to stand the rotten egg smell :D heheh nice car tho, honest

11-27-2002, 05:25 PM
That too. ;)

11-27-2002, 06:14 PM
Originally posted by Davan
I really have to cut back anyways, and get some work done! :D
This is where i need to find them graphs of your actualy amount of work that dave did up :D...

Look at the people who make fun of your cars.. they dont even drive... DUNCAN, this means you.

These boards are great, minus some small problems, but as we know davan from experience, peoblems will allways arise, no matter what the board

11-27-2002, 06:20 PM
Man, the way i see it everyone on the board is proabbly hated by at least one member, it's not a big deal, there's lots of reasons people could hate me, and I'm sure some do, but it's no big deal, i don't see anybody personally attacking you so i think you should be cool with it, just like the neon dude was saying.

Hey, I don't feel like i fit really either, i drive a 4 door luxo sedan, it's not exactly a sports car, it doesn't matter what car u drive, beyond is the shizzle, i like the info i get and it's a good place to waste away some free time.

11-27-2002, 07:48 PM
Originally posted by ninspeed
Look at the people who make fun of your cars.. they dont even drive... DUNCAN, this means you.

Meh, it's not my fault I'm poor as hell and can't afford a car.

GTS Jeff
11-27-2002, 08:26 PM
Davan, no one has gone out of their way to insult you as a person, right? Like shit, yea I don't like Cavaliers, but I think you're a cool guy...So just chill and let the good times roll!

11-27-2002, 10:37 PM
Davan- everyone makes fun of my car too, even the Honda guys :rofl: well, maybe especially the Honda guys ;)

If it makes you feel any better, a few years ago I almost bought a new Cavalier Z24 (just don't tell anyone ok? ;) ) But, I think your Cavalier is honestly the nicest done up j-body I have seen around town. So nice and clean :thumbsup:

I also appreciate all your help directing me around the MRC campus, I did escape without a parking ticket :D and found my seminar easily with the aid of your map (I printed it off).

In any forum your going to find people hating on your for your car or who you are. I know theres people on here that don't like me, but whatever- I ignore them, seems to be going okay so far. I guess its ultimately your choice not to hang around here as much but as long as you still drop in to the 403 meets whenever then its all good :)


11-27-2002, 11:18 PM
Davan, oh bah... its power by the numbers baby. Everywhere you go, there will always be people who dissagree. Thats people for ya.. thats life.

Before I bought my car, I was standing in the middle of the Honda West lot, next to like, 20 civics. I chose knowingly to go and pick up a cav.. but the first thing I thought about was, HEY, whats all the 'tuner' guys gonna think.. no respect.. whats all my asian buddies gonna think.. no respect.

There must be a reason you chose to get your car.. and its up to you to stand by it or not.. Im standin by mine.. at the time, I thought I was gonna be the only asian guy drivin a cav.. I still kinda like the attention I get.. people just dont believe their eyes when they see me get out... almost like, THAT guy, drives THAT car?? I like it, its fun, its economical, its unique, its different.

That was two years ago, and after some slight mods here and there, Im on my way... Im rollin with a lil crew.. a few civics, a 300zx, a few accords and an rsx type s. Pretty good for a lil domestica chillin with these guys.. but beyond cars.. its about chillin with the guys and gals and just havin fun.

I know I'll miss your witty insight on things.. so humor me. *L*

11-28-2002, 02:01 AM
Well, Davan, lets not jump ship yet. We have to try and change some minds about our cars :)

11-28-2002, 02:03 AM
Davan please dont leave, your contributions to this board are irreplaceable and the last thing i want to see is a passionate car enthusiast like yourself leave this forum

11-28-2002, 05:19 AM
Davan I know how you feel, I drive a Probe for God's sake:)

11-29-2002, 12:41 AM
i dont blame davan the least for doing what he wants to....i now exactly how he feels.....

11-29-2002, 02:01 AM
"the rotten egg smell """"" wtf is that????????

my friends 94 ish or whatever i talked about in the other thread has that too!!!!!!!!!!

11-29-2002, 02:57 AM
my stratus got egged once... those thing smells like sh*t

11-29-2002, 09:40 AM
I really hope you don't intend to leave the board either. Just look at all the other people on Beyond that don't want to see you leave! You're not being singled out. In fact, everyone has had their fair share of being bashed or made fun of. I've had many many personal attacks on me but it hasn't stopped me from posting. I just shrug it off and have a beer. A few people's opinions don't reflect the entire boards opinion. Hope all goes well for you. :)