View Full Version : Police Mods???

11-03-2004, 07:41 PM
Is it legal to paint one red stripe and one blue on you car and write Police in between? I was wondering cause my winter car could really use it. Well not really. WWould just be cool.

11-03-2004, 07:42 PM
[only one way to find out, go for it:thumbsup:]

11-03-2004, 07:44 PM
I think you could get away with the red and blue however i dont think having police painted on ure door or whatever will go over so well wit them

11-03-2004, 07:48 PM
yeah the stripes is fine....just write police in a different language or something....then technically you donly be impersonating a police officer...not a canadian police officer

11-03-2004, 07:50 PM
i dont think u could write police, btu u could prolly write cops or polees

11-03-2004, 07:55 PM
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11-03-2004, 07:56 PM
haha, im pretty sure yourll get in trouble for writing pigs

11-03-2004, 07:57 PM
PO-PO, PIGS, so many you could do to make it more awseom tan it will already be! do somthing orginal even tho that is quite original on its own! just step it up a bit:thumbsup:

11-03-2004, 07:58 PM
[writing police on the side will get you in no trouble at all, i recomend you do it, the police will probably mistake you for one of them and not give you tickets for anything :burnout: ]

11-03-2004, 07:59 PM
Right pollice

11-03-2004, 08:38 PM

11-03-2004, 08:49 PM
You should try putting on S.W.A.T. people wear the jackets so it shouldnt be a big deal.

11-03-2004, 09:36 PM
This is on the pontiac 6000?
You should put a ferarri sticker on it too, make it really convincing, lol.

11-04-2004, 07:14 AM
[please do it, i was thinking of doing the same but couldn't find my roll of masking tape or my sisters blue and red nail polish ]

11-04-2004, 08:33 AM
I know of a guy in the states who took his Jetta and made it into an exact replica of a German police car. He doesnt get tickets.

11-04-2004, 10:40 AM
Originally posted by CryoCarnage
Is it legal to paint one red stripe and one blue on you car and write Police in between?

or...you could just not do it at all and save some time and grief.

11-04-2004, 10:43 AM
[ no really.... it is a good thing to do! I hope it goes well! I would see nothing rent-a-copish about it]

11-04-2004, 05:37 PM
Originally posted by 1-Bar

or...you could just not do it at all and save some time and grief. Now why would i greif? II Won't be getting any tickets LOL.

11-04-2004, 06:27 PM
Originally posted by Euro_Trash
I know of a guy in the states who took his Jetta and made it into an exact replica of a German police car. He doesnt get tickets.

hey got any pics? that would be kinda interesting to see

11-05-2004, 11:11 AM
Not yet, im gonna start the idea soon tho :)

11-05-2004, 11:27 AM
[Dont forget to put some flashers in your headlights for the full effect]

11-05-2004, 05:31 PM
[You should also have a megaphone so that you can tell people to get out of your way, just tell them you're doing policework. It always works. :)]

11-05-2004, 09:57 PM
I had a great idea today. I went throught the lighting dept in walmart the other day (Don't Ask Why) and then i saw this Cop signal thing. You know the ones with the single red light. Anyway i asked how much and they said 17 bucks and it comes with a car adapter :eek: Sweet deal.

11-06-2004, 12:51 AM
[ definately do it man, for 17 bucks you'd be a fool not to ]

11-06-2004, 12:54 AM
[ thats tight yo!!!! do it for surez you cant beat 17beanz! make surez to get picz though!]