View Full Version : Liberals spamming my cell phone

11-18-2004, 10:14 PM
Fuckin' shitty election tactics. :thumbsdow

Yesterday, Liberal Stephen Jenuth left his prerecorded election platform on my cell phone voicemail when it was switched off. Today, I get the exact same canned message when I answered! I called his election office and the lady apologized and promptly took my number off the call list.

I hate telemarketers with a passion but at least they don't call my cell phone. Stephen Jenuth has the audacity to waste my time AND my cell phone minutes. I sure hope phone spam isn't a future trend in election campaigns. I emailed him and politely said I was less than impressed by this tactic, but I doubt I'll get a reply.

How did he get my cell phone number? AFAIK, cell numbers aren't listed and I never give it out. If I have to leave a number, it's my land line that I give. :dunno:

11-18-2004, 10:20 PM
I have been working with a campaign team for the past month. It is a service that is being offered to all of the campaigns. Since there is about 30,000 people in each riding, this company has offered to call the voters lists, with the technology to bypass the voice and automatically access your voice mail. It costs $0.06 per message.

As for how they got your cell number, it's pretty easy. Usually, when we call people to ask for support, we are given alternative numbers, or your cell number is on the voters list somewhere.

11-18-2004, 10:21 PM
I don't think I'd do that if I were running a campaign, would probly lose as many if not more votes than it would gain

11-18-2004, 10:32 PM
Well they might have a database that says 'Home phone:... work phone:...' etc but they might not. How do you expect a robot to know what kind of phone they are calling? It's just like regular telemarketing, it's just that they got your cell instead of your home number.

It's also not like this Stephen Judith did it personally and intentionally, you say he's got the audacity to waste your time etc... he probably doesn't have enough time to think about wasting someone else's time he's (I assume) running a campaign. Take a chill pill. The people running the numbers and overseeing the lists etc are just trying to do their jobs.

I've had a situation where a girl I know actually converted the campaign manager for our county!

hello, hello etc etc
Bush lady: Would you like to attend xy fundraiser for Bush and vote etc
Girl: No, I'm diabetec
Lady: What's that got to do with anything?
Girl: Bush underfunds research that could cure diabetes (she's a type I)
Lady: Wait, I'm diabetec! Uhm... I have to go now...
Girl: Bye

:rofl: :rofl:

11-18-2004, 10:32 PM
Originally posted by FlySi
I have been working with a campaign team for the past month. It is a service that is being offered to all of the campaigns. Since there is about 30,000 people in each riding, this company has offered to call the voters lists, with the technology to bypass the voice and automatically access your voice mail. It costs $0.06 per message.

Thanks for the info.

This really is a turn-off for me, and it pisses me off enough to NOT vote for anyone who uses this. It's $0.06 for the candidate, but it costed me more in airtime to check my email yesterday, and to answer the incoming call today.

11-18-2004, 10:49 PM
Originally posted by iceburns288
Well they might have a database that says 'Home phone:... work phone:...' etc but they might not. How do you expect a robot to know what kind of phone they are calling?
Cell phone here have different prefixes here, and they should have checked their call list.

Originally posted by iceburns288
It's just like regular telemarketing,
Exactly. Telemarketers are despised, even though they are doing their jobs. Someone trying to get elected should not be pissing off potential voters.

Originally posted by iceburns288
It's also not like this Stephen Judith did it personally and intentionally, you say he's got the audacity to waste your time etc... he probably doesn't have enough time to think about wasting someone else's time he's (I assume) running a campaign. Take a chill pill. The people running the numbers and overseeing the lists etc are just trying to do their jobs.
He better find the time to make sure his campaign tactics don't turn away potential voters. Whatever his staff does reflects directly on him and his party.

11-18-2004, 11:52 PM
find out their fax number and then tape 3 sheets of black paper together in a loop on the fax machine (so when it feeds it just loops) 40-50 pages would work.

11-18-2004, 11:54 PM
That's the Liberals for ya :)

11-19-2004, 12:00 AM
If you've ever listed your cell number as a home number it could be called. I use my cell number as my home number so it is always called.

11-19-2004, 12:26 AM
Originally posted by Ben
find out their fax number and then tape 3 sheets of black paper together in a loop on the fax machine (so when it feeds it just loops) 40-50 pages would work.

thats the greatest idea ever :thumbsup: lol

11-19-2004, 09:50 AM
Man that would really piss me off. I'm glad I have yet to get any of their calls cause I also list my cell as my primary number.

This is just one more thing to make me hate the liberals...anyone hear about all the scandal surrounding them this week? Freaking laugh riot if you ask me.

11-19-2004, 09:54 AM

11-19-2004, 11:24 AM
Originally posted by Singel
I don't think I'd do that if I were running a campaign, would probly lose as many if not more votes than it would gain

^agreed .. i would think thatz annoyin n wouldn't vote for the person

11-19-2004, 07:23 PM
Originally posted by Melinda
Man that would really piss me off. I'm glad I have yet to get any of their calls cause I also list my cell as my primary number.

This is just one more thing to make me hate the liberals...anyone hear about all the scandal surrounding them this week? Freaking laugh riot if you ask me.

What, the torries fixing the ward 10 election?:D What liberal scandal are u talking about? I might have heard bout it, but doesn't come to mind right now