View Full Version : I got in an accident :(

11-22-2004, 04:07 PM
Not looking for a way outta this, just wanna know whats going to happen from here since its my first accident

millrise drive at about 10:30 am was bloody icey. ive recently bought brand new winter tires and replaced all my brakes about 3 months ago, and im goin 30 on it, and i see a bus stopped ahead lookin to turn left (waiting for it to clear). so i start applying pressure on my brakes 40 feet away, sure enough i slide right the fuck into the bus. at this time i was maybe going 10 km/h, tops.

guy gets out of his bus asks if im okay (REALLY nice older gentleman) i nod and ask if hes okay and if everybody in ths bus is okay, he just laughed and said he barely felt it, only saw me cause my ass end of my car was stickin out and he saw it in his rear view. we chceck both vehicles, no damage on either. wow go plastic pannels! haha i bounced right off him (i have a mild smudge mark on the front of my car which i can wipe off with some elbow grease so only a few scratches will be visible so no biggy)

anyways we fill out everything and the bus driver calls dispatch and asks me "any big damage to your car?" i shake my head and he tells the supervisor not to come because there is no damage to either vehicle.

anyways when he was writing down my information i noticed me may have also gotten my liscnece plate wrong and the model of my car wrong (he had my liscnce, registration, and insurance in his hand so no fault of my ownf or giving him wrong info)

just wondering since theres no damage, whats gonna happen? i imagine my insurance is probably going to go up a bit... anybody with any knowledge of exact things that will happen tho?

11-22-2004, 04:13 PM
unless the cops came I say you are totally in the clear. nothing serious really happened, no claims are going to made, so on so forth. if he just reported it to his supervisor for Calgary Transit purposes, you'll be okay. if he filled out a police report, maybe not.

11-22-2004, 04:16 PM
well, if he did fill out a police report, then the cops will call you looking for yours.

sounds like nothing happened though, ct, like all city departments, HAVE to report any little thing like this - even if there was no damage.


11-22-2004, 04:18 PM
Originally posted by BumpinTalon
unless the cops came I say you are totally in the clear. nothing serious really happened, no claims are going to made, so on so forth. if he just reported it to his supervisor for Calgary Transit purposes, you'll be okay. if he filled out a police report, maybe not.

yea he reported it and i heard on the speaker "how bad is the damage? do we need to send out a supervisor to estimate?" the gentleman looked at me and asked "everything okay on your car?" i nodded and he went back on "nah we look all good here, cant see under the cars but he wasnt going fast, no visible damage at all, no need to send out a supervisor, we're okay"

nice of him to ask how im doing and if my vehicle is okay he also asked if i had any questions i said no and he reported back "everything seems okay here, am i okay to carry on?" and he just go orders to carry on with his route and i shook his hand and appologized to the eldery lady (only passenger) for taking up her time and she smield and waved at me

11-22-2004, 04:21 PM
I work for the city and they only got your information to make sure their hide is covered as well as it is standard 'protocol' to do that in ct.

Pretty sure they won't be doing anything about it (no police reports, insurance, etc) other then maybe the bus driver files a report with calgary transit.

Looks like you lucked out, but its pretty hard to damage those beasts anyways.

11-22-2004, 04:23 PM
Originally posted by ricosuave
well, if he did fill out a police report, then the cops will call you looking for yours.

sounds like nothing happened though, ct, like all city departments, HAVE to report any little thing like this - even if there was no damage.


only "report" he filled out and gave me a copy of was one that looked like the picture attached (the top says "facts of accident")

i even told him that its my first accident and i was wondering what was going to happen from here

he just said "probably nothing" told me to have a good day and we parted ways

11-22-2004, 04:23 PM
Originally posted by Tux10
I work for the city and they only got your information to make sure their hide is covered as well as it is standard 'protocol' to do that in ct.

Pretty sure they won't be doing anything about it (no police reports, insurance, etc) other then maybe the bus driver files a report with calgary transit.

Looks like you lucked out, but its pretty hard to damage those beasts anyways.

haha thing didnt move at all ;) my plastic panels bounced off of it haha *kisses tupperware* haha

edit: thanks for all your help and advice guys :) calmed my nerves quite a bit :thumbsup:

11-22-2004, 04:25 PM
Well if neither of you have any issues (ie damage, injuries etc) and he doesn't need to claim it, he won't and you should be totally fine regarding your insurance and a claim. He woulda said he was gonna do something (file police report, check with insurance etc) if he was..

You should be good to go and if you were only going as fast as you said, it shouldn't come back to you (unless some kid in the bus told his mommy and he was hurt, which I doubt)

Lucky nothing happened...rear ending a bus= no good for insurance, but you should be alright :) he most likely took down your info because of protocol...

11-22-2004, 04:27 PM
Originally posted by ZorroAMG
Well if neither of you have any issues (ie damage, injuries etc) and he doesn't need to claim it, he won't and you should be totally fine regarding your insurance and a claim. He woulda said he was gonna do something (file police report, check with insurance etc) if he was..

You should be good to go and if you were only going as fast as you said, it shouldn't come back to you (unless some kid in the bus told his mommy and he was hurt, which I doubt)

Lucky nothing happened...rear ending a bus= no good for insurance, but you should be alright :) he most likely took down your info because of protocol...

thats what i figured and it was all standard procedure which im cool with haha its not like iw as like "i got $20 in my pocket saying we both forget this" haha and only other person on bus was a older lady and like i mentioned i appologized for keeping her held up and she didnt seem to mind

probably helped i didnt go in there actin like a hardcore thug or anything , and just tried to be as respectful as possible to both of them

again thx for advice guys

11-22-2004, 04:30 PM
when i was in grade 11 i ran into a bus too :D , no damage to either one of us, i thought it would have been reported to the police but wasnt and nothing happened! like everyone else that said, they jsut do a little report to cover their ass incase something does come up after but i think you are you will be good to go:thumbsup:

11-22-2004, 04:35 PM
now the big question: should i tell my parents?

11-22-2004, 04:43 PM
I got in a little fender bender like a year ago and said that i would pay out of pocket so that my insurance wouldn't sky rocket. Next day i get a call from my insurance company about the crash. I couldn't believe it. I told they guy i hit to get a qoute i would pay up front and call it a day. HE CALLED my insurance company. So they call me and are like why didn't you tell us? Anyways i thought i was fucked and that insurance would go up but so long as you don't put in a claim and they don't pay for anything they can't raise your rates. So i paid out of pocket, Had legal coverage if this guy decides to sue me in a couple years and i still pay the same rate!

Sorry to here about your crash but i think your in the clear! You got lucky! Hope the scraches come out nicely.

11-22-2004, 04:45 PM
Originally posted by ^SkylinE^
I got in a little fender bender like a year ago and said that i would pay out of pocket so that my insurance wouldn't sky rocket. Next day i get a call from my insurance company about the crash. I couldn't believe it. I told they guy i hit to get a qoute i would pay up front and call it a day. HE CALLED my insurance company. So they call me and are like why didn't you tell us? Anyways i thought i was fucked and that insurance would go up but so long as you don't put in a claim and they don't pay for anything they can't raise your rates. So i paid out of pocket, Had legal coverage if this guy decides to sue me in a couple years and i still pay the same rate!

Sorry to here about your crash but i think your in the clear! You got lucky! Hope the scraches come out nicely.

scratches can be fixed with touch up paint (which hell ill do in the summer, dirt will cover it for now ;) )

and i think they can only bring up your accidnet within a yr of the accident so i wouldnt worry to much in your scenario (again im not 100% sure)

nobody was hurt, no damage, so i hope its all good :)

11-22-2004, 04:53 PM
Don't tell the 'rents, spare yourself the grief! :D

11-22-2004, 04:55 PM
Originally posted by ZorroAMG
Don't tell the 'rents, spare yourself the grief! :D

haha okay im going to keep it from em but if this comes back and bites me in the ass im takin it out on u ;) haha j/k dude

11-22-2004, 04:58 PM
I would tell the rents. Man shit happens all the time, if you have good parents they will understand. Its not like you were doing anything stupid. Roads were shity, you were going a decent speed and there will be no $$$$ being handed out. I think there is no reason to get in shit and being honest is best ! if anything they should thank you for telling them.

11-22-2004, 05:30 PM
sorry to hear bout that; good luck with all the aftermath:thumbsup:

11-22-2004, 05:45 PM
A.Gore #14

you hit Al GORE!!!

hah good to hear everything is alright

nothing should happen as everybody has stated above if the accident wasnt over 1000 then no claim has to be put in so that guy can put a claim in which he wont cuz its not his bus but you dont have to.
so nothing to worry about just drive safe and dont depend on your winter tires heh.

11-22-2004, 06:00 PM
Originally posted by 403Gemini

haha okay im going to keep it from em but if this comes back and bites me in the ass im takin it out on u ;) haha j/k dude Think of the trust you would earn if you did... I dont know how easy going your parents are... but if you told them even though it was minor they would probably respect that you told them regardless... that way they will believe you next time the find a condom and you blame it on your brother ;)

11-22-2004, 06:49 PM
i would recomend going to a body shop and get them to see if there is any hidden damage to your car. a LOT of times when the bumper looks fine from the outside, there is some damage behind it.

just a though, good to hear you weren't injured

GTS Jeff
11-22-2004, 06:58 PM
i wouldnt worry about the accident raising your premiums. the only worry u have is if someone does an inspection on the bus later on and finds damage.

anyway, next time u lock up and slide...especially if u have 40 feet to go, u should let go of the brakes and steer out the way. even if 30-40ft isnt enough room to stop, it is definitely enough room to make a slight correction to avoid a car thats 40ft away...

11-22-2004, 06:58 PM
Hey, I got in my first accident today too. Some guy rear-ended me though, so it wasn't my fault. Some guy in a big F-250 Ford truck with a bushgaurd on the front smoked the back of my Jeep. Bushgaurd protected his car, did all the damage to mine.

I'm pretty pissed though. My car was absolutely mint condition and now the back end is pretty effed up. I think the guy's gonna shit his pants when he gets the bill.

I'm pretty sure it needs a new bumper and potentially a new tailgate. I don't know though, like I said I've never had to get body work before.

I'm not gonna be able to get it appraised until later this week though so I'm kind of anxious to get an estimate.

Here's a picture of the damage. The picture doesn't really do it justice, its a lot worse than it looks here.



Just a few weeks ago.:( :(

11-22-2004, 09:10 PM
well, i wish the other guy that i hit was as good as urs, mine unfortunately was an indian guy who is out to get me, not that im racist or whatever. i rear ended the guy going sarcee west, there were no visible markings on his car and on mine, he still filled a report, i got a fine for 172 dollars and i think a 4 point cut, charged for driving too closely, which is true in a way, but he shouldnt have breaked suddenly, like he actually breaked to a complete stop because there was a chain accident on the left lane. not trying to defend myself or whatever, anyhow this was a month ago, i paid the fine and today my insurance company called me saying that 3 people were injured from that car. which is total bullshit, on the collision statement it said there were no injuries or fatalities. so i suppose the guy is trying to claim, and now im busted because i didnt call my insurance company about it, i didnt think it was a big deal because there was no damage at all. maybe someone can advise me on what to do next?

11-22-2004, 10:10 PM
The cops will mark the 'no injuries or fatalities' box if there are no visible injuries. It does not preclude the passengers in either vehicle from claiming for injuries. I had bad whiplash after one accident, that box was checked on the police report, and I still got all my bills and stuff paid by the other insurance company.

It's dumb to come to a full stop for an accident that is not in the way, but definately slow down and be careful.

Were there 3 people in his car? That would be the first question on my mind.

My advice on what to do next, is be an honest guy, and don't freakin lie to your insurance company or whatever. I'm in the midst of a court battle right now, with a guy that is so full of s*** that his eyes are brown.

Man, that's very lucky about the bus accident. There are a lot of people in this city who will make up bulls*** injury claims to get rich.

11-22-2004, 10:20 PM
there were 4 people : (

11-22-2004, 10:33 PM
i'm sure everything is ganna be fine 403:thumbsup:

11-22-2004, 10:46 PM
i don't worry about it 403. the dude is also super nice....no demirts will have to be given outm no claims have to be made....so what's the use of paper work, really? just be lucky that you bumped into the right bus at the right time, going at the right speed.

and kasem, don't worry too much about what has happened. 4 points and a 200 dollar fine is nothing for what the situation calls... however, regarding the injuries claim....if he claimed no injuries in the first place, he can't claim them this long afterwards. if he does pursue it, take him to court and just be honest and explain to them what you have explained in your post.

11-22-2004, 11:34 PM
It's probably not that they claimed no injuries at the scene. But rather that they didn't appear seriously injured. The cops only check if anybody is seriously injured. If you're not bleeding/dead, they don't mark it on the police report, and the insurance companies know this. This is why there are still injury settlements even if that little box is checked off on the police report.

Hmm, 4 in the car, that's not as good. If there were 2 in the car, then it would be open and shut =)

Try to get the demerits dropped, and hopefully this all blows over...

11-23-2004, 02:37 AM
the thing is, on my ticket they didnt state i`d get demerits as well, but i got a letter from alberta transportation saying that i have 4 points deducted. how retarded is that? i dunno, im new in calgary, but im pretty sure if u get demerits they are listed on your ticket?

11-23-2004, 02:57 AM
Originally posted by 403Gemini

haha okay im going to keep it from em but if this comes back and bites me in the ass im takin it out on u ;) haha j/k dude Trust me, what they don't know won't hurt them, or you. My parents still don't know about me writing off my car 2 years ago. They still think I parted it out and sold it. hehe

Anyhow, don't sweat it too much, things will take care of itself. :thumbsup:

11-23-2004, 09:20 AM
Originally posted by max_boost
Trust me, what they don't know won't hurt them, or you. My parents still don't know about me writing off my car 2 years ago. They still think I parted it out and sold it. hehe

Anyhow, don't sweat it too much, things will take care of itself. :thumbsup:


funniest thing I have read today lol

11-23-2004, 09:22 PM
Well I went and got an estimate on my Jeep today, and the guy who looked it over says its gonna be between $4000-$5000 based on what they can see. They think that the floor plates might be compressed and the roof might be as well. If they find that the frame is damaged then its gonna go up more, although the guy who did the appraisal didn't elaborate on how much since he couldn't see if there even was damage yet, he was only speculating.

Even though its the other guy's fault, can his insurance company decide to write my SUV off (or since it's his fault do they have to repair it)? How do write offs work, and how much percent of the cost of repair in comparison to the vehicles value decides whether or not it is a write off in most cases? If anybody knows these answers I'd appreciate them.