View Full Version : Anybody Still Play Goldeneye?

11-25-2004, 12:37 AM
Hey Playa...

I've been playing a bit of the 007 Goldeneye game for N64, I know it's old school.

I'm stuck on four levels... I just can't do it. Anybody have any advice.

Train - 00 Agent - Natalya takes too long, can't get the timing right.

Control - Secret Agent & 00 Agent - Too hard to protect Natalya.

Caverns - 00 Agent - Don't have enough health left to take those drone guns at the end.

If anybody has any tips other than "practice makes perfect" then let me know... I'm not about to spend hours each day on it. And no I'm not going to use a Game Shark.

11-25-2004, 12:44 AM
Man o man memory lane on that game. Probably the best game ever made.

I had every single cheat on that game and it took me many nights to finish them.

And come to think of it, those were the three hardest.

The control room is by far the hardest one to get. The only way I got it was by searching for it on the web and following some instructions. It took me forever but eventually I got it.

You make me want to go out any buy the N64 console again and get that game and 1080 snowboarding.:thumbsup:

11-25-2004, 12:47 AM
I forget the tip for TRAIN, but in the control room, I just stood back to back with natalia and shot ALL the other computer consoles befor the alarms go off, that way when you have to keep looking left to right, you dont shoot those consoles instead of the guys. Also bu standing iback to back, the villans shoot you most of the time instead of her, and if you're good at the game, you'll still have full armor and health when you get to the point of protecting Natalia (remember to grab the armor on the top floor to the left.)

In Caverns, creep up the ladder just so you can barely see over the ground and take out the drone guns with your PP7. They wont detect you, and the gun is quiet enough to not draw the whole waiting army just beyond them.

11-25-2004, 12:52 AM
Originally posted by Ben
I forget the tip for TRAIN, but in the control room, I just stood back to back with natalia and shot ALL the other computer consoles befor the alarms go off, that way when you have to keep looking left to right, you dont shoot those consoles instead of the guys. Also bu standing iback to back, the villans shoot you most of the time instead of her, and if you're good at the game, you'll still have full armor and health when you get to the point of protecting Natalia (remember to grab the armor on the top floor to the left.)

In Caverns, creep up the ladder just so you can barely see over the ground and take out the drone guns with your PP7. They wont detect you, and the gun is quiet enough to not draw the whole waiting army just beyond them.

Hey Playa...

Thanks Ben... I guess it just takes time. So much is happening at once on Control, took me long enough to pass on Agent.

I think you were referring to the Jungle about the drone gun... there are no ladders in Caverns. I'm talking about the ones that hang from the roof. You have asshole Trevalyn and other guards shooting your front, two hanging drone guns pegging you off, and guards with shotguns behind you.

I'll keep at it ever so slowly.

As for the time cheats some of those are insane... I can't even do the 2:00 Facility on 00 Agent, with Turbo and Invincibility.

11-25-2004, 12:58 AM
Yeah, I remember when I first got this game. I was a shut in for 2 months solid in Grade 7. I ended up being the first person to complete the game, as well as achieve all the cheats in my class, which was a HUGE deal at the time. haha. I remember waiting in line for this game at Superstore at like 6am with my mom, haha.

Facility is easy.

My time was 1:52. It's pure luck however. I hit 2:01 I dont know how many times.

If you bolt right from the get go, and Dr Doak happens to be in the proper room as you run past, and you dont fumble with the door decoder, and you have your mines set just right you can have the whole thing done uber fast. Just comes down to retrying and retrying.

I forget Caverns then...will have to plug it in and have a look, everything will come back to me I'm sure.

11-25-2004, 01:01 AM
Hey Playa...

Ben are you sure you were in grade 7 when it came out. I always thought I was younger than you... and I still kind of do. I was in grade 7 I think when it came out....?

11-25-2004, 01:08 AM
Originally posted by Mckenzie
You make me want to go out any buy the N64 console again and get that game and 1080 snowboarding.:thumbsup:

Holy fuck man. I can't count the nights me friends and I spent playing those two games all the way through.

Big trip down memory lane.

11-25-2004, 02:20 AM
Game came out in 97. I guess I was in grade 9 then.

11-25-2004, 04:14 AM
Hey playa:

you need some bling and get a real console

11-25-2004, 06:57 PM
Originally posted by hockeybronx

As for the time cheats some of those are insane... I can't even do the 2:00 Facility on 00 Agent, with Turbo and Invincibility.

I thought that the facility in 00 Agent under 2 mins was the invincibilty code? Why are you doing it again?

11-25-2004, 07:32 PM
in the control room i stand between the two stairs and sway back and forth watching, i belive in that level you have some sort of explosive,set those up at the top of the stairs incase too many guys come at once. or stand infront of the girl and take the bullets for her.

11-25-2004, 07:43 PM
yea man, this game was fun, I didn't own it so all my memories are from 4 person multiplayer all night.

11-25-2004, 08:56 PM
Originally posted by Barking_Spidre

I thought that the facility in 00 Agent under 2 mins was the invincibilty code? Why are you doing it again?

Hey Playa...

I have one file where a buddy of mine used the gameshark...but I finally decided to make a new file and do it on my own.

11-25-2004, 11:39 PM
Originally posted by hockeybronx

Hey Playa...

I have one file where a buddy of mine used the gameshark...but I finally decided to make a new file and do it on my own.

I getcha now, "playa" haha.

With turbo and invincibility? Gotta work on your side stepping and dodging skills ;)

11-30-2004, 12:47 AM
Hey Playa...

An update for ya'll.

Finally passed control on Secret Agent to complete the game on Secret Agent.

Levels left:
Train (00 Agent)
Control (00 Agent)
Caverns (00 Agent)

11-30-2004, 01:00 AM
this has got to be my most favorite game of all time.
I got this game when I was in grade 7. everyday before school started I would wake up a bit earlier than usual, just so I can sneak in a few "minutes" of game time. after school, I don't stick around. I run home as fast as I could just so I can play the game.

this game sure brings back memories, I still had my N64 last year, and the last game I played on it was Goldeneye before I gave my machine away to my cousins back in Vietnam.

I can't really help you with tips as it has been SOO long since I completed the missions. I however finished the game on 00 Agent mode, got most of the cheats. Spent most of my time playing Multi-player.

I could have sworn I was James Bond himself, I was that good :bigpimp: :angel:

happy gaming playa

12-06-2004, 12:59 AM
Okay guys another update!

I finally completed The Caverns on 00 Agent.

All I have left now are:

Train - 00 Agent. I have no idea how to get Natalya to crack the password and also escape successfully.

Control - 00 Agent. Everytime I try to defend Natalya both of us end up getting absolutely schalacked!

Any more tips or suggestions?