View Full Version : Bus drivers just crack me up sometimes! HAHAHA

11-26-2004, 09:15 PM
A couple instances here...

So my buddy was telling me, how just this week he was heading to work, on an express bus from home to the downtown core at about 7am. During the entire 30min ride, what was the bus driver doing? Driving a bus full of about 60 people, yes! But not only that...he was talking to his damn girlfriend on his cell phone the entire time! "I miss you, I love you, hugs kisses, this and that." I tell you, I find this very disturbing how one person cares more for talking to his girlfriend than the safety of 60 passengers and the potential risk of his job.

A bus driver decides to stop at a bus stop with the bus jamn packed. He walks out and gets coffee and snacks at the 7-11. Ok, Yes I understand he has to eat just like every other human being, but not during rush hour! HAHAHA!

11-26-2004, 09:50 PM
Originally posted by GucciBoy
A bus driver decides to stop at a bus stop with the bus jamn packed. He walks out and gets coffee and snacks at the 7-11. Ok, Yes I understand he has to eat just like every other human being, but not during rush hour! HAHAHA!

Hey Playa...

Yeah I feel you man, back in high school I remember so many times where I was like half a class late because the damn driver would go have a smoke and flirt with the old women at Husky:guns:

11-26-2004, 09:55 PM
:werd: i was late 15-20 minutes for work in highschool when i had to city bus it half of the days i worked after school because the driver decided to stop at 7-11 for 10 minteus

11-26-2004, 10:44 PM
Bus drivers get breaks. They usually take these breaks at pre-determined stops near coffee shops and such, so that the bus driver can take a break and grab a coffee/take a piss ect.. they're people too, so if they need a break, they need a break.

I'd rather have a rested and relaxed driver, thank you very much!

Oh, and buy a damn car!!:rofl:

11-27-2004, 01:28 AM
I know it's really tough to sympathize with the bus drivers when it's you that's late, but try putting yourself in their shoes. Having a job where everybody gets mad at you when you go on break, but yet your taking a break helps ensure their safety....

I'm just glad I got a car, and stopped taking the bus, I have so much more free time now... CT from my house really sucks.

11-27-2004, 02:43 AM
Sometimes the reason they will take a break because they are ahead of schedule and need to stop to get back closer to the schedule. It sucks if you are late for work, but thats the way life is haha.

As someone else suggested, buy a car or live with it.

11-27-2004, 12:55 PM
Yeah the Cell-phone yapping is gay but the breaks and your buddy being late for work: :cry: :cry: too bad so sad, I hear J-body financing is easy....

11-27-2004, 01:10 PM
^ I'm pretty sure talkin on a cell phone while driving 60 people around in a 30' bus is frowned upon by city transit. I bet he could get in serious shit for this. And yeah as far a breaks go, I feel bad for him. Imagine really having to take a piss or a being starved but not wanting to stop cuz you know 60 people will wait in silence glaring at you as you step off the bus.

11-27-2004, 01:25 PM
City Transit is gay, last time a c-train driver started blowing me kisses (WTF), i just flipped him a bird and continued on my way. But those damned bus drivers are worse (so many high school stories with them). Oh ya, what's worse having a bus driver, whos haveing phone sex with his gf, or 2 ppl licking each others ears in front of you? :barf:

11-27-2004, 02:46 PM
^ The phone sex, because you can't tell whether he's talking to a guy or a girl!:rofl:

11-27-2004, 06:27 PM
Ok, this didnt happen to me. I dont take CT, a buddy of mine told me these stories, I just found it humourous.