View Full Version : Moving out ?

11-29-2004, 11:09 AM
Lately my family has been driving me crazy, they always have - but moreso lately I've just been getting more and more pissed off at the littlest things my sisters say and do.

So, I first thought...once I move back to Canada (in..holy crap, 14 hours!) I'll move into the basement, it's big and it'll be fun to add some drywall to the walls and such..it'll be my own little apartment, kitchen, bathroom, 2 bedrooms, all that stuff - and then I said that was my plan, was to never be home / around because I didn't want to deal with the stupid fighting, and got yelled at for how stupid I was for thinking it.

Pfft. Now I'm thinking I should just move out with a friend or something. Find a 2 bedroom apartment and share expenses. Although I'm not entirely sure what expenses I'll have to pay... Heres what I think right has to be taken into consideration when leaving home.

Car insurance + gas + maintenance
~~ Considering I'm 17 and paying insurance on a 240sx (what I plan on buying in a month or two..) would be insane, can I still be a 'daily driver' on my parents insurance and pay a lower rate..or do I have to live at home for that? ~~

Utilities - heat, electricity, water, phone, internet



Clothes and the like

..... Thats what I know so far I need to consider.....As it stands now, I'm only going to be making 800-1000 a month from 2 jobs .. I'll be in school for another year so I can't work too many long nights..

I don't know, maybe I'll just end up closing off the basement from the outside world, and leave as often as I can so I'm not around my famiily - I can't stand the annoying nagging about everything. Oh my sisters are SO hard done by because they have to pay their own cell phone bill and gas for their car... and NOTHING ELSE !

It's retarded but I think it's one of my major options, move out or move to the basement and basically live alone. Not much else I can think of doing that wont make me hit the bottle or something..

Is that all I have to pay for when it comes to bills and such ?

Rent = ~400-1000
Net = 45+phone
Food = ~150
Util = ?
Gasoline = ~60 ?
Maintenance = Eh..play it by year I guess
Clothes = ~20

... all by month ^

Bah I need to get someone to move in with me, that'd be the easiest I think..

Also working things out is pretty much beyond possible - it's always been like this, I've just grown up and realized its bull and I don't have to deal with it :)

Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks :)

11-29-2004, 11:15 AM
Originally posted by ex1z7
As it stands now, I'm only going to be making 800-1000 a month from 2 jobs .. I'll be in school for another year so I can't work too many long nights..

I'm pretty sure this wont be enough for you to move out with one other person. Rent in this city is MINIMUM 800$ so that's half your money right there (if you find a roomate).

Try and tough it out at home until you graduate...your school work will suffer greatly if you try to make it on your own with working AND you have the freedom to get away with anything you want. You'll get caught up in this "adult" life when you should really just enjoy being a kid living at home. Stay there as long as possible, being nagged by your sisters should not be grounds enough to put yourself out on the streets.

And chances are if your parents dont want you to move out, they will probably take you off of their insurance to teach you a lesson about the "real world"

11-29-2004, 11:18 AM
that would be really good if you could get by for food for the month on 150$

Im not saying its impossible but its cutting alot of luxuries

11-29-2004, 11:29 AM
Originally posted by Melinda

I'm pretty sure this wont be enough for you to move out with one other person. Rent in this city is MINIMUM 800$ so that's half your money right there (if you find a roomate).

I'm moving back home to Thunder Bay :) Rent is cheap as.. 800-ish for a 3br townhouse..

Iono it isn't really grounds on its own, but I've wanted to leave home for a while now and it's just been too rocky. I almost moved out when my sister kicked me out of the house in -25 at 1:30 in the morning when I was 16 and my mom was in Australia.. I returned later to get kicked out by my other sister.

Chumps...Even with my mom back in the house now (she's been out of the country for a while, I ended up joining her..) I can't see it being any different. It'll subside for a bit till I ask for a few dollars (say I don't have cash on me) to buy a carton of chocolate milk... it'll speel off into a big argument on how I spend other peopels money and I have no respect for work ethic...(I forgot, handing out change and sorting bras and panties is SO difficult...working in a garage isn't tiring or anything..or staying up till 2 a.m. to catch a deadline for an overseas client.. that's not tiring either..grumble grumble) ... er... long story.. lol

Thanks for the feedback ..

11-29-2004, 11:33 AM
Yeah dude, if you cut a lot of luxuries out, you'd be able to make it. No new clothes, no booze, yadda yadda.

I live in a decent sized basement suite by the university with my brother. I've got a budget set up, but it's on another computer. I'd be happy to send it to you.

We each pay $375 rent plus 1/6 utilities, so our place is not that bad at all. Our bedrooms are HUGE, kitchen is HUGE, fake fireplace, nice size living room, bar, etc. If you make a budget and stick to it, u might be ok

11-29-2004, 11:38 AM
You need to probably try and stick it out. I dont know you but by the sounds of it you need to grow some balls. Who acceptingly gets kicked out of their house by their sister? Twice? Thats crap. I dont know the situation and jumping to conclusions would be wrong on my part, but seriously. priorities man!! Get your education finished first!!!!! Then think about getting out on your own. Your idea of closing off the basement is a good idea. I suggest doing that and "pretend to pay rent" while you are living in the basement. Set up a different account to where your "rent" goes. That way when you are ready to move out, you will have money saved up for the things you will need, as well taught yourself some discipline on bills that become due!!

Just a thought man. Id say stay and become more of a man about the situations at home and at hand. If you let your sisters walk all over you now, you are NOT ready to be on your own. Like I said I could be wrong as I dont know you!!!!

Good luck!!

11-29-2004, 11:39 AM
If you could send me that budget when you get a chance It'd help me out :) [email protected] / same msn name :) Thanks !

No booze? ... Awww..garbage !

I don't have any luxuries now, my school work will suffer but, I'm not terribly concerned with makin' the honour roll anymore - it was cool once..since then it's been boring.

Thank you ! :)

*edit* agreed on the letting them walk all over me, but I decided to walk away instead of arguing - or rather - being yelled at. I've tried to argue back, tried to ignore it, tried to walk away, tried to sit in my room and turn the music up - tried to sit in my room with the music off - tried EVERYTHING... I have grown some balls with my sisters, walking away is the easiest way to save myself a headache.

The first time I got kicked out was because I walked in after not being home when my sister wrote me a note asking me to take the dog out, which was flipped over and written on the other side by my OTHER sister by the time I noticed it .. I got yelled at because the dog crapped in the house and it was all my fault .. heh.

I walked in and kicked off a shoe, and when i saw my sister walk up to me, I put it back on and when she started yelling I just started to tie my laces, when I reached for the door she told me not to come back, and, figuring I'd be fucked outside and would have to come back, that'd leave her in a better possition of power and pride for 'putting me in my place' I decided to actually leave, and I didn't come back for 2 weeks. Well actually I came back like 3 days later to get my clothes, and thats when I just walked in, grabbed my appointment time off the fridge, and started walking out again without saying anything - I was told, again, by my other sister not to come back. So I didn't.

It's just easier to not be home sometimes, I needed a break from them and they needed to cool off, it worked. It's not like I don't stand up for myself or anything - I never did because it was always them against me (or seemed that way) so it was a lost battle when it began, no point in fighting. But now I don't care anymore and i say what I wan't to say etc.

You're slightly jumping to conclusion, but not fully. You're right that I need to grow up a little - thats another part of why I wan't to leave.

Arr.. I have alot to think about :|


Dave P
11-29-2004, 11:40 AM
I moved out recently. Damn its expensive.

850 rent
60 power
75 internet/tv
80 phone
170 ins
200 car

and then there are tones of little things

its not rent, its not car payments, its all the damn small things that you never had to buy before that get you

and if you dont have furniture, plan on a few grand for that.

but on the other side, its so nice to have a place of your own, come home every day and see that your hard earned dollars are going towards something you enjoy

11-29-2004, 11:44 AM
I'm sure I'm just repeating what most have said already but anyways..

Dont waste your money renting if you don't absolutely have to. I know it's tough but deal with the shit, save your money, and buy a house, rent out a couple rooms or something to help with expenses. That way your paying for something that one day you will own. Instead of lining Louigi the landlords pockets with dough.

I like Kona9's idea to setup a bank account for simulated rent while at home. That's an excellent idea.

11-29-2004, 11:51 AM
You can find a cheap batchelor suite...they go for $400-$500 a month which is fairly cheap...look in the bargain finder for couches and stuff....sometimes people are just giving it away...its how everyone starts unless mommy and daddy buy it all for them...

11-29-2004, 11:53 AM
To live on my own without a room mate I'd have to work 5 days a week instead of 3, for just one job - the other is lieniant as it's all design etc. that I have plenty of time to do so it's not so busy all the time..

The best idea so far it seems is making the basement sweet.. some paint, some entertainment, some doors to block the angry people out :) It'd be fun. I'll just have to start thinking about keeping myself more and more busy, because I know the one time I want to relax I'll get dragged up stairs for a family discussion on how my life style choices aren't up to par or something rediculous..

Thanks for all the help making decisions :) It's greatly appreciated.


Three33 - I just gave away a lounge suite, 2 beds, marble and glass table, fridge, coffee tables, desks, and a whack of clothes and such to the Salvation Army today. So that's a possibility..or families of friends who are re-finishing something.. ? It's possible

11-29-2004, 11:58 AM
I also might be jumping to conclusions, but why is it that BOTH of your sisters seem to hate you so much?

I'm a big sister and I dont think I would ever kick my brother out and tell him not to come back no matter what he did. Is it possible that you could ACTUALLY be pissing them off and you think you're this sweet innocent bystander just there to be picked on? From my experience, alot of high school guys truly feel they are invincible and everyone just hates them for no reason when in reality, everyone sees this kid as not having much respect for anything or anyone that isnt himself.

Again, you may not see this or it may not be true at all, I dont know you or your family. Your sisters could just be crazy mean people, but there is usually a reason why people are consistantly ragging on someone.

11-29-2004, 12:08 PM
Melinda --> Guaranteed I'm pissing them off... I think the reason they flipped in the first place was it was just me and two of my sisters for around a month alone - my mom was off in Aus my dad is in Edmonton, and I think they were stressed from work, school and having this new sense of responsibility.

I get my back up when everyone treats me like I'm 12, specifically my 3 sisters, I think up a plan that, if properly worked out and followed, would give me some sweet results (I.e. saving money for 4 months to afford a car.. ) I get "that's great Kev, but what about plates..and gasoline..etc.etc." - but I've included the extra things in my initial save up cost which, when I say that, I get a nice "yeah whatever.. rethink it - it isn't going to happen" ....

I really don't think everyone hates me for no reason, if anyone hates me it's for a good reason - but not alot of people do, if any..at least that I know of. Aside from the ex-girlfriends parents.. :(. I'm not a sweet innocent bystander, but I get treated like some pariah when I'm not doing anything wrong. I come out with an idea like "lets go to Tokyo from Narita cus Tokyo is cool" - and I get an e-mail from my sister yelling at me on how it isn't fair I'm making other people pay for my little trips to Tokyo ......... It's just random crap.

My family really isn't full on insane, just two of my sisters seem to have some problems with me and won't resolve them - I've tried talking about what the problem is and I get a swift "I'm not fighting you about this" .. which I reply " I'm not trying to fight, I wan't to know what the problem is between us thats making everyone so snappy.. " - and the " i'm not fighting " comment comes back into it, I think it's just a huge miscommunication between everyone that needs to be dealt with soon or I think everyone will spontaniously combust.

I still havn't gotten to the bottom of why they're ragging on me, I figure their just nuts. :nut:


11-29-2004, 12:18 PM
Originally posted by ex1z7
I get my back up when everyone treats me like I'm 12, specifically my 3 sisters, I think up a plan that, if properly worked out and followed, would give me some sweet results (I.e. saving money for 4 months to afford a car.. ) I get "that's great Kev, but what about plates..and gasoline..etc.etc." - but I've included the extra things in my initial save up cost which, when I say that, I get a nice "yeah whatever.. rethink it - it isn't going to happen" ....
I think you may be taking things a litte personally. Based on what you have said about working (working 3 days a week) I'm not sure that they're AGAINST you getting a car, but maybe they're worried that you aren't affording a good/reliable car? I know when my bro was saving for a car he wanted to get a few hurtin beaters and we (my parents and I) said alot of the same kind of stuff to him.

11-29-2004, 12:30 PM
I'm taking things personally nowadays, it's been kind've hectic the past 2 months - I havn't had a chance to relax and chill out, it just seems to be one thing after another that keeps stressin' me out lol ..

I'm not sure if thats exactly it, my mom's all for it - my dad's all for it - my brother in law is all for it, I know the car I want and I know what I want to end up doing to it, they get lost after the word "nissan", those two know nothing about cars so I don't know the beater philosophy is correct, or it may be that they buy overpriced beaters and figure what I'm saying about the car + plans I'd like to put into action that, in the end, it'll still be crap ..

Iono what they're thinking, neither of my sisters will actually talk with me anymore - it's just constant arguing and bull..

Bah we'll see what pans out when I get back into the country :P Maybe I'll move to Edmonton w/ my father?


Thanks for the different spin on it Melinda, I didn't think of it like that before.. I'll have to see what happens when I try to incorporate that in a conversation - given one happens...

For now, I think it's sleep time..5:30 in the morning - I'll come back and dig up this thread again in a few days when I get access to a computer (around dec. 2nd)

Thanks again, this is all actually helping alot.. I needed to hear "it's a mistake" or similar from people who don't know me, instead of my family. :)

11-29-2004, 12:45 PM
Good luck with the move! And good luck with everything else as well :)

11-29-2004, 01:28 PM
I haven't read what others have said but I'd stay home rather than move out because of the situation that you're in.
I'd just lock myself up in the basement then move out. It's a huge responsibility to live on your own and there are so many bills to pay and since you're only 17 you won't be able to have access to a credit line if you fall behind temporarily.
Good luck though.

11-29-2004, 02:31 PM
not to sound like an ass but it sounds like your sister have a lot of anger and they really need to get laid.

my thoughts not yours

11-29-2004, 05:51 PM
i rent a 1400sq ft house for 600$/month 2br, 1 bath
Utilities are (avg)
Gas - 50$month
electricty is about 60$/month
phone with dsl is 70$
i dont have cable, dont need it
and dont forget you should get renters insurance (i pay 160$/year for 20000$ plus mil libality.. trust me, you need to have this, i lived in an appt a year ago, and on dec 22 some chick left a candle or something burning, almost burnt the place down if i had not put the fire out, had a 1200$ clean up bill from me alone she HAD to pay)

11-29-2004, 06:10 PM
I'm sure I'm jumpig to conclusions without knowing the full situation, but you really don't seem mature enough to me to move out.

Ever tried looking at things through their eyes? I'd be pissed if my brother were having a trip to Tokyo or something, I'm sure they get things that you don't but the world isn't against you. I've had similar situations withmy brother, he's pissed because our parents sometimes by me shit, I'm pissed cuz he gets some privileges and stuff that I don't, bu I TALKED to my parents about it and its been dealt with.

And how much money are you going to be left with after you buy that car? Maybe they're just looking out for you, so you'll have some savings for the future

Don't run away from your problems, deal with them, and you'll be a lot happier with your family for the rest of your life.

11-29-2004, 10:39 PM
You could move out, but after a month you will probably want to go back to your parents house. Every month you will probably have just enough money to make it and you will get sick of having just enough to get by.

11-30-2004, 12:36 AM
Are you serious man? You get kicked out by your sister in your parents house? hahahahhahahah

Sorry man, but I know that if my sisters tried to lock me outta my Parents house, i'd bring down the front door and anything else in my way. hahahahhahahaha.

11-30-2004, 12:53 AM
wow i didn't realize people are still paying 1000+ for rent!

My budget goes:

890 to mortgage
130 to property tax
130 to electricity/water
100 to gas
90 to shaw cable
40ish to Telus
360 to car
150 to auto insurance
28 to home insurance

and the rest is misc bills and food. I wish I had a budget, i wouldn't waste so much money on useless things like halo2. :(

good luck with moving out, make a budget and stick to it otherwise you'regoing to get screwed!

11-30-2004, 08:16 AM
Look for a place that is close to either school or work. That way you can cut down on the cost of gas and the like.

Some apartments will offer some utilities included as part of the rest. This too can help cut down costs.

If you are looking for a house be aware that you may need a lawnmower to cut the grass and will have to shovel the sidewalks if it snows out there.

A vacuum cleaner was one of those things that I forgot about when I first moved out and I was constantly having to borrow my moms to vacuum my apartment.

11-30-2004, 03:54 PM
Originally posted by ex1z7
Food = ~150

i say goodluck with this, if your not planning on starving yourself you cant survive with that amount of food

11-30-2004, 06:09 PM
In my apartment their are two people and we surivive on $200 a month for groceries...if you know how to shop right you can buy quite a bit...$150 for one person is more than enough

11-30-2004, 06:27 PM
Your only 17 I'd stay in the basement and save your money.:thumbsup:

11-30-2004, 07:49 PM
I moved out at 16, was the worst decision ever. I graduated 6 months late and goofed up applying for college, like everyone says, stay home cause seriously, u have no idea how hard it is, and if u cannot handle being at home u sure as hell cannot handle life work and school. Take it from a guy who knows, i had a hard time in a city WAY cheaper than calgary. Let your sisters know who's boss :whipped:

11-30-2004, 08:25 PM
Although Im all for moving out at 18 or 19 and if it was legal in the states, 17, I think if it will be hard for you and your only reason is your sisters than I think you seriously need too tell them to fuk off. Like whats his face up there said, show them whose boss.

11-30-2004, 09:05 PM
in all seriousness, perhaps you should see a councillor, or a social services person. Or maybe even a psychologist?? take your sisters with you, quarrels within the family are the worst, when you are established in life, say in 10-20 years, and you moved our on your own. You will feel as if your sisters are the worst people on earth, and your grudge will live on. This means your kids will probably never talk to their cousins and so on....do yourself a favor and make up...