View Full Version : Interracial Relationships?

12-04-2002, 11:26 PM
Ok, what do you think of interracial relationships?
1. If you are Asian, are your parents cool with it?
2. Would you marry outside of your race, or do you just consider those relationships "flings" until you marry your parents idea of the asian dream girl
3. Do you suck your parents dicks and date your race just to please the parents?
4. Are you attracted to people outside your race?
5. Have you ever had "cultural problems" when dating outside your race?

i was just curious to know cause ive been dating my girlfriend for about 3 years now andmy parents seem cool with it - at least thats what they lead me to believe,and honestly i really dont care what they think. as long as im happy that should be the main reason right??

12-04-2002, 11:32 PM
i am half asian. i don't speak chinese, i speak french and have encountered a lot of problems in the past with dating asian men. i find that relationships with first gen or even second gen "CBCs" that have traditionnal parents...it takes a lot of work. even with my upbringing, i have seen conflicts with asian (dad) and western (mom) views, however my parents are wonderful and i love them dearly, they have learned to compromise with opposing views on upbringing and my brothers and i have been very fortunate and lucky to have parents like them. i find that i don't speak chinese an impediment to a lot of potential relationships. i don't really relate to chinese culture b/c i haven't been brought up that way either. my mom is white and my dad is chinese and i even see that they have had to deal with impressions from other people. even when my mom and i go out together..we sometimes get "amazed" statements...(eg when my mom tells a person her last name) over time it has gotten more tolerable and accepted with the bulk of society...however there are still those few close-minded individuals.

as for inter-racial IMO: as long as you love eachother...than what others think shouldn't matter. you love that person for who he/she is...:thumbsup: you don't want to let someone's ignorant views disrupt your better judgement do you? :)

12-04-2002, 11:35 PM
Originally posted by RSeXy
i am half asian. i don't speak chinese, i speak french and have encountered a lot of problems in the past with dating asian men. i find that relationships with first gen or even second gen "CBCs" that have traditionnal parents...it takes a lot of work. even with my upbringing, i have seen conflicts with asian (dad) and western (mom) views, however my parents are wonderful and i love them dearly, they have learned to compromise with opposing views on upbringing and my brothers and i have been very fortunate and lucky to have parents like them. i find that i don't speak chinese an impediment to a lot of potential relationships. i don't really relate to chinese culture b/c i haven't been brought up that way either. my mom is white and my dad is chinese and i even see that they have had to deal with impressions from other people. even when my mom and i go out together..we sometimes get "amazed" statements...(eg when my mom tells a person her last name) over time it has gotten more tolerable and accepted with the bulk of society...however there are still those few close-minded individuals.

as for inter-racial IMO: as long as you love eachother...than what others think shouldn't matter. you love that person for who he/she is...:thumbsup: you don't want to let someone's ignorant views disrupt your better judgement do you? :)

We are not asking for essay format answer here.......

By the way, my gf is 1/2white 1/2 chinese.....who cares about the parents.....once I'm done school, I'm gone! hahhaa

12-04-2002, 11:36 PM
any human female with boobs i'll date... lol j/k

i'm chinese and my grandparents have that huge hate towards japanese cuz my aunt was killed by japanese soldiers during the second world war. but my parents dont really care who i date, they said they prefer if i dated a chinese girl.

i found myself to be more attractive to asian chicks, just look at my avatar.

id say when it comes to love, there r no boundaries, either ur family understands, or they dont.

12-04-2002, 11:36 PM
I will answer for LUDELVR

Blonde girls are where its at!

12-04-2002, 11:36 PM
Originally posted by max_boost

We are not asking for essay format answer here.......

By the way, my gf is 1/2white 1/2 chinese.....who cares about the parents.....once I'm done school, I'm gone! hahhaa

shuddup you! :guns: :rofl:

maybe i like essays!

12-04-2002, 11:38 PM
Originally posted by choweyt3t4
Ok, what do you think of interracial relationships?
1. If you are Asian, are your parents cool with it?
2. Would you marry outside of your race, or do you just consider those relationships "flings" until you marry your parents idea of the asian dream girl
3. Do you suck your parents dicks and date your race just to please the parents?
4. Are you attracted to people outside your race?
5. Have you ever had "cultural problems" when dating outside your race?

i was just curious to know cause ive been dating my girlfriend for about 3 years now andmy parents seem cool with it - at least thats what they lead me to believe,and honestly i really dont care what they think. as long as im happy that should be the main reason right??

1. Parents cool as long as she's not "darker than me."
2. Yes.
3. No.
4. Yes.
5. No.

12-04-2002, 11:42 PM
half of my friends are mixed, 2 are half japanese and white, one is nepalese and british, lebanese and british, eastindian and black. Damn, there arent many purebred's out there...lol

12-04-2002, 11:52 PM
my fiancee is asian....I'm german, and grew up in South America...???...enough said.

My parents always said they will accept whomever I decide to marry. They always said, as long as I'm happy they are happy.

However my grandparents are a different story....

12-05-2002, 12:05 AM
Last girl I dated was Philipino-Greek, my parents were cool with it, I never met her dad, her mom was Philipino and she really liked me, so i think that covers those bases. (I'm a white ass finnish-canadian.)

I don't think I'll end up marrying a white girl.

1. If you are Asian, are your parents cool with it?


I think that one might have to go in the sig, dammit that's funny

12-05-2002, 12:09 AM
I Think anyone that is closeminded enough to care about Race in a relationship where they Truly care about the other person really has to take a second look at the Situation.

Im White and My Parents Have Never Said they would "prefer" me to Date white Girls , Are Asian Parents Really that strict about interracial relationships?

12-05-2002, 12:32 AM
my parents could care less

12-05-2002, 12:33 AM
My parents are just worried about the communication barrier......being able to communicate effectively is everything......

12-05-2002, 01:39 AM
Ahaha one time my friend was dating this asian chick. The problem was she had this fucken psycho of a dad who used to stalk her because he didn't approve of the guy. At every instant, she'd be picked up by her dad whenever she was with him. He decided he didn't need a police officer on every date, so he got rid of that pretty quickly!

12-05-2002, 01:44 AM
my parents would prefer that I marry an asian chick, but its really up to me.

12-05-2002, 02:55 AM
my parents doesnt care unless they are um... not white/azn... hint... darker color.. my dad is racist :( not proud of it but he is :(

GTS Jeff
12-05-2002, 03:41 AM
meh race isnt really an issue...actually i normally find myself more attracted to white girls...not always, but a lota (but not all!!!) asian girls are ditzy and/or stupid...

12-05-2002, 03:48 AM
try convincing an east indian/african girl's folks to let her date an asian dude....sigh. hehe

12-05-2002, 09:38 AM
My moms side of the family is asian, and all of them married white people. So, obviously my grandma was fine with interracial marriage. My parents don't care who I date or choose to marry. I'm more attracted to white people though...

12-05-2002, 09:50 AM
I've dated lots of white and asian girls and some philipino and one fijian. I remember going out with this viet. girl. Her dad finally found out that I was white and she was banned from seeing me! And she did! I was like WTF! But life goes on. I bumped into here last year, she told me she almost got married to this older vietnamese guy and moved to asia with him untill she realized that she didn't love him, here parents did. She asked if I wanted to go for dinner to apologize :D

It doesn't matter what culture your mate is, as long as your in :love: it doesn't matter!

12-05-2002, 09:50 AM
I'm pretty white washed, for 100% Chinese. My parents are pretty much accepted the fact that there's more white girls to pick from compared to Asian. If they wanted me and my bro to stick to pure bred, they won't have moved here, or would have sent me off where there's more Asian.

That and the fact that I can't stand Asian girls, something about them really bugs me (ie. label whores).
And fearing they'll be like everyone's Chinese, psychotic mother/wife once they get older (I think everyone know's what I'm talking about...)

12-05-2002, 10:03 AM
Its funny how most guys prefer girls opposite of their own race. I'm white but I prefer girls that are anything but white. Asian, Greek, Portugese, Spanish...etc. I think some of most beautiful girls/women are half asian half white. Yummy!

12-05-2002, 11:26 AM
yeah.. half asian half white is my style too 89coupe.. theres should be plenty around from the vietnam war too :D


12-05-2002, 11:36 AM
I'm just plain vanilla but my gf is chinese. Yes it is sometimes more difficult to communicate. There are issues in her family, but no probs with mine.

It's interesting that most white guys i know love asian girls, most asian girls i know love white guys, and most asian guys i know love white girls (and they always bash asian girls)

strange people

GTS Jeff
12-05-2002, 12:15 PM
Originally posted by Ferio_vti
I'm pretty white washed, for 100% Chinese. My parents are pretty much accepted the fact that there's more white girls to pick from compared to Asian. If they wanted me and my bro to stick to pure bred, they won't have moved here, or would have sent me off where there's more Asian.

That and the fact that I can't stand Asian girls, something about them really bugs me (ie. label whores).
And fearing they'll be like everyone's Chinese, psychotic mother/wife once they get older (I think everyone know's what I'm talking about...) haha so true...

but yea, i dont think its really a big deal and my parents could care less...its my life anyway, not theirs

12-05-2002, 01:01 PM
hahaha, most of my friends think halfies (half asian, half white) are the hottest too :devil: :angel: :rofl:

12-05-2002, 01:42 PM
Originally posted by HRD2PLZ
hahaha, most of my friends think halfies (half asian, half white) are the hottest too :devil: :angel: :rofl:

Careful there, Darren might pop out of the woodwork. Hahaha

12-05-2002, 04:57 PM
My parents don't care, just so long as she's Christian...

12-05-2002, 06:21 PM
Originally posted by Ferio_vti
I'm pretty white washed, for 100% Chinese. My parents are pretty much accepted the fact that there's more white girls to pick from compared to Asian. If they wanted me and my bro to stick to pure bred, they won't have moved here, or would have sent me off where there's more Asian.

That and the fact that I can't stand Asian girls, something about them really bugs me (ie. label whores).
And fearing they'll be like everyone's Chinese, psychotic mother/wife once they get older (I think everyone know's what I'm talking about...)

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: thats is just plain hilarious you nailed that one. but most of my friends are asian and have asian girlfriends, they're girls seem to be alright. sometimes me and my girlfriend feel like the blacksheeps in the group exept for when i hang out with maaaa HOMEY "ROLLING ON 20'S". anyways do you guys ever get dirty looks when your out with your girl, who is of another race, like at t&t market or in chinatown???

12-05-2002, 06:27 PM
i've never had dirty looks ...but then I never notice those things.

12-05-2002, 07:23 PM
Well I am east indian and I have dated guys that aren't brown, And right now well i don't date much at all so it wouldn't really matter to my parents who i date. And my parents won't really care who I marry in the end, if the guy is well educated and comes from a good family i guess.


12-05-2002, 08:51 PM
I think who you have for friends might have something to do with it too. I have never had an asian friend. My friends have always been white. I don't even know why :dunno: Maybe because I'm a halfie I've been outcasted by asians :rofl:

12-05-2002, 08:54 PM
Originally posted by choweyt3t4

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: thats is just plain hilarious you nailed that one. but most of my friends are asian and have asian girlfriends, they're girls seem to be alright. sometimes me and my girlfriend feel like the blacksheeps in the group exept for when i hang out with maaaa HOMEY "ROLLING ON 20'S". anyways do you guys ever get dirty looks when your out with your girl, who is of another race, like at t&t market or in chinatown???

does it bother you when you notice it? i do know that their is a stereotype of caucasian girls who date asian guys....aka..yellow fever. but why worry about what people you don't even know think about? i find that older gen asian ppl are very judgemental....heck...even in places like banana jaks..you walk in and there is like 500 eyes on you! i'm still not used to it...but yeah, everytime you are in an "asian place" there is at least a couple sets of eyes on you at everytime. :dunno: :rolleyes:

12-05-2002, 08:56 PM
Originally posted by HRD2PLZ
Maybe because I'm a halfie I've been outcasted by asians :rofl:

i have white friends and asian friends...haha..i remember someitmes when we all used to hang out they would be segrated on opposite sides of the room...no idea why?! just happened that way...but anyways, ppl would make jokes at me saying i should be the mediator and stand in the middle.!!! :rofl:

12-05-2002, 09:05 PM
Originally posted by RSeXy
ppl would make jokes at me saying i should be the mediator and stand in the middle.!!! :rofl:

:rofl: Haven't heard that one yet. But apparently between my parents, my sister and I- we make 2 asians and 2 white people :rofl:

Boost Infested
12-05-2002, 09:12 PM
asian chics = gangster girls or fobs (bitchy, snotty and high maintenance) :thumbsdow

white chics = easier to deal with, a lot more of them to choose from:poosie:

but sometimes there are cool, hot ass asian chics too, rarely!

my parents prefer asian but they've also said they would respect my decision.

12-05-2002, 11:57 PM
Originally posted by RSeXy

i find that older gen asian ppl are very judgemental....heck...even in places like banana jaks..you walk in and there is like 500 eyes on you!

maybe I'm just oblivious to all this...

Hmmm....I usually wink at the people who do that to me cuz I always thought that they were just checking out my ass.....like I walk in and they be going "damn..now that's a fine azz".....

12-05-2002, 11:57 PM
I can't believe that question was asked.."do my parents care"..
Come on take of your diapers and make your own decisions..:)

12-06-2002, 10:23 AM
Who cares what anyone else thinks. Do what feels right for you. :thumbsup:

12-06-2002, 06:33 PM
"i find that older gen asian ppl are very judgemental....heck...even in places like banana jaks..you walk in and there is like 500 eyes on you!"

Yeah,my girlfriend hates this. She speaks some Cantonese, and when this happens to us, like at T & T she looks directly at them, and says, "Nay mong mutt yaeh!!!!" (WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT!) It is sooo funny seeing cantonese people shit- because this white girl is speaking their language. As for Banana jaks, I know EXACTLY what you mean!!!

12-06-2002, 06:56 PM
Originally posted by choweyt3t4
"Nay mong mutt yaeh!!!!"

haha..i'll have to remember now to say that! :thumbsup: