View Full Version : Jerry springer

12-05-2002, 01:53 AM
this show has to be the best description of american Culture, i have not found anything to be more informative and Insightfull as to How americans live thier lives

yes this is what all the Freedom they claim to be soo great, has acomplised

D'z Nutz
12-05-2002, 01:56 AM
"What?! Don't judge me cause you don't know me!"

12-05-2002, 01:59 AM
"Listen Jerry, I don't give a damn, I love this man with all my heart. "

"But David, he's your brother."

"What's your point?"

"You're cheating on your wife, with your brother, and you don't see anything wrong with that?"

"Not at all."

12-05-2002, 02:10 AM
Originally posted by ninjak84
"Listen Jerry, I don't give a damn, I love this man with all my heart. "

"But David, he's your brother."

"What's your point?"

"You're cheating on your wife, with your brother, and you don't see anything wrong with that?"

"Not at all."


12-05-2002, 02:12 AM
Originally posted by ninjak84
"Listen Jerry, I don't give a damn, I love this man with all my heart. "

"But David, he's your brother."

"What's your point?"

"You're cheating on your wife, with your brother, and you don't see anything wrong with that?"

"Not at all."

:rofl: I think ive seen that episode....well they have one just like it every week it seems. God Damn some Americans are fucked up

12-05-2002, 02:14 AM
Originally posted by James

:rofl: I think ive seen that episode....well they have one just like it every week it seems. God Damn some Americans are fucked up not some but most of the general population have a delisional veiw of what reality really is, a high percentage of them live like animals

12-05-2002, 02:24 AM
Originally posted by RickDaTuner
not some but mist of the genereal population have a delisional veiw of what reality really is, a high percentage of them live like animals

Just because the People on Jerry Springer live like Animals and are Extremely messed up, i dont think that it is Fair to Say all americans are like that....Only the ones who live in Trailer Parks:rolleyes: .....Most Americans just think that the US is the only country in the World....did anyone Read that poll that was in the Sun the other Day? not sure who it was done by....but i think it was 5% of Americans ( those who were tested of Course) thought that Pierre Trudeau was still the Prime minister, only 8% knew it was Chretien, yet 90% of Canadians know that Bush is the President.

12-05-2002, 02:44 AM
well im just refelcting on that ivce seen in the last 5 years, when i head down to the states to visit familly thats all i see, not from my family but the General Population, its kinda sad to see them like that.

its ture there are deceant people, but you will find that anywere you go

im just trully against the Americans way of life

Zypher im not targeting you, its just an opinion so please dont get made and tell me your gonna kick my ass at a Beyond meet :thumbsup:

12-05-2002, 03:32 AM
i love jerry springer
it's so funny

12-05-2002, 08:10 AM
You have to remeber that all these people are one TV so.......... What they are wering is there best cloths.:thumbsdow

12-05-2002, 02:49 PM
i figured springer is all staged, and they take all the fat, ugly and skanky actors that cant get jobs anywhere else in the film industry and sign em up for springer, if you wanna see the real trash look in the audience...

12-05-2002, 05:42 PM
jerry springer only shows the fucked up hicks and dumbass white ppl that do each other for the hell of it. even jerry springer says he hates the show....

it doesn't represent american culture, just shows how stupid some ppl can get. one time i saw this "mom will u marry me?" oh my f-------- bajebus...

12-05-2002, 06:09 PM
not as bad as the one where this guy cut his own dick off with a 4 inch blade and a rubber band :barf: jerry even held up the knife and the guy wouldnt tell the doctors where his thing was, so he could become more of a women, that was the last show i ever watched. :barf: :eek:

12-05-2002, 07:25 PM
Everytime I go to the states, everyone is really nice, it feels just like Canada to me. (however it still freaks me out that people are *allowed* to carry guns! haha) Making fun of the US is just for fun I guess, but the truth is many Canadians have a stuck-up way of looking at the US, thinking we are better than Americans. That is kinda sad.

With the higher population you will have a higher frequency of freaks, but whatever haha

Anyways I only watched Jerry SPringer in like grade 8 or something. I like his commentaries at the end haha

12-05-2002, 07:27 PM
And about the americans not knowing who our prime minister is, can you blame them? Of course all know who bush is, he's out and about at least! haha

12-05-2002, 07:39 PM
Originally posted by tbk49
not as bad as the one where this guy cut his own dick off with a 4 inch blade and a rubber band :barf: jerry even held up the knife and the guy wouldnt tell the doctors where his thing was, so he could become more of a women, that was the last show i ever watched. :barf: :eek:

i saw dat one too....ewww

12-05-2002, 07:40 PM
Was that the same guy who castrated himself on the internet?

12-05-2002, 07:44 PM
Some American are not nice at all!!!

When i was Grade 10 we had a little field trip so to speak to SPokane... and A round of us ( like 6) were walking to a local McDicks for dinner, and one of us were wearing a Canada shirt ( everyone is white except for me)

And when we were walking down this road for 10 mins, we had AT LEAST 10 cars horning at us and swearing... something like get the F$#^ back to Canada.. etc

Then when we were passing through this empty parking lot, 2 guys in a car were yelling at us. They were saying stuff like " yoo fu#^%en Candian ehhhh, we have guns! get the Fu#% out of here or we will shoot you" etc etc etc.. pretty scary haha.. we were like " dont look at them.. keep walking... dont look at them"

well thats one of my experience with the State..

12-06-2002, 01:07 AM
Originally posted by szw
And about the americans not knowing who our prime minister is, can you blame them? Of course all know who bush is, he's out and about at least! haha

Thats true...americans are still pretty ignorant about Canada though, even though they have more of an influence on us, then we do on them.

Originally posted by Stratus_Power
Some American are not nice at all!!!

When i was Grade 10 we had a little field trip so to speak to SPokane... and A round of us ( like 6) were walking to a local McDicks for dinner, and one of us were wearing a Canada shirt ( everyone is white except for me)

And when we were walking down this road for 10 mins, we had AT LEAST 10 cars horning at us and swearing... something like get the F$#^ back to Canada.. etc

Then when we were passing through this empty parking lot, 2 guys in a car were yelling at us. They were saying stuff like " yoo fu#^%en Candian ehhhh, we have guns! get the Fu#% out of here or we will shoot you" etc etc etc.. pretty scary haha.. we were like " dont look at them.. keep walking... dont look at them"

well thats one of my experience with the State..

That would be kinda scary! , I'll have to Remember to hide my Canadian Flag Tattoo next time i go to the States!:tongue:

12-06-2002, 01:14 AM
Originally posted by Stratus_Power
Some American are not nice at all!!!

When i was Grade 10 we had a little field trip so to speak to SPokane... and A round of us ( like 6) were walking to a local McDicks for dinner, and one of us were wearing a Canada shirt ( everyone is white except for me)

And when we were walking down this road for 10 mins, we had AT LEAST 10 cars horning at us and swearing... something like get the F$#^ back to Canada.. etc

Then when we were passing through this empty parking lot, 2 guys in a car were yelling at us. They were saying stuff like " yoo fu#^%en Candian ehhhh, we have guns! get the Fu#% out of here or we will shoot you" etc etc etc.. pretty scary haha.. we were like " dont look at them.. keep walking... dont look at them"

well thats one of my experience with the State..

Spokane is a small Hick town most of montana is like that, cept for great falls, they love the canadaqians there