View Full Version : Transmission switch

12-04-2004, 04:59 AM
I currently drive a 2002 chevy cavlalier (auto)

but i just bought a crashed 95 cavalier (manual)

I was wondering if anybody knew everything that i had to do to switch the transmission without switching the engine

the reason i don't just but another car that stick shift is i did the math and it's cheaper to keep my 2002 because i just got done paying it off

12-04-2004, 05:28 AM
Pedal Assemply, Pedal Mounting, Cutting a hole in your floorpan for the shifter and linkage, Master cylinder, the tranny it's self, and a lot of time on your hands. There is more too it but thats the beasic idea.

IMO A total waste of money, absolute waste, especially on a dime a dosen throw away car like a cavalier. Can you not trade your auto for a manual pretty much straight accross? You said it's paid off, so whats your worry? Sentimental Value? you'll sink all that time and money into the car and it will be for nothing. To each their own tho.

12-04-2004, 11:02 AM
Yah, it isn't worth it on something as common as a Cavi, you could easily sell the cavi and get one with a stick.