View Full Version : I'm going crazy ......

12-06-2002, 07:45 PM
What's happening everybody!?!?!

It's 6:39pm Friday Dec 6 and I've been up since 11ish yesterday. Been going on 32+ hours of sleep deprivity ..... this breaks my old record for about 9 hours :D . Why you ask?? Well, I had two assignment due today and yeah, I'm still working on one of them .... sorta and I think I'm going crazy ..... this feels this a really really really bad hang over .....:barf:

Anyways, hope everybody has a good X'mas and good luck on your exams!!:thumbsup:

12-06-2002, 07:55 PM
I just woke up after being awake for 27 hours working on assignments and studying!
I hear ya man, last night I just didn't sleep, and kept drinking caffiene to stay awake. It sucked tho, and I don't think I'll ever do it again! I got home from school at 3, and slept till now....

12-06-2002, 08:57 PM
Originally posted by Silver_SpecV
What's happening everybody!?!?!

It's 6:39pm Friday Dec 6 and I've been up since 11ish yesterday. Been going on 32+ hours of sleep deprivity ..... this breaks my old record for about 9 hours :D . Why you ask?? Well, I had two assignment due today and yeah, I'm still working on one of them .... sorta and I think I'm going crazy ..... this feels this a really really really bad hang over .....:barf:

Anyways, hope everybody has a good X'mas and good luck on your exams!!:thumbsup:

That's cuz you were drugged up!... Hey I am clubbin it on the 20th of Dec seeing as finals and all are finished... plus it;s my B-day so we gotta hit up some clubs!

12-06-2002, 09:23 PM
Yeah, for sure. Just give me a ring. I will be there for sure!!!!

I'm done my exams on the 12th

I have CPSC533 @ 8am on the 10th Econ right after that
CPSC413 @ the 11th @ 8am and CPSC461 @ 8am on the 12th. It's pretty harsh.

So from now til then I will be studying hardcore ... but I'm still at school just finished my CPSC533 assignment. Gonna go home and sleep ...

My birthday is on Jan 5 that's a Sunday so I gonna have my birthday thing on the 3rd at the Palace. I'm gonna get a guest list. I let you know when I do. But anyways, I'm out ... call me next week, a'ight?


D'z Nutz
12-06-2002, 11:38 PM
Hahaha! My record so far was 27 hours at school. Dunno how long I was awake. Maybe 32 hours in total? Doesn't break a couple of my friend's record of spending 3 days at school straight (with the exception of a couple hours which they went home to change and shower).

Good luck with 413. I only need 34.5% to get a D! WOOOOOOOO!!!!! :rofl: I'm NEVER taking that course again!! :guns:

Dave P
12-07-2002, 03:25 AM
about a week ago i started school/school work at 8am wed, did projects all night, went to school for 8. then drank from noon thurs, untill 4am fri as a celebrating.

my power drink was expresso and redbull. then when drinking it was all red bull and vodkas.

worked for me anyway

but congrats on the sleep deprivation


12-07-2002, 07:29 AM
My Record is 38-39 hours i think it was......after you make it past the 20 hour mark ,the next 10 arnt that bad...then after that, you need ALOT of caffeine to keep going....2 weeks ago i worked 3-11pm on a Thursday stayed up all night cause i had to drop my car off at 9am Friday to get my Winter tires put on..then my boss at my other job calls me at 9:30 to see if i could work, wasnt that Tired yet..worked 10-5( Ran into CocoaBrova at about noon), i was pretty tired by then, Which wasnt that smart, Cause i was driving around the Brand New Chevy Duramax Deisel:drool: .....Turbo Baby!:bigpimp: lol....with a 20 foot Trailer on the Back!...Went and pick up my car at 7, then came home and was up till about 10:30...up for like 33 hours or something, slept strait though till 9 am Saturday.....went to work for 3 Again. :nut:

12-07-2002, 12:24 PM
My record... 42 hours... when I rolled my car back in the summer... didn't sleep for like two days...

Bad times... bad times.

12-07-2002, 07:38 PM
I think 2000impreza has the record... about 72 hours in his garage working on his car and going out to get missing parts constantly. I was there for about 1/4 then I got tiredand came back after 7 hours sleep. I was up for 3 days straight before that though.... hey maybe I was up for around 72 hours too!!! damn group members who do NO work.... I was the only one out of 4 people in both groups to do the whole damn assigment.!!