View Full Version : Parents Go on Strike, Move to Front Yard

12-08-2004, 11:12 PM
Parents Go on Strike, Move to Front Yard (http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/ap/parents_on_strike)

12-08-2004, 11:13 PM
"It's extremely inconvenient," said their son, Ben Barnard. "Every time the phone rings, we have to run outside to give it to them."

Thats stupid.
If my parents did that to me I wouldnt give them the phone, why should I?

12-08-2004, 11:28 PM
Originally posted by Carfanman

Thats stupid.
If my parents did that to me I wouldnt give them the phone, why should I?

If you're not going to help out around the house why should they let you live there? :dunno:

12-08-2004, 11:30 PM
Because its illegal for them to kick me out.
The only reason Im still home is because Im not old enough to legaly mov out.
If I had the rights as an adult as far as moving out, able to get the same jobs, able to drive, ect... Id be out in a sec.
If the parents are going to move out and say, we wont help you with anything, fine then, but dont expect them to bring you the phone.

12-08-2004, 11:32 PM
I have to side with the parents on this one.


12-09-2004, 12:12 AM
what a bunch of dumbasses
just take away the kid's privileges if they do shit all
why should u have to suffer because you raised your kids to be lazy?

12-09-2004, 12:28 AM
stupid, people have alot to learn from EI/Asian parents:
take out stick, start beating, your kids will do whatever the hell you tell them to do.

begging and pleading??? I don't think those words are in EI/Asian vocabulary AHHAHA

This situation is just lame....

12-09-2004, 12:32 AM
Originally posted by Carfanman
Because its illegal for them to kick me out.
The only reason Im still home is because Im not old enough to legaly mov out.
If I had the rights as an adult as far as moving out, able to get the same jobs, able to drive, ect... Id be out in a sec.
If the parents are going to move out and say, we wont help you with anything, fine then, but dont expect them to bring you the phone.

i thought to register on the forum u have to be older than 13 years old...

man parents like that are just stupid..they need to lay down the law asian whipping parent style!

12-09-2004, 02:25 AM
As the comedian russel peters said... "somebody gonna get hurt!"

haha... i'd sure as hell make the kids stay in a tent, while i slept in my own bed.

12-09-2004, 02:52 AM
wtf. OK that must give the kids a new perspective: that their parents are dumbasses for boycotting their own house...idiots.

12-09-2004, 09:12 AM
Originally posted by Hash_man
As the comedian russel peters said... "somebody gonna get hurt!"


12-09-2004, 10:47 AM
Originally posted by Carfanman
Because its illegal for them to kick me out.
The only reason Im still home is because Im not old enough to legaly mov out.
If I had the rights as an adult as far as moving out, able to get the same jobs, able to drive, ect... Id be out in a sec.
If the parents are going to move out and say, we wont help you with anything, fine then, but dont expect them to bring you the phone.
Umm you're legal to move out/be kicked out at age 16.

12-09-2004, 11:36 AM
Bwhahah, funny stuff. What a publicity stunt.

Dumbass parents wouldn't try that shit up here in Calgary. Right about now they'd be frozen parentsicles.

12-09-2004, 11:41 AM
Originally posted by Hash_man
haha... i'd sure as hell make the kids stay in a tent, while i slept in my own bed.

^ now that makes sense.
But why should the parents go out there and sleep and suffer?
And If they are going on strike because thier kids arent doing anything and now they say they arent going to do anything for the kids, why would they expect the kids to bring the phone? The kids would probably be pretty pised off, not to mention really lazy if it was so much that thier parents went on strike.

Originally posted by Melinda

Umm you're legal to move out/be kicked out at age 16.

Not in the states.

12-09-2004, 12:04 PM
Originally posted by nismodrifter
stupid, people have alot to learn from EI/Asian parents:
take out stick, start beating, your kids will do whatever the hell you tell them to do.

begging and pleading??? I don't think those words are in EI/Asian vocabulary AHHAHA

This situation is just lame....


I only stopped getting the spoon after it broke over my ass. I was 13 at the time.

You dont see as many brown kids acting up in public as you do with the white trash.

(note to haters, I'm white)

12-09-2004, 12:39 PM
i side with the rents. i certainly contribuite at my home alot and i should lot more being that i dont pay rent. and its not like it looks cold wherever they are so all the power to them. im sur the house will get pretty nasty soon, no food, no laundry etc that the kdis wil;l eventaully give up

12-09-2004, 12:56 PM
these kids need to know the feeling you get from an angry chinese mom wielding a bamboo stick with chicken feathers.

12-09-2004, 04:25 PM
haha, my parents were fans of the spoon, even after it broke, they got a new one though. You did your chores or you were miserable in my house.

12-09-2004, 05:13 PM
Wow, I wouldn't give 2 fucks if my parents moved out, the house would operate just as, if not more efficiently without them.

I think they're all idiots, kids are ungrateful lil bastards, and only got that way because their parents suck. And you know they're gonna end up on Dr. Phil sooner than later, and he'll explain some simple common sense and look like a genuis:nut:

12-09-2004, 05:22 PM
Originally posted by Carfanman
Not in the states.

its called emancipation try it

12-09-2004, 07:06 PM
Originally posted by Singel
Wow, I wouldn't give 2 fucks if my parents moved out, the house would operate just as, if not more efficiently without them.

That's because you do pull your weight around the house. These parents are doing it because they don't. So in protest, they force the kids to do the housework, or they live in filth.

Honestly if this happened 3 years ago, I probably would've sided with the kids. I would've simply assumed that they had shitty parents, and that's how they got where they were. But since I've started coaching young kids, you learn that there are some kids who do literally step all over their parents. Not because they're bad parents. It's because they try to be good parents at the cost of discipline.

We've all figured that when we become parents, we'd never be assholes to our kids. In some cases we've even said that we'll hang out with the kids on a social level.

I've had friends who's parents were like that, and as a result the parents would cater to their kid's every whim because they think they're being a good parent. The child then realizes they can do whatever they want and still get whatever they want.

I think this is what happened in this case, and the parents have since realized their errors.

12-09-2004, 08:03 PM
Originally posted by Zephyr

its called emancipation try it

First of all that wont happen without a good reason and even if I could I wouldnt be completely without a gaurdian, just not my parents. Plus, my life at home isnt that bad, and even if I was on my own I couldnt support myself because Im not legaly old enough to get some jobs and I dont have my drivers license yet.

12-09-2004, 10:47 PM
Originally posted by Carfanman
If I had the rights as an adult as far as moving out, able to get the same jobs, able to drive, ect... Id be out in a sec.

So in other words, being able to support yourself.

Lets say you are on your own supporting yourself. Now let's add to that and say you have 2 friends who are living with you, roomates. These 2 friends are unemployed and don't have much else to do besides play a sport, exercise, general recreation in other words. Without a source of income.

You come home from working your ass off. We can even make this a white collar job, so we'll choose say you're a chartered accountant (good $). It's been a long day. You've worked 10 hours today. Been chewed out by your boss. You have a big report due in a few days that's still not done. You get home, you find your house is a mess, and your roomates are on the couch playing Xbox or watching TV. Dirty clothes are all over the place, dirty dishes, dirty toilet, and the grass on your home is getting out of hand.

So on top of your 10 hour day, you also have to do the dishes, do the laundry, clean the toilet and mow the lawn. General maintenance of the house. All the while, you're roomates are just having a good time.

You're making lots of money. You have a high-stress, high demand job. You work a ton. You also consider yourself a good friend, and find yourself unable to kick your roomates to the curb because they're your friends.

Would you not find that unfair?

Originally posted by Carfanman

If the parents are going to move out and say, we wont help you with anything, fine then, but dont expect them to bring you the phone.

If you refuse to help your parents, why should they help you?

12-09-2004, 11:08 PM
Originally posted by sexualbanana

So in other words, being able to support yourself.

Lets say you are on your own supporting yourself. Now let's add to that and say you have 2 friends who are living with you, roomates. These 2 friends are unemployed and don't have much else to do besides play a sport, exercise, general recreation in other words. Without a source of income.

You come home from working your ass off. We can even make this a white collar job, so we'll choose say you're a chartered accountant (good $). It's been a long day. You've worked 10 hours today. Been chewed out by your boss. You have a big report due in a few days that's still not done. You get home, you find your house is a mess, and your roomates are on the couch playing Xbox or watching TV. Dirty clothes are all over the place, dirty dishes, dirty toilet, and the grass on your home is getting out of hand.

So on top of your 10 hour day, you also have to do the dishes, do the laundry, clean the toilet and mow the lawn. General maintenance of the house. All the while, you're roomates are just having a good time.

You're making lots of money. You have a high-stress, high demand job. You work a ton. You also consider yourself a good friend, and find yourself unable to kick your roomates to the curb because they're your friends.

Would you not find that unfair?

First of all I dont if I for sure would have roomates and If I did I would make sure those werent the roomates Id have. Yow have to know how to look for roomates who fit your criteria.
Second of all, I probably will be working for myself, owning a business and although it wouldnt be easy at first, it woulnt make me as stressed because I would enjoy what I do. So both things you just said wouldnt happen.

Originally posted by sexualbanana

If you refuse to help your parents, why should they help you?

I didnt say they should, but sinse the whole strike thing was going on and the parents refused to help thier kids already, I dont understand from the kids point of view on why they should bring the phone to the parents. Im not sticking up for the kids or saying theyre right, but think about it. If the parents go on strike and say they refuse to do anything for the kids, then regardless of whos in the right, dont you think the kids would be unhappy if not downright pised? And if so then they sure as heck wouldnt do anything for thier parents. I wasnt taking anyones side, I just couldnt understand why the kids do what they do.

12-09-2004, 11:25 PM
Originally posted by sexualbanana

So in other words, being able to support yourself.

Lets say you are on your own supporting yourself. Now let's add to that and say you have 2 friends who are living with you, roomates. These 2 friends are unemployed and don't have much else to do besides play a sport, exercise, general recreation in other words. Without a source of income.

You come home from working your ass off. We can even make this a white collar job, so we'll choose say you're a chartered accountant (good $). It's been a long day. You've worked 10 hours today. Been chewed out by your boss. You have a big report due in a few days that's still not done. You get home, you find your house is a mess, and your roomates are on the couch playing Xbox or watching TV. Dirty clothes are all over the place, dirty dishes, dirty toilet, and the grass on your home is getting out of hand.

So on top of your 10 hour day, you also have to do the dishes, do the laundry, clean the toilet and mow the lawn. General maintenance of the house. All the while, you're roomates are just having a good time.

You're making lots of money. You have a high-stress, high demand job. You work a ton. You also consider yourself a good friend, and find yourself unable to kick your roomates to the curb because they're your friends.

Would you not find that unfair?

If you refuse to help your parents, why should they help you?

This analogy was amazing. So true in every respect... :thumbsup:

12-09-2004, 11:44 PM
Originally posted by sexualbanana

So in other words, being able to support yourself.

Lets say you are on your own supporting yourself. Now let's add to that and say you have 2 friends who are living with you, roomates. These 2 friends are unemployed and don't have much else to do besides play a sport, exercise, general recreation in other words. Without a source of income.

You come home from working your ass off. We can even make this a white collar job, so we'll choose say you're a chartered accountant (good $). It's been a long day. You've worked 10 hours today. Been chewed out by your boss. You have a big report due in a few days that's still not done. You get home, you find your house is a mess, and your roomates are on the couch playing Xbox or watching TV. Dirty clothes are all over the place, dirty dishes, dirty toilet, and the grass on your home is getting out of hand.

So on top of your 10 hour day, you also have to do the dishes, do the laundry, clean the toilet and mow the lawn. General maintenance of the house. All the while, you're roomates are just having a good time.

You're making lots of money. You have a high-stress, high demand job. You work a ton. You also consider yourself a good friend, and find yourself unable to kick your roomates to the curb because they're your friends.

Would you not find that unfair?

If you refuse to help your parents, why should they help you?

The reason you're still a measly accountant and not a CFO is because you're too gutless to even get your friends to pull their weight or kick them out. You're clearly a doormaqt for your everyone, friends and coworkers included, which is why your boss is chewing you out and not the dumb fucks at the office.

Parents fault for being doormats, kids will pay in life when they fail in everything they do lol

12-10-2004, 01:40 AM
110% agree with giving your kids a whuping. My mom had 4-5 wooden spoons ready to go if one broke. And dad was right behind with the leather belt. Never had to use just had to take it off and chase me with it... that was more than enough because I knew he would use it.

First and foremost be a parent, when I have children im not taking any shit from them but still be their for them. Respect goes a long way. And after being raised like that I have a great relationship with my parents as an adult.

Be fair, be strict, be fun.

Those parents need to learn how to spank their children. Heck take em over your knee in public, in front of their freinds. Dont even need to be that physical just the embarasement factor should get them. Next time... same thing.

12-10-2004, 01:56 AM
Originally posted by Carfanman

First of all I dont if I for sure would have roomates and If I did I would make sure those werent the roomates Id have. Yow have to know how to look for roomates who fit your criteria.
Second of all, I probably will be working for myself, owning a business and although it wouldnt be easy at first, it woulnt make me as stressed because I would enjoy what I do. So both things you just said wouldnt happen.

It was an analogy. Theoretically speaking.

The moral of the story wasn't choose your roomates carefully.

What I'm trying to address here is: You work hard during the day so you can support yourself and any dependents. Your dependents aren't doing any of the general maintenance of the house while they really have nothing better to do. Is it fair for you to come home from a day at work only to have to do another 3-4 hours of housework while your dependents could have done it instead of doing nothing?

12-10-2004, 12:03 PM
First of all, I dont think hitting your kids is right, and not just because Im still in my parents house, but thats a different disscusion for a different thread. But, even if hitting your kids is right, now the oldest kid is a 17 year old guy and the girl is 12. By that age It's illegal to hit your kids, and even if it wasnt, you wouldnt be physically capable of hitting the guy, unless he wasnt trying to stop you, because at that age he would almost definetly be bigger than his mom and probably bigger than his dad, And definetly able to stop them from hurting him.
And the girl probably could defend herself and even if she couldnt I doubt thier son would just sit still while she was being hit.
I know I can take on both my parents if I wanted to, and I wouldnt let them hit my sister, because I feel its wrong.
BTW my parents dont believe in hitting either, so no sht about me justsaying because I dont have my own kids.

Originally posted by banana

It was an analogy. Theoretically speaking.

The moral of the story wasn't choose your roomates carefully.

What I'm trying to address here is: You work hard during the day so you can support yourself and any dependents. Your dependents aren't doing any of the general maintenance of the house while they really have nothing better to do. Is it fair for you to come home from a day at work only to have to do another 3-4 hours of housework while your dependents could have done it instead of doing nothing?

No, and I never said the parents were in the wrong and the kids were in the right. I was saying that if the paretns decide that they wont do anything to help the kids, then why would the kids bring them the phone. From thier point of view why would they help thier parents if thier parents werent going to help them?

12-10-2004, 03:01 PM
Originally posted by Carfanman
First of all, I dont think hitting your kids is right, and not just because Im still in my parents house, but thats a different disscusion for a different thread. But, even if hitting your kids is right, now the oldest kid is a 17 year old guy and the girl is 12. By that age It's illegal to hit your kids,

It's illegal period.

Originally posted by Carfanman

No, and I never said the parents were in the wrong and the kids were in the right. I was saying that if the paretns decide that they wont do anything to help the kids, then why would the kids bring them the phone. From thier point of view why would they help thier parents if thier parents werent going to help them?

This could probably go back and forth, but I'll reiterate my point because I have nothing better to do for now.

The kids' refusal to help spawned the strike. Therefore, parents don't need to help as a sort of revenge tactic. Now, it may actually start to work because the kids are handing them the phone when people call. Whether they did that already, I'm not sure about. Inconvenient? Absolutely. But so is housework. So they're one step closer to being somewhat responsible

12-10-2004, 03:07 PM
Im not saying they shouldnt!!
Im saying Im suprised they did it from thier point of view
From thier point of view if thier parents are going to refuse to do anything for them, then sureashell wont do anything for thier parents.
At least that would be a normal point of view for an average teenager.

12-10-2004, 03:19 PM
Originally posted by Carfanman
First of all, I dont think hitting your kids is right, and not just because Im still in my parents house, but thats a different disscusion for a different thread.
Pfft... spoiled white kids. I hate how hitting kids are illegal, stupid ass yuppie soccer mom parents screaming child abuse while their kids are out sniffing coke. What a pussy whipped society. It's no wonder that kids don't listen to their parents. No fear. No respect, cuz they don't deserve it.

I got my ass kicked when I was a kid because I was a brat. I'm extremely happy and grateful that my parents did it, it was the fear of the beats that kept me out of a LOT of trouble.

Give those kids in the story a beat down, and I'll bet you they'll be doing the lawn.

12-10-2004, 03:30 PM
Originally posted by Carfanman
Im not saying they shouldnt!!
Im saying Im suprised they did it from thier point of view
From thier point of view if thier parents are going to refuse to do anything for them, then sureashell wont do anything for thier parents.
At least that would be a normal point of view for an average teenager.

I never realized this but I before E except afer C doesn't apply to the world [b]their[b]. At first I thought it was a typo, but seeing as you spelled it that way repeatedly...Maybe you're parents should beat you until u can spell one of the most common 5 letter words correctly:D

weird is also weird...and so is heir...maybe after H too?

12-10-2004, 03:32 PM
OIh, and if the parents wanted to teach the kids a lesson, why not cut them off financially? Let's see, I still have $$ rolling in for food and clothes, without any hassle from parents. Why the hell would I want them to come back?

12-10-2004, 03:34 PM
Originally posted by rage2

Pfft... spoiled white kids. I hate how hitting kids are illegal, stupid ass yuppie soccer mom parents screaming child abuse while their kids are out sniffing coke. What a pussy whipped society. It's no wonder that kids don't listen to their parents. No fear. No respect, cuz they don't deserve it.

I got my ass kicked when I was a kid because I was a brat. I'm extremely happy and grateful that my parents did it, it was the fear of the beats that kept me out of a LOT of trouble.

Give those kids in the story a beat down, and I'll bet you they'll be doing the lawn.

:werd: :werd: :werd: x 100

I also got my ass kicked on several occasions kid when I was being a stubborn brat (sometimes even in the mall washrooms), and I am also incredibly happy that my parents did it too. I could have gotten myself in some serious trouble if it wasnt for the fact that I would get a beating if I didnt get home at my curfew.

I occasionally run into people I went to school with as a kid. In general I have found that the kids that got away with everything are still working at shit jobs and in general have no focus or direction in life.

Must be nice.

12-10-2004, 03:42 PM
Originally posted by Singel
OIh, and if the parents wanted to teach the kids a lesson, why not cut them off financially? Let's see, I still have $$ rolling in for food and clothes, without any hassle from parents. Why the hell would I want them to come back?
That doesn't work. There's very "creative" ways of making money, all thanks to the young offenders act (yet another example of pussy whipped).

12-10-2004, 03:55 PM
hhahaha those parents are stupid!! beat the damn kids. Ground them or something.

12-10-2004, 04:07 PM
Its never too late to put the kids up for adoption :thumbsup:
Stoooopid parents make even worse offspring. Just because they can breed, they think they are entitled to raise children.