View Full Version : bored

12-08-2002, 10:29 PM
hey i am sooo bored..... any one know of any where to go to have some fun???? i know its sunday night but who cares, any ideas...... could use them another time to!:rolleyes:

12-08-2002, 10:30 PM
You could come over to my place!!;)

12-08-2002, 10:33 PM
Originally posted by spyderman
You could come over to my place!!;)
what a pimp!:bigpimp:

12-08-2002, 10:36 PM
Go to Metro for dollar drinks and drink yourself into an abyss! :D

12-08-2002, 10:36 PM
Originally posted by PlayGurlRacer69
hey i am sooo bored..... any one know of any where to go to have some fun???? i know its sunday night but who cares, any ideas...... could use them another time to!:rolleyes:

my bro and cuz just went to Vicious Circle. Not really "fun" per se, but something to do! haha, other than that, I heard that roadhouse is having something tonight. I'd be there but my freaking wisdom teeth still hurt and I also have one final assignment due tomorrow!!! Gotta get started! haha

12-08-2002, 10:37 PM
Originally posted by spyderman
You could come over to my place!!;)

as for you...shouldn't you have an entire crew over playing NHL? hahahahahah:rofl: :rofl:

12-08-2002, 10:37 PM
Originally posted by spyderman
You could come over to my place!!;)

gee..... how did i know something like that was going to come up..... lol

12-08-2002, 10:38 PM
lol so far metro is sounding like the only good thing......

12-08-2002, 10:43 PM
go rent a movie

12-08-2002, 10:46 PM
Originally posted by PlayGurlRacer69

gee..... how did i know something like that was going to come up..... lol

Hey, I'm not a creepy guy, I'm a great guy with an awesome personality. Maybe you would like to go out for coffee sometime?

12-08-2002, 10:47 PM
I can send u episodes of spongebob squarepants! :D

12-08-2002, 10:48 PM
Originally posted by spyderman

Hey, I'm not a creepy guy, I'm a great guy with an awesome personality. Maybe you would like to go out for coffee sometime?

hahah, for some reason, I'm thinking this sounds more like Max Boost rather than Spyderman!!! :rofl:

12-08-2002, 10:48 PM
Originally posted by spyderman

Hey, I'm not a creepy guy, I'm a great guy with an awesome personality. Maybe you would like to go out for coffee sometime?

:confused: :D :rolleyes: :rofl: <---- spyderman

:guns: :guns: :guns: :guns: <--- if it is MB

12-08-2002, 10:49 PM
haha i love spongebob square pants heehee!!! hes soo cute...... awww those happy tree friends things were cute....... thats how bored i was i actually watched some of them....... awwww!

12-08-2002, 10:52 PM
When I'm bored I just play with my balls. Seriously.:thumbsup:

12-08-2002, 10:54 PM
Originally posted by spyderman

Hey, I'm not a creepy guy, I'm a great guy with an awesome personality. Maybe you would like to go out for coffee sometime?

from what i hear shouldn't that be ludelvr saying that??? lol j/k

12-08-2002, 10:56 PM
Actually, I rescind my offer. Don't worry, its not you, its me.

12-08-2002, 10:56 PM
Yeah, that should be leo.

If i were you I'd hit the Gym, I usually go to the Mount Royal one, but if it's late on the weekends I hit up Lindsey park, except i think it closes at 10 on sundays.

Bored and by yourself working out is the thing to do.

12-08-2002, 10:57 PM
I don't know about you guys....but I'm going out for wonton noodles....mmmmm

12-08-2002, 10:57 PM
Actually, I rescind my offer. Don't worry, its not you, its me.


12-08-2002, 10:57 PM
When I am bored I sleep. But right now I am doing retarded c++ programming for a class so gay it makes richard simmons look straight

12-08-2002, 10:58 PM
Btw...what's a good gym to join in Calgary close to downtown and not too expensive.

12-08-2002, 10:58 PM
Originally posted by spyderman
Actually, I rescind my offer. Don't worry, its not you, its me.

MB...we'll talk later. :guns: :devil:

12-08-2002, 10:59 PM
Well, I'm all alone and bored like you. So want to hook up?

12-08-2002, 11:00 PM
Originally posted by Hakkola

If i were you I'd hit the Gym, I usually go to the Mount Royal one, but if it's late on the weekends I hit up Lindsey park, except i think it closes at 10 on sundays.

Bored and by yourself working out is the thing to do.

i probably wouldve gone to work out but i did that yesterday too..... so i dunno not really up for that.....

12-08-2002, 11:02 PM
You really should have called your friends and asked this question instead...
I'm watching Boomtown, Malcolm in the Middle, and Law and Order, then studying for exams...

Yep, I know I'm the most exciting member here.

ReMiXed lude
12-08-2002, 11:03 PM
Originally posted by Hakkola
When I'm bored I just play with my balls. Seriously.:thumbsup:

I wish I could do that Seriously:thumbsup:

12-08-2002, 11:04 PM
I wish you could play with my balls too... :)

12-08-2002, 11:05 PM
I would drive around in my shitty Jimmy and shoot roman candles at stuff

:( I miss High School, there was always something going on.

12-08-2002, 11:06 PM
A good club is that Club fit or fitness plus or whatever it's called on Macleod, I'd go there but i think my ex still goes there, they have a pretty good deal and all new equipment. Other than that I'd say the YMCA by Eau Claire if you want the north part of downtown.

I'd say Lindsey park also because they have b-bball courts and stuff, but it's very humid inside and a bit more expensive, i really hate how humid it is...

Roman candles??

12-08-2002, 11:10 PM
Ya roman candles are fireworks. They shoot like 8-12 (depending on what you buy) coloured fireballs 50 feet in the air.

12-08-2002, 11:25 PM
Originally posted by PlayGurlRacer69
hey i am sooo bored..... any one know of any where to go to have some fun???? i know its sunday night but who cares, any ideas...... could use them another time to!:rolleyes:

Dixons in the south is fun. Too bad it was closed tonight for a staff function. Thats the new regular for me. I used to just chill with the gf and watch tv or movies. Being single blows! :thumbsdow

Dave P
12-08-2002, 11:28 PM
I watched mischief 3000 twice.

go avoiding studying.


12-08-2002, 11:46 PM
sleep....... its ur best friend. its always there when u need it, and u can visit wonderful places

Dirty Sanchez
12-09-2002, 12:05 AM
Eat a can of beans wait ten minutes( time may vary form person to person but for me it's ten minutes)!!!!

Then when you get the urge to let one go ....

Grab a lighter make some Blue Angels!!:thumbsup:
Just don't wear sweat pants or any type of fleece garment.

Talking form experience;)

12-09-2002, 12:06 AM

I didn't write any of that shit. That was the work of CRXguy. The bastard was on my computer while i was playing NHL 2002. :banghead: :banghead:

12-09-2002, 12:08 AM

12-09-2002, 12:10 AM
I'm dringink philipps hot 100 and watching starwars. FUCK FINALS HAHAHAHHAHAHA

12-09-2002, 12:13 AM
hahahaha I don't know, Spyderman.... trying to blame it on CRXguy now eh?!?! :rofl:

GTS Jeff
12-09-2002, 12:22 AM
Originally posted by HokusFokus
I don't know about you guys....but I'm going out for wonton noodles....mmmmm hoyl fock i havent had those in so long!

12-09-2002, 12:39 AM
Originally posted by PlayGurlRacer69

from what i hear shouldn't that be ludelvr saying that??? lol j/k

hahaha, thus my reputation preceeds me!!! :dunno: :dunno: :rofl: :rofl:

Actually, my line is more, I'm ludelvr, want to make out? hahahaha just jokes...at least I think I am!:confused: :confused: :rofl:

Anyway, it's off to perkins for us!!

12-09-2002, 12:41 AM
Nice Shoes, Lets Fuck!

12-09-2002, 12:44 AM
Originally posted by Hakkola
A good club is that Club fit or fitness plus or whatever it's called on Macleod, I'd go there but i think my ex still goes there, they have a pretty good deal and all new equipment. Other than that I'd say the YMCA by Eau Claire if you want the north part of downtown.

I'd say Lindsey park also because they have b-bball courts and stuff, but it's very humid inside and a bit more expensive, i really hate how humid it is...

Roman candles??

Hehe..back from my wontons..

Hehe yah I've been to all three of those....Eau Claire's nice but the Y's expensive and the equipment that they had when I went there were geared towards middle aged people and chicks. Same with club fat. Lindsay Park is awesome for everything, but the humidity wears you out so fast it's nuts. Hehe....

12-09-2002, 12:56 AM
Originally posted by spyderman

I didn't write any of that shit. That was the work of CRXguy. The bastard was on my computer while i was playing NHL 2002. :banghead: :banghead:

Huh? What go on?

I just got up from a nap. I've been at home the whole time.:confused: :dunno:

12-09-2002, 02:56 AM
Originally posted by RSeXy

MB...we'll talk later. :guns: :devil:

I didn't do anything, I am unbeatable at HOckey, thats all I know:thumbsup:


12-09-2002, 03:01 AM
Originally posted by max_boost

I didn't do anything

Typical saying!! :rolleyes: :rofl: :rofl:

12-09-2002, 08:09 PM
Originally posted by max_boost

I didn't do anything, I am unbeatable at HOckey, thats all I know:thumbsup:


STFU. You just got a lucky break. That's all you got, is LUCK! No skillz whatsoever.

"The Jagr Move".... pffft!!!:rofl:

12-09-2002, 08:27 PM
Originally posted by CRXguy

STFU. You just got a lucky break. That's all you got, is LUCK! No skillz whatsoever.

&quot;The Jagr Move&quot;.... pffft!!!:rofl:

Words of a sore loser, you lost to spyderman and I also destroyed spyderman....looks like you have to do some more practicing before you even attempt to dethrone the King:thumbsup: :rofl: