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12-15-2004, 12:40 PM
what are your views on drinking and driving, whats you "limit" before you have to call a cab, i admit ive done this a few times but only after a few beers or if im burning out. :devil:

just wanna know if you think its a super sin no-no or something that should allow minor tolerance

12-15-2004, 12:42 PM
Not to pooh pooh your thread but there was a very extensive discussion on this exact topic a few months back. Be worthwhile digging it up, it was a good one.

12-15-2004, 12:50 PM
minor tolerance. i have 1-2 beers when i have to drive home, and you cant tell me that 3-4 hours later when i leave the bar/party i'm going to be impaired. some people go hardcore and dont drink at all but that's pretty narrow minded. (runs to third underground floor of flame bunker and seals entrance)

12-15-2004, 12:56 PM
Originally posted by B17a
Not to pooh pooh your thread but there was a very extensive discussion on this exact topic a few months back. Be worthwhile digging it up, it was a good one.
yeah just do a search for drinking and driving..this has already been done.

12-15-2004, 06:48 PM
o ok thx

GTS Jeff
12-15-2004, 06:51 PM
i draw the line at 2 slow beers..

once in highschool i drove after 5 beers, but never again. im lucky that nothing happened, but i sure wont be repeating that..

12-17-2004, 12:36 AM
Assume that you drink, drive, get caught, but there is no collision involved.

You spend the evening with the police. You hire a lawyer for big $. You are convicted and fined. More $. You lose your license for a year. Major inconvenience if not loss of job. You probably have to pay penalty points and a license reinstatement fee. Huge total cost!

Have a few drinks. Hotel room for $100 or less, taxi to and from for $100 or less, tow truck home for less than $100, sober up and drive away in the morning. Much cheaper, not to mention no criminal record.

12-17-2004, 12:49 AM
yea most i've done is like couple beers and 4 shots and drove home which takes about 20min.
never ever doing that again :banghead: max for me now is gonna be 1 or 2 beers

12-17-2004, 12:49 AM
Zero tolerance on my part. If I'm driving, I will sample from the wonderful coke selection at bars and pubs.

Lose a friend to an unbelievably STUPID drunk driver and see where your tolerance lies...

12-17-2004, 02:33 AM
I've had a sip of a cooler and driven around :| That's about the worst I've done as far as consumed alcohol and driven.

But having only my G1 in Australia I can't drive with an impaired driver, i.e. me walking down to the center of my district (40 min walk) to haul someone hammered out of the bar and drive them home....I've done that alot. Or driven drunk people to their homes from mine with a sober/unsober person accompanying me.

That would probably be the worst I've done involving alcohol and driving, giving people a lift home so they don't walk when they don't know where they are *sigh*

I've had people close to me involved in alcohol related accidents and that alone didn't scare me into never drinking/driving. The fact that I don't drink often (well.....now-ish..) and when I do drink, I don't drink a few shots or something - I go all out and fast (poor liver :cry: ) What makes me not drink and drive is I can't usually walk straight, I wouldn't dream of driving when I can't even lock my door when leaving the house drunk.....

12-17-2004, 02:46 AM
I know Im gonna get flamed for this, I just know, but im gonna post it anyways. i was stupid my first year out of school, and I have 5 pints then drove about 13 blocks home. Thinking back now its like, WHAT THE FUCK was I thinking, but then, i didnt even think about it. Im so ashamed. :banghead:

12-17-2004, 02:50 AM
Zero tolerance on my part for drinking and driving.

I hate how some people justify it (yes, some people actually do) and crap..and if you're going out to the bar or something, then people could at least plan for someone else to drive them home...and if not, then don't drink that night..one night of not drinking isn't gonna kill them, while the consequences if they do are far greater

I also hate how some people make up excuses for other people "oh, but it's only been 3 beers" type bs, since everyone has different levels of alcohol tolerance...and who knows..did the person even eat? 3 beers on an empty stomach could make all the difference (maybe)

12-17-2004, 04:27 AM
I'm glad people can admit to it and then admit it was wrong, and stand firm on never doing it again. Huge props to you people, what you did was fucking dumb, but it's in the past, you lucked out and didn't kill anyone, and you said you'll never do it again. Win Win.

My limit personally is 2 over an entire evening.

I dont feel drunk after 2, but I've heard of so many people blowing over on such small amounts that I dont risk it.

People react differently to alcohol. .08 to one person is different to another, but .08 is .08 when it comes to the law, body types not in the equation.

Most of the time I'll order a tall Gin and Tonic if I have to be the DD.

That way I dont piss the bar staff off ordering 20 waters or cokes, and they taste so bad they last a long time, haha.

On a side note. I am pretty pissed off that the bars in calgary dont have a DD policy like a lot of other cities.

Screw paying 3 bucks for a coke, when you're the DD. why not promote getting home safe by rewarding the DD instead of totally raining on their entire evening.

12-17-2004, 04:59 AM
It's such a grey area, where do you draw the line? If someone has a couple beers with their meal in a one hour span and drives home, which is common, do you condemn them? They most likely aren't drunk, they seem perfectly fine, is that cool? :dunno:

Mind you I've never served beer to someone who is intoxicated before, it's quite obvious and I'm not stupid.

How much responsibility do you place on the establishments? Let's forget about the extreme cases, guy is drunk and you continue serving him, well duh. But some of you guys are saying 2 drinks for the night. Not sure if it's my place to say anything, ultimately I think you just have to take responsibility for your actions, I know I can't babysit everyone. :D

12-17-2004, 10:02 AM
Originally posted by Ben
On a side note. I am pretty pissed off that the bars in calgary dont have a DD policy like a lot of other cities.

Screw paying 3 bucks for a coke, when you're the DD. why not promote getting home safe by rewarding the DD instead of totally raining on their entire evening.
Actually some bars in the city do that program and some have variations of it...we were at spin a while back and I got a coke for 2$ and the refills were free. So I dunno, it wasn't bad. I used to get free coke at the palace as well and Coyotes once in a while...I think it depends on who your bartender is

12-17-2004, 10:41 AM
I limit it to 2 for the evening, but that's pretty rare. I normally drink to get drunk (and then don't drive), otherwise I have no problem drinking pop. There's been a few times where I had 4 or 5 and felt fine (huge meal, over a period of time) but I know that your blood level can still be way over even if you feel ok so I still didn't touch the keys.

One thing to remember is you can never go by whether you "feel fine" or not. You keep getting drunker even an hour after you stop drinking.


12-17-2004, 12:36 PM
usually a pint at the beginning of the evening, then water from then-on-in.

but since my car's under the knife, i've not been driving that much. i did once drive a friend's car home after he had been drinking, and crashed at his place for the night; he's insured with saskatchewan plates under his dad's name, so i have no idea about the ramifications insurance wise.

in that case it was agreed that i'd step in as the DD, using his car.

i'm usually pretty cautious about it.

12-17-2004, 01:10 PM
Originally posted by Melinda

Actually some bars in the city do that program and some have variations of it...we were at spin a while back and I got a coke for 2$ and the refills were free. So I dunno, it wasn't bad. I used to get free coke at the palace as well and Coyotes once in a while...I think it depends on who your bartender is

*you're a girl* ;)

Guys get no help, and there is no formal program like other cities.

Yet another reason why I hate clubin, and bars in general.

12-17-2004, 01:18 PM
I'm not a big drinker, I want to go hang out with my friends at a pub or something but the waiters/tresses treat me like a leper.

I'll order a coke or a water or something and hell would have to freeze over for me to get a refill. I know I'm not really paying much but If all my friends die because of an accident than they wont be getting their business.

12-17-2004, 02:26 PM
Once in a while I'll drive to a bar with the intention of not drinking but then get on a runaway. I always hate leaving my car downtown or in bar parking lots because it might get broken into.

So I've used "The Driving Alternative" and "Keys Please", the guys who drive you home in your own car. You can even sit right next to them so you can make sure they're not bagging your clutch or anything. And there's an extra vehicle to pick up the driver from your house, so if you have a couple friends who wouldn't fit in your car, they can ride to your place in the extra vehicle.

As I recall, the price was quite reasonable, not double the cost of a cab ride home. And then you don't have to bug a friend on hang-over day to drive you back to your car or worry about your baby all night.

I think it's a really good idea all around. I have the telephone number for "Keys Please" programmed into my cel phone.

(No I'm not affiliated with any of the companies mentioned.)