View Full Version : a question for the computer guys

12-10-2002, 02:44 PM
i was wondering if any of you guys have heard of graphics cards overheating?

i think that's my problem, the thing crashes my comp and it get's searing hot.

GTS Jeff
12-10-2002, 02:48 PM
yep it happens. when does happen, u might notice your graphics getting weird, like video artifacts, or maybe a weird screen appearing.

this usually happens when ure card is being taxed, like a really graphics intensive game or if its being overclocked....your vid cards fan might not be revving fast enuff or the heatsink might not be properly attached.

what kinda card do u have and how old is it? u might be able to send it back to the manufacturer as a defect.

12-10-2002, 02:52 PM
yea i'm thinking it's defective, it's brand new radeon 9700. well the graphics don't get weird. it just completely crashes my system.

happens when i play CS for about 10-15 mins

12-10-2002, 02:53 PM
Ive had it happen once or twice ...I just added a couple more fans for Extra ventilation and it solved the problem

GTS Jeff
12-10-2002, 03:04 PM
Originally posted by crxboi
yea i'm thinking it's defective, it's brand new radeon 9700. well the graphics don't get weird. it just completely crashes my system.

happens when i play CS for about 10-15 mins yea definitely get in touch with ati and get them to send u a replacement. dont bother spending more money on your own to put in fans and stuff

12-10-2002, 03:07 PM
Originally posted by Jeff TYPE R
yea definitely get in touch with ati and get them to send u a replacement. dont bother spending more money on your own to put in fans and stuff

yeah i agree
might not be the card though, could be anything putting out heat, or the added heat put out by the card is too much for the cpu to handle now and it needs more cooling

cooling is a pain in the ass.

12-10-2002, 03:10 PM
Time to water cool :D

12-10-2002, 03:10 PM
I had a ATI Allinwonder card and I overheated it so much some of the solderings gave way.

I have since invested in a 128DDR Titanium Jobbie with a huge fan, works great

GTS Jeff
12-10-2002, 03:16 PM
Originally posted by bol

yeah i agree
might not be the card though, could be anything putting out heat, or the added heat put out by the card is too much for the cpu to handle now and it needs more cooling

cooling is a pain in the ass. thats also true...

so i guess u can try running your computer with the case open

12-10-2002, 03:18 PM
yea i think i'll give them a call after my exam. i'm pretty sure it's the graphics card because everything else is cool, the CPU temp is around 40 degrees which is ok from what i've read. it's the damn graphics card that's really hot, i swear u can cook on the card itself.. it's not even just the chip.

GTS Jeff
12-10-2002, 03:27 PM
Originally posted by crxboi
yea i think i'll give them a call after my exam. i'm pretty sure it's the graphics card because everything else is cool, the CPU temp is around 40 degrees which is ok from what i've read. it's the damn graphics card that's really hot, i swear u can cook on the card itself.. it's not even just the chip. yea 40 degrees for the cpu is really good...my old p3 ran at around 45 and my athlon runs at around 55. and if its not the chip on the vid card it could also be stuff like hte ram on the card.

i JUST remembered what the return thing is called - RMA.

Return Manufacturer Authorization

take your card back to wherever u gotz it...or just give it to me. 9700s are PHAT

12-10-2002, 04:43 PM
Hmm, my CPU runs at 56C with the case open... :banghead:

12-10-2002, 04:47 PM
The 9700 runs really warm as ATI has squeezed every little bit of performance out of it. The problem is probably because your case lacks adequate cooling resulting in the vid card getting too hot, and as a result crashing your system. You probably didn't have a problem before because you didn't have a video card that ran that hot/at the edge.

*OR* it could be that the card is defective, kinda unlikely...