View Full Version : companies that piss you off.

12-22-2004, 12:55 PM
Okay so on another board I was reading of how different companies piss you off.

So tell a story and try to be intelligent about it and give reasons.

I'll start.

The company that makes me want to climb a bell tower is Whirlpool.

Them ass ripping knuckle draggin freaks have taken 3 weeks now to tell me that the part to fix my oven is still 3 weeks away. Had a tech come out on the 9th and look at the stove, finally today the part was ordered, going to take 3 weeks to come in.

This really sucks simply because now christmas dinner and new years dinner will have to be cooked at another house and brought to mine for the party. Those fuckwits have taken they're sweet time and now I get the old, well it's the best we can do.


I hope you bastards rot in hell with Bill the bastard Gates and King Ralph.

12-22-2004, 01:04 PM
I hate Impark. :dunno:

12-22-2004, 01:07 PM
I don't like pepsi... Macs switched all their slurpee's to pepsi and the coke ones were so much better.. Except for Dr. Pepper.
Boo, down with pepsi. :thumbsdow

12-22-2004, 01:24 PM
I hate Telus. nuff said

12-22-2004, 01:40 PM

12-22-2004, 01:49 PM
bell satellite... I can shit better service.

12-22-2004, 02:20 PM
Air Canada! I wish the damn thing would have gone under!

12-22-2004, 02:23 PM
Originally posted by DUBBED
I hate Impark. :dunno:

That's the only company I truly hate. They use to handle the parkade in my building, but my building fired them and Ideal now handles our parking (much better company!! :thumbsup: ).

Anyways, about a month after Ideal took over I decide to go to the impark office to return their key and their parking tag so I can get my deposit back. The lady there informs me I had to do this within 3 days in order to get my deposit back. I'm like, I didn't decide to stop using your services, your company's contract was cancelled by the building I live in, I'm just here to return your property - in good condition I might add, and I would like my deposit back. She was "un-co-operative".

So I'm like fine, if you're not giving me my money back, give me the keys and the tag back. All of a sudden she's all defensive - "What are you going to do with those?" I'm like
"That is none of your business because until I get my deposit back, those are in my care to do with as I please. "
"You can't sell those, whoever uses them will have their car towed."
"Thats not your concern. Your concern is getting your property back, mine is getting my $50 back in whatever way possible."

Finally she rolls her eyes and says fine, I'll refund your deposit, you'll have it in the mail by cheque next week. After grabbing a receipt confirming what she said I was on my way and sure enough my money did show up. If I hadn't have fought it though, they would have saw fit to keep my money after I returned their property. I hate scumbag companies like that.

12-22-2004, 02:27 PM
Electronic Arts ... N(EA)FL
Bell ExpressVu (don't know about the other services)

12-22-2004, 02:28 PM
Oooh here's my list...

Dollar Stores
SAIT Parking Services
U of C... (not really a company... but they take money)
Shaw Cable
A&B Sound
Rogers Video
Old Navy
Krispy Kreme

Im sure theres more... Let me think. Those are just on the top of my list right now.

12-22-2004, 02:32 PM
A & B sound. fuckers:guns:

12-22-2004, 02:38 PM
Originally posted by FastDak318
Oooh here's my list...

Dollar Stores
SAIT Parking Services
U of C... (not really a company... but they take money)
Shaw Cable
A&B Sound
Rogers Video
Old Navy
Krispy Kreme

Im sure theres more... Let me think. Those are just on the top of my list right now.

I'm with you plus these:

American Eagle
State Farm
MuchMusic (City TV)

I'll get the rest after I go shopping tonight.

12-22-2004, 03:21 PM
Future Shop

12-22-2004, 03:24 PM
Bell mobility, idiots...

The Source (skateshop, that is ;) ) owners are dicks!!

12-22-2004, 03:38 PM
Bell mobility., Soundsaround

12-22-2004, 03:53 PM
Canadian Tire. Their products are shit, their service sucks, and their employees are complete morons. I still get my oil there, but I hate the place and I have for as long as I can remember.

12-22-2004, 05:42 PM
SoundsAround - poor prices, dimwit money grubbing fucktards that work there
UofC bookstore : prices that are unfair
Old Navy
The Gap
Any place that sells von dutch
UPS - no need to even comment on these theiving bastards
Mongolie Grille : i'm boycotting them :rofl:
HMV : rediculous prices.

12-22-2004, 08:48 PM

We made the mistake of using one of their "free" internet packages :banghead:

Dave P
12-22-2004, 08:49 PM
Bank of Montreal
Meloche Monnex
Master Card
A&B Sound
any stadium and there over priced heroin beer
24 hour restaurants, mainly dennys
Board Walk Management

12-22-2004, 09:09 PM
FastDak318 what do you have against the dollar store :rofl:

12-22-2004, 09:53 PM
Originally posted by frostyda9
FastDak318 what do you have against the dollar store :rofl:

Either the reasonable prices or the made in China quality? :dunno: :tongue:

12-22-2004, 10:29 PM
Every company but Ferrari:confused: :rolleyes:

12-22-2004, 10:40 PM
Originally posted by googe

:werd: I think plenty of us can speak for this POS of a company

12-22-2004, 10:44 PM
It's a great company here, especially if you aren't trying to ship over our border.

12-22-2004, 10:57 PM
Originally posted by Neil4Speed

:werd: I think plenty of us can speak for this POS of a company

Two words: brokerage fees

12-22-2004, 11:02 PM
Originally posted by frostyda9
FastDak318 what do you have against the dollar store :rofl:
The shitty ass quality of everything lol
Sure its only a dollar, but its shit!

12-22-2004, 11:27 PM
Dollar stores rock, a bunch of stuff is crap but what do you expect, it's a dollar. Lots of good deals, you can go and get tons of candy/soda for party etc. Some cool stuff there, especially for students.:thumbsup:

12-22-2004, 11:39 PM
Holt Renfrew:thumbsdow

12-23-2004, 12:19 AM
Rona - Filled with usless and incompetent staff. Don't even get me started. :banghead: :banghead:

12-23-2004, 01:22 AM
Rona is the worst fagget store ever...I never go there...needed to rent a drywall lifter and I asked them if they have a tool rental section...the fagget behind the counter holds up a hammer and jokes "this is all I got to rent dood" and then he says the funniest shit I've ever heard "just go to Home Depot and rent one" :rofl: :rofl:

Canadian tire is also a shit store which I've chosen to boycott.....but I still end up going there because they always have good shit on sale :D I hate the store...yet I can't live without one...now thats when you know you're crazy. Just don't buy anything that you might have to return and you're fine.

12-23-2004, 01:36 AM
I've tried to think of companies and off the top of my head, I could only come up with a few:

- Ford
- Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Von Dutch, and any other company that sees fit to make a 20$ purse, 5$ shirt, 20$ pair of pants or any other article of "status" and mark it up 2000% cause it seems they aren't making enough money as is. Then it turns the majority of the people who buy them into namebrand suckers who walk around acting better than everyone that doesnt have one, or who actually pay the 30$ they're worth and get a knockoff, because they see them as "beneath" them.
- SCN, can't say my reasons but they are there none the less.

That's them for now, I'll post more if I remember them.

12-23-2004, 02:08 AM
The one and only true hate...

Canada Revenue and Customs agency

and their commie counterpart....UPS!

12-23-2004, 02:08 AM
Originally posted by turbo'dGSR
Bell mobility, idiots...

The Source (skateshop, that is ;) ) owners are dicks!!

What do you have against the owners of The Source?

12-23-2004, 03:38 AM
The Brick and Telus: Most annoying commericals ever

12-23-2004, 04:09 AM

More will come to mind as I go about my daily life.

Funny Story:

I was enjoying Wings at Limericks with a co-work back in the Summer, and two promotions guys came to our table from Big Rock.

They asked us where we worked, and befor my buddy could answer, I said "The most hated company in Western Canada".

The answer, without hesitation that hegave us, was "Telus?"

Hahaha, we had a good laugh over that one, and then an evan larger one when I told him he was right.



In TELUS's defence, most of the public hatred comes from things that are beyond TELUS's controls, and most often are regulated by the CRTC, which ties TELUS hands behind their back. However, though public ignorance, it appears to be TELUS's fault and TELUS's idea Regardless, having seen the way this company operates as an employee, it definatly remains on my list.

12-23-2004, 04:15 AM

12-23-2004, 04:16 AM
Originally posted by koopkoop2

What do you have against the owners of The Source?

They are horrible businessmen whom dont deserve what they got! end of story.

12-23-2004, 05:05 AM
i think canada post retarded... they make u write on a package stating whats inside.. well this didnt work very well for sending christmas gifts to family because now they now what they fucking got without opening it

12-23-2004, 05:33 AM
Originally posted by dankish1
i think canada post retarded... they make u write on a package stating whats inside.. well this didnt work very well for sending christmas gifts to family because now they now what they fucking got without opening it
Why didn't you lie? It's not like they can make you tell the truth. If they do ship it with a different company.

12-23-2004, 05:52 AM
Originally posted by Skylinelover

lol, why?

my list:
-UC bookstore

12-23-2004, 06:38 AM
UC parking (is it impark?)

12-23-2004, 08:19 AM
Instabank machines because they only give out 20's!!!!

12-23-2004, 08:42 AM
Any chartered bank

12-23-2004, 09:16 AM
Woolworths Australia ... for the love of god you have a lineup from the door to the frozen foods section and only 3 people working till..out of 28. Fuck sakes.

Future Shop " Yeah this video card will play games awesomely.. it's the most up-to-date you can get, and it's a good brand! "...... The vid card in question - nVidia MX440, 32mb ... I look beside him and theres an nVidia TI g4...


Staples...NO service AT ALL..

Compaq - enough said.

I can't continue till I as well go shopping :X....

12-23-2004, 09:18 AM
Walmart and UPS pretty much sums it up for me at the moment.

Too bad we can't consider the government of Canada a company.

12-23-2004, 10:10 AM
PDL Mobility

Used to hate but not really anymore:

Telus, Shaw, Electronic Arts.


12-23-2004, 12:34 PM
Originally posted by Skyline_Addict
UC parking (is it impark?)

Are you talking about the University parking? its run by the U of C. Why do you hate them if thats the case? Just because you have to pay to park? :rofl:

12-23-2004, 10:40 PM

12-23-2004, 10:43 PM
calgary parking authority

12-23-2004, 10:52 PM
Originally posted by Khyron
PDL Mobility

Used to hate but not really anymore:

Telus, Shaw, Electronic Arts.


why do u hate pdl?

i hate rogers

Ed the SOHC
12-23-2004, 10:58 PM
I have an absolute hatred of Telus.

I will NEVER use their service for anything again!

12-23-2004, 11:09 PM
Originally posted by CuteAsianAngel
why do u hate pdl?

Corp account with dozens of cell phones. They fucked up and stopped sending invoices. So eventually they called to say "Pay or we turn your shit off". Ok, send us the bills then. A bunch show up, we pay. They phone a few days later "Pay or we turn your shit off" - ?? we paid, no this is a few more invoices. They send those, repeat. I think they've sent 3 batches and they are still harassing us.

Even all that wouldn't put them on the hate list, except that their staff are rude and condescending about it - like it's our fault.

Impark made me mad because I needed to park for 2 hours (from 5-7) but their fucking machine had all 4 options saying "xx-6pm". The machine doesn't flip over to night rates till right at 6 (I guess), and as if I'm waiting. Sure enough, get a ticket at like 6:15.


12-23-2004, 11:13 PM
Originally posted by Khyron

Corp account with dozens of cell phones. They fucked up and stopped sending invoices. So eventually they called to say "Pay or we turn your shit off". Ok, send us the bills then. A bunch show up, we pay. They phone a few days later "Pay or we turn your shit off" - ?? we paid, no this is a few more invoices. They send those, repeat. I think they've sent 3 batches and they are still harassing us.

Even all that wouldn't put them on the hate list, except that their staff are rude and condescending about it - like it's our fault.


really?? PDL doesn't deal with cell phone bills unless they were company accounts on which the initial cell phones were purchased. By that I mean that PDL only charges for the price of the phone. Any bills after that come from Telus. Mark Griffith has the best customer service I've ever seen and I continue to see referrals for him. He's in the corp side of PDL.
If people are harassing you for the bill it's usuallys straight from telus.

12-23-2004, 11:55 PM
-shaw cable
-almost every auto wrecker in calgary....they don't know crap and they charge more for a part is scratched and rusted to hell or has like 250,000 kms on it than if i bought a rebuilt or aftermarket part new:whipped:

12-24-2004, 06:14 AM
Originally posted by Seanith

Are you talking about the University parking? its run by the U of C. Why do you hate them if thats the case? Just because you have to pay to park? :rofl:

because they're facists.

Canadian 2.5RS
12-24-2004, 03:31 PM
telus because they tried to stick me with a $600 bill for calling Sao Paulo (some country that tries to scam people) when I was on vacation out of the province. When I tried to remedy the problem they gave me the run around for months trying to tell me that my cpu made the call eventhough it was turned off and not connected to a phone line ever!

It ended up taking me 6 months and a whole lot of effort for them to admit their mistake. And for that I will never be a telus customer. and every time they call me and ask me why, I give them the same story i just gave you (except im usually a little more graphic and angry when i talk to them.)

To telus: A BIG MERRY FUCK YOU!!!:guns:

12-24-2004, 04:13 PM
Dodge.. god does every car they make resemble a piece of larvae infested donkey shit

12-24-2004, 05:52 PM
SAIT Parking Services

YES~!... they are the worst parking services ever... Impark because they are just stupid and think they can ticket everyone, and SAIT parking charges retarded amounts for lots that are never never even close to full.

And wow, everyone hates Telus... well I do too... My dad works for telus, and their customer service still sucks, our internet never works, and we've had the DSL since it was on trial, and they never listen to me about shit with my cell phone because the services never work. :banghead:

Liberty insurance!... Had to deal with them after my accident, worst people to deal with ever, and to think they are under the same main name is my own insurance, which wasn't much help either.

01-03-2005, 03:01 PM
future shot
international stereo
eb games
mc donalds
the bay
honda toy auto wreckers
royal bank
steepllle jack <scabs
and soon honda if they dont stop being a bunch of tree hugers

01-03-2005, 04:44 PM



Well anyone whos deal with them knows the deal with those fuckers!

01-03-2005, 07:14 PM
Future Shop
Fountain Tire (specifically Goodyear)

01-03-2005, 07:18 PM
You guys say you hate all these companies but can one of you tell me if we can live without any of these companies and their regulations. You should not be yelling at people who work for companies as they are following company regulations.

In defense of big companies I work at one of the biggest companies in the west and all I hear is complaints from customers who have been mislead by the media to hate us. People think before you speak as there are people who have jobs thanks to those companies all of you hate so much!!!!!!

01-03-2005, 07:28 PM
Impark, any bank that restricts access to my money (currently TD), Amicus mortgages (cause they put me through hell to buy my house), Telus (they screwed me hardcore saying ADSL wasn't available in tuscany, then spent 1 1/2 months figuring it out...), Uhaul, Petland

01-03-2005, 07:43 PM
-Rogers Wireless
-Dominion Insurance
-Future Shop
-Greater Gardens (Holy fuck are their employees dumb and lazy, good god) :banghead:

01-03-2005, 09:09 PM
to add on, any tire shop that repairs tires, mother fuckers wont let me make appointments for the next day

01-03-2005, 09:56 PM
1. Future Shop because their salesman lie to peoples faces.
2. Telus only because when I call somebody, I want to talk TO REAL PEOPLE. Anybody else absolutely go crazy when you just have a simple question and it takes you about 45 minutes searching through automated voice answering services just to find out?

01-03-2005, 10:30 PM
Impark: Ticket expires 12:40pm, ticket written up for 12:42. Give the guy 1 minute to punch in the info of the vehicle etc. So that means he was waiting for 12:41 to hit to write up the ticket. Unbelievable!

UPS: Bogus brokerage fees!

Soundsaround: Buy extended warranty and they don't warranty a blown sub installed by their guy? :rofl:

Ed the SOHC
01-03-2005, 10:57 PM
Originally posted by Ethanets
You guys say you hate all these companies but can one of you tell me if we can live without any of these companies and their regulations. You should not be yelling at people who work for companies as they are following company regulations.


Yes, I can tell you that I can (and am) living Telus free. It's easy,
don't use their internet (Shaw/Cybersurf), don't use their cell phone (Bell/Roger's/Fido), don't use their home phone (Primus, soon to be Shaw). Telus has screwed me over on my cell phone, my home phone, and my internet. 3 strikes and you're out rule... I gave them multiple chances and now the can go out of business for all I care.

:guns: Telus


01-03-2005, 11:10 PM
Originally posted by dankish1
i think canada post retarded... they make u write on a package stating whats inside.. well this didnt work very well for sending christmas gifts to family because now they now what they fucking got without opening it
Were you sending to the US? those are standard custom papers declaring what they are importing, every shipping company need to do those for packages destined out of Canada. But yes they are a shit company. I was sending packages out via Small Packet or something like that it says on their website that they have insurance included upto 100. Go there tell me no there is no insurance included and to ship it with insurance i have to send it regular parcel at the least. Phone them, they tell me that there is insurance, go back down there and they phone the "retail line" and they say there is no insurance. Finally phone the customer service line and let them speak to them, wasted 2 hours. I guess they don't like to inform their "representatives" their updated policies... something that happened 4 months ago!

Sport Chek - This is by far one of the shittiest places to work, all the managers are complete jack asses and you make jack. 5.90/hour or 5% commission on all you sell at least $119/hour to make more than minimum wage, on a slow day like monday nights or tuesdays its tough. Tons of other stuff but I can't divulge ;)

01-04-2005, 12:01 AM
I fuckend hate all co-ops.. i worked there and ALL of the cashiers seem to have nursing degrees, and there all fucken dumb blah blah blah!@!!!!! argh!!!!!!!! fucken lifers.. The most the cashiers can make is like not even 15 bucks an hour.. some people working there for like 20 years.. BRUTAL:guns:

01-04-2005, 12:12 AM
it still baffles me that people hate a specific brand of car such as dodge, ford, honda, etc.

all brands have their strong points and weak points

01-04-2005, 12:16 AM
Wal Mart and Toys R Us for their cocky sunovabitch employees.
Rogers, I fucking HATE Rogers because of their dumbshit attitude warped customer service reps over the phone.
CanadaPost for having one of the highest shipping rates domestic and especially international. Even with my VentureOne card I still feel like I'm being shafted.

01-04-2005, 02:16 AM
Honda - With the exception for their dirtbikes and quads, pretty much the only thing they are good for is reliability.

Saturn - Why do you think.
Hyundai - Why do you think.

01-04-2005, 03:26 AM
Originally posted by turbo'dGSR

They are horrible businessmen whom dont deserve what they got! end of story.

Mark or Dave?

01-05-2005, 10:44 AM
I dislike: Burton, Nike, Microsoft, Roger's, Ski companies.

01-05-2005, 11:01 AM
Originally posted by gorillam
Honda - With the exception for their dirtbikes and quads, pretty much the only thing they are good for is reliability.

and what exactly is wrong with reliability

01-05-2005, 11:14 AM
Originally posted by TurboMedic
any bank that restricts access to my money (currently TD)

TD doesnt restrict access to my money at all. I can take money from a cheque immediately after I deposit it into an ATM. Perhaps you should work on improving your credit rating istead of just blaming the bank.

01-05-2005, 11:16 AM
Originally posted by blueripper6
I fuckend hate all co-ops.. i worked there and ALL of the cashiers seem to have nursing degrees

How is that the fault of CO-OP?

01-05-2005, 11:17 AM
Originally posted by Newk

and what exactly is wrong with reliability

Nothings wrong with reliability but noone likes rusty ass cars.

01-05-2005, 02:38 PM
-Ford (Advantage dealership)
-Kam Han (avenida)

:guns: :thumbsdow

01-05-2005, 02:59 PM
Originally posted by sputnik

How is that the fault of CO-OP?

Most of the cashiers are managers, OR part managers, meaning they decide who works when, what job they work, what happens and the cashiers pretty much rule the store.. haha, I just hate the whole enviroment, the one I worked at in beddington is brutal, the doors dont work(you gotta smash 'em with the carts for them to open) its dark in there, its always dirty, they wont hire daytime janitors, 80% of the carts are broken, and they dont have troffs on the glass roof then so when it rains u always get a huge dump of rain or whatever on you walk by it, the parking lot is even worse, there are so many pot holes and ruts that you either sprain your ankle or drop someones groceries off the cart. And last christmas, when it was -20 they wouldnt even provide a toque for me, I had ordered one when I started working there, but they "forgot" to order it, I tried to bring one from home but I didnt have a black one with out any brands on it so they wouldnt let me wear it, so I told them I wasn't going to go outside without a toque.

Dont even get me started about the administrations, it took over 1 and a half months for me to get money that they owed me. I tried to down it all and come to work with a smile, but its hard when they would bring me into the office make me wait and then yell at me for wasting company time( instead of taking out groceries I would be cleaning up carts and general stuff around the store) but i was always sure everyone was helped when I was doing these things. The cashiers would yell at me for this too, one time I came out of the head office after talking to one of the managers and 3 cashiers were talking together and they said

"hope they talked to you about your problem" I was like wtf, they told the managers I would stand around and do jack shit, but when I came out there was people waiting on tills with no cashiers, and services clerks standing there waiting for the cashiers to ring food though..

good enough?

01-05-2005, 03:17 PM

(Ie Dealerships!)

01-05-2005, 03:17 PM
Originally posted by CuteAsianAngel
really?? PDL doesn't deal with cell phone bills unless they were company accounts on which the initial cell phones were purchased. By that I mean that PDL only charges for the price of the phone. Any bills after that come from Telus. Mark Griffith has the best customer service I've ever seen and I continue to see referrals for him. He's in the corp side of PDL.
If people are harassing you for the bill it's usuallys straight from telus.

I guess all these invoices are for hardware (chargers, number switching etc) - and the fuckers even have an automated calling thing bitching at us, even though we just got the latest batch of invoices a few days ago. The sales/tech guys at PDL are top notch but I wouldn't toss their accounting dept a rope if they were trapped in a pit of tigers.


01-05-2005, 05:32 PM
I can tell you of one: Dominos Pizza! I work for them, and they are the shittiest run, inm terms of food service. they pay their people shit, and basically run on the philosophy that ' we need to save money to make money!' which totally doesn't work. They are losing money left and right, due to archaic policies, and everything they touch goes down the drain. remember grabbajabba? dominos parent company, comac food gropu, owned them. anyways, don't order from them!!!

01-05-2005, 07:12 PM
Originally posted by mazda_maniac

Nothings wrong with reliability but noone likes rusty ass cars.

WTF are you talking about?

01-05-2005, 08:20 PM
Originally posted by gorillam
Honda - With the exception for their dirtbikes and quads, pretty much the only thing they are good for is reliability.

Saturn - Why do you think.
Hyundai - Why do you think.

Originally posted by Newk
and what exactly is wrong with reliability

And in terms of that I said nothing is wrong with reliability jsut noone likes rusty ass cars, as in Honda factory paint, and body parts are prone to chipping, rust, and every other ageing problem but in such a way that it is much more premature than other car manufacturers.

I've seen it lots yes I know you probably own a Honda and whoop dee doo thats up to you, and what you like is too. One to his own.

01-05-2005, 08:47 PM
Originally posted by koopkoop2

Mark or Dave?

hmm been a while. Dave's an asshole. mark drives the porsche, correct?

01-06-2005, 01:02 PM
Everyone hates the Cell phone companies LOL so weird.

On my list is Rogers and Telus

01-06-2005, 10:17 PM
Originally posted by blueripper6

Most of the cashiers are managers, OR part managers, meaning they decide who works when, what job they work, what happens and the cashiers pretty much rule the store.. haha, I just hate the whole enviroment, the one I worked at in beddington is brutal, the doors dont work(you gotta smash 'em with the carts for them to open) its dark in there, its always dirty, they wont hire daytime janitors, 80% of the carts are broken, and they dont have troffs on the glass roof then so when it rains u always get a huge dump of rain or whatever on you walk by it, the parking lot is even worse, there are so many pot holes and ruts that you either sprain your ankle or drop someones groceries off the cart. And last christmas, when it was -20 they wouldnt even provide a toque for me, I had ordered one when I started working there, but they &quot;forgot&quot; to order it, I tried to bring one from home but I didnt have a black one with out any brands on it so they wouldnt let me wear it, so I told them I wasn't going to go outside without a toque.

Dont even get me started about the administrations, it took over 1 and a half months for me to get money that they owed me. I tried to down it all and come to work with a smile, but its hard when they would bring me into the office make me wait and then yell at me for wasting company time( instead of taking out groceries I would be cleaning up carts and general stuff around the store) but i was always sure everyone was helped when I was doing these things. The cashiers would yell at me for this too, one time I came out of the head office after talking to one of the managers and 3 cashiers were talking together and they said

&quot;hope they talked to you about your problem&quot; I was like wtf, they told the managers I would stand around and do jack shit, but when I came out there was people waiting on tills with no cashiers, and services clerks standing there waiting for the cashiers to ring food though..

good enough?

Co-op is a gay company a BIG fuck you goes out to them. I worked there for 8 months last year, then when I quit I magically got a letter from the assistant manager saying im fired. I didn't get enough bitching at him.

Second a Bigger fuck you goes out to Superstore. What store doesn't let their employees grow a fuckin goatee (no i dont work in foods). And manager who have their asses to wide from taking it from each other.

Another fuck you goes out to Blasking & Lane on Macleod by Chinook, Trio Motors in Franklin, All of Calgary Transit. Im sure I got more on my list!
