View Full Version : tranny related squeak

12-31-2004, 02:07 AM
Hey guys, I am kinda embarrased asking this question cause I am sure that the possible solution may be super simple but here it goes.

On occasion, though fairly frequently, after i have started my car, and it has had a chance to warm up a bit (not just in the last few cold days, but also when it was a bit warmer) I notice a rotational squeak coming from the passenger side of the car, rather loud at times and quieter at others. I wasn't sure for the longest time where it was coming from, then i figured out that as soon as i push in the clutch, the squeak goes away, all the time.

for info my car is a 2001 accord, 4cyl manual. this car does not have a pilot bearing according to the dealer and that is the only thing that i could think of.

12-31-2004, 04:06 AM
sounds like a throw out bearing to me. as far as i know, all manuals have em, but i dont know dick about hondas, but my mustangs have made that sound before, and its always the throw out bearing.

12-31-2004, 12:58 PM
do you dumpo the clutch alot or shift hard? if you do that is what it probebly is as ice man said.

01-01-2005, 04:10 PM
brand new clutch and brand new pressure plate. could be a faulty throw out bearing i guess, but i never thought of that because i replaced that with all the other stuff. and no, I know how to drive my car. I don't feel the need to drive fast anymore, kinda grew out of that about a year or so ago.